require 'helper' describe GoAcoustic::Client::User do before do @client ={access_token: "abc123",url: ''}) end describe ".export_list" do it 'returns the job_id' do stub_post("/XMLAPI"). with(:body => "59294ALLCSV"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "TRUE499600file.CSV", :headers => {'Content-type' => "text/xml", 'Authorization' => 'Bearer abc123'}) resp = @client.export_list('59294', 'ALL', 'CSV') expect(resp.Envelope.Body.RESULT.JOB_ID).to eql "499600" end it 'returns the job_id when passing options' do stub_post("/XMLAPI"). with(:body => "59294ALLCSV07/25/2011 12:12:1109/30/2011 14:14:11FIRST_NAMEINITIALLAST_NAME"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "TRUE499600file.CSV", :headers => {'Content-type' => "text/xml", 'Authorization' => 'Bearer abc123'}) resp = @client.export_list('59294', 'ALL', 'CSV', {ADD_TO_STORED_FILES: nil, DATE_START: "07/25/2011 12:12:11", DATE_END: "09/30/2011 14:14:11"}, ["FIRST_NAME","INITIAL","LAST_NAME"]) expect(resp.Envelope.Body.RESULT.JOB_ID).to eql "499600" end end describe ".export_table" do it 'returns the job_id of the relational table' do stub_post("/XMLAPI"). with(:body => "59294CSV07/25/2011 12:12:1109/30/2011 14:14:11"). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "TRUE499600file.CSV", :headers => {'Content-type' => "text/xml", 'Authorization' => 'Bearer abc123'}) resp = @client.export_table('59294','CSV',{ADD_TO_STORED_FILES: nil, DATE_START: "07/25/2011 12:12:11", DATE_END:"09/30/2011 14:14:11"}) expect(resp.Envelope.Body.RESULT.JOB_ID).to eql "499600" end end end