module Elasticsearch module API module Actions # Update a document without sending the whole document in the request ("partial update"). # # Send either a partial document (`doc` ) which will be deeply merged into an existing document, # or a `script`, which will update the document content, in the `:body` argument. # # The partial update operation allows you to limit the amount of data you send over the wire and # reduces the chance of failed updates due to conflict. # # Specify the `:version` and `:retry_on_conflict` arguments to balance convenience and consistency. # # @example Update document _title_ using partial `doc`-ument # # client.update index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', # body: { doc: { title: 'Updated' } } # # @example Add a tag to document `tags` property using a `script` # # client.update index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', # body: { script: 'ctx._source.tags += tag', params: { tag: 'x' } } # # @example Increment a document counter by 1 _or_ initialize it, when the document does not exist # # client.update index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '666', # body: { script: 'ctx._source.counter += 1', upsert: { counter: 1 } } # # @example Delete a document if it's tagged "to-delete" # # client.update index: 'myindex', type: 'mytype', id: '1', # body: { script: 'ctx._source.tags.contains(tag) ? ctx.op = "delete" : ctx.op = "none"', # params: { tag: 'to-delete' } } # # @option arguments [String] :id Document ID (*Required*) # @option arguments [Number,List] :ignore The list of HTTP errors to ignore; only `404` supported at the moment # @option arguments [String] :index The name of the index (*Required*) # @option arguments [String] :type The type of the document (*Required*) # @option arguments [Hash] :body The request definition using either `script` or partial `doc` (*Required*) # @option arguments [String] :consistency Explicit write consistency setting for the operation # (options: one, quorum, all) # @option arguments [List] :fields A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response # @option arguments [String] :lang The script language (default: mvel) # @option arguments [String] :parent ID of the parent document # @option arguments [String] :percolate Perform percolation during the operation; # use specific registered query name, attribute, or wildcard # @option arguments [Boolean] :refresh Refresh the index after performing the operation # @option arguments [String] :replication Specific replication type (options: sync, async) # @option arguments [Number] :retry_on_conflict Specify how many times should the operation be retried # when a conflict occurs (default: 0) # @option arguments [String] :routing Specific routing value # @option arguments [String] :script The URL-encoded script definition (instead of using request body) # @option arguments [String] :_source Specify whether the _source field should be returned, # or a list of fields to return # @option arguments [String] :_source_exclude A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field # @option arguments [String] :_source_include A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field # @option arguments [Time] :timeout Explicit operation timeout # @option arguments [Time] :timestamp Explicit timestamp for the document # @option arguments [Duration] :ttl Expiration time for the document # @option arguments [Number] :version Explicit version number for concurrency control # @option arguments [Number] :version_type Explicit version number for concurrency control # # @since 0.20 # # @see # def update(arguments={}) raise ArgumentError, "Required argument 'index' missing" unless arguments[:index] raise ArgumentError, "Required argument 'type' missing" unless arguments[:type] raise ArgumentError, "Required argument 'id' missing" unless arguments[:id] valid_params = [ :consistency, :fields, :lang, :parent, :percolate, :refresh, :replication, :retry_on_conflict, :routing, :script, :_source, :_source_include, :_source_exclude, :timeout, :timestamp, :ttl, :version, :version_type ] method = HTTP_POST path = Utils.__pathify Utils.__escape(arguments[:index]), Utils.__escape(arguments[:type]), Utils.__escape(arguments[:id]), '_update' params = Utils.__validate_and_extract_params arguments, valid_params body = arguments[:body] params[:fields] = Utils.__listify(params[:fields]) if params[:fields] if Array(arguments[:ignore]).include?(404) Utils.__rescue_from_not_found { perform_request(method, path, params, body).body } else perform_request(method, path, params, body).body end end end end end