module Osheet::Associations def self.included(receiver) receiver.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # A has many esque association helper # - will provide a collection reader # - will define a 'singular' item method for adding to the collection # - will support adding to the collection both by black and template def hm(collection) unless collection.to_s =~ /s$/ raise ArgumentError, "association item names must end in 's'" end plural = collection.to_s singular = plural.to_s.sub(/s$/, '') klass = Osheet.const_get(singular.capitalize) # define collection reader self.send(:define_method, plural, do if instance_variable_get("@#{plural}").nil? instance_variable_set("@#{plural}", []) end instance_variable_get("@#{plural}") end) # define collection item writer self.send(:define_method, singular) do |*args, &block| if instance_variable_get("@#{plural}").nil? instance_variable_set("@#{plural}", []) end instance_variable_get("@#{plural}") << if self.respond_to?(:workbook) # on: worksheet, column, row # creating: column, row, cell worksheet = self.respond_to?(:worksheet) ? self.worksheet : self if self.workbook && (template = self.workbook.templates.get(singular, args.first)) # add by template, worksheet, *args[1..-1], &template) else # add by block, worksheet, &block) end else # on: workbook # creating: worksheet if (template = self.templates.get(singular, args.first)) # add by template, *args[1..-1], &template) else # add by block, &block) end end end end end end