module Plezi # the methods defined in this module will be injected into the Controller class passed to # Plezi (using the `route` or `shared_route` commands), and will be available # for the controller to use within it's methods. # # for some reason, the documentation ignores the following additional attributes, which are listed here: # # request:: the HTTPRequest object containing all the data from the HTTP request. If a WebSocket connection was established, the `request` object will continue to contain the HTTP request establishing the connection (cookies, parameters sent and other information). # params:: any parameters sent with the request (short-cut for `request.params`), will contain any GET or POST form data sent (including file upload and JSON format support). # cookies:: a cookie-jar to get and set cookies (set: `cookie\[:name] = data` or get: `cookie\[:name]`). Cookies and some other data must be set BEFORE the response's headers are sent. # flash:: a temporary cookie-jar, good for one request. this is a short-cut for the `response.flash` which handles this magical cookie style. # response:: the HTTPResponse **OR** the WSResponse object that formats the response and sends it. use `response << data`. This object can be used to send partial data (such as headers, or partial html content) in blocking mode as well as sending data in the default non-blocking mode. # host_params:: a copy of the parameters used to create the host and service which accepted the request and created this instance of the controller class. # module ControllerMagic def self.included base base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods module_function public # the request object, class: HTTPRequest. attr_reader :request # the ::params variable contains all the parameters set by the request (/path?locale=he => params["locale"] == "he"). attr_reader :params # a cookie-jar to get and set cookies (set: `cookie\[:name] = data` or get: `cookie\[:name]`). # # Cookies and some other data must be set BEFORE the response's headers are sent. attr_reader :cookies # the HTTPResponse **OR** the WSResponse object that formats the response and sends it. use `response << data`. This object can be used to send partial data (such as headers, or partial html content) in blocking mode as well as sending data in the default non-blocking mode. attr_reader :response # the ::flash is a little bit of a magic hash that sets and reads temporary cookies. # these cookies will live for one successful request to a Controller and will then be removed. attr_reader :flash # the parameters used to create the host (the parameters passed to the `listen` / `add_service` call). attr_reader :host_params # a unique UUID to identify the object - used to make sure Radis broadcasts don't triger the # boadcasting object's event. attr_reader :uuid # checks whether this instance accepts broadcasts (WebSocket instances). def accepts_broadcast? @_accepts_broadcast end # sets the controller to refuse "broadcasts". # # This allows some websocket connections to isolate themselves even before they are fully disconnected. # # call this method once it is clear the websocket connection should be terminated. def refuse_broadcasts @_accepts_broadcast = false self end # this method does two things. # # 1. sets redirection headers for the response. # 2. sets the `flash` object (short-time cookies) with all the values passed except the :status value. # # use: # redirect_to '', notice: "foo", status: 302 # # => redirects to '' with status 302 and adds notice: "foo" to the flash # or simply: # redirect_to '' # # => redirects to '' with status 302 (default status) # # if the url is a symbol, the method will try to format it into a correct url, replacing any # underscores ('_') with a backslash ('/'). # # if the url is an empty string, the method will try to format it into a correct url # representing the index of the application (http://server/) # def redirect_to url, options = {} return super *[] if defined? super raise 'Cannot redirect after headers were sent' if response.headers_sent? url = "#{request.base_url}/#{url.to_s.gsub('_', '/')}" if url.is_a?(Symbol) || ( url.is_a?(String) && url.empty? ) || url.nil? # redirect response.status = options.delete(:status) || 302 response['Location'] = url response['content-length'] ||= 0 flash.update options response.finish true end # Returns the RELATIVE url for methods in THIS controller (i.e.: "/path_to_controller/restful/params?non=restful¶ms=foo") # # accepts one parameter: # dest:: a destination object, either a Hash, a Symbol, a Numerical or a String. # # If :dest is a Numerical, a Symbol or a String, it should signify the id of an object or the name of the method this controller should respond to. # # If :dest is a Hash, it should contain all the relevant parameters the url should set (i.e. `url_for id: :new, name: "Jhon Doe"`) # # If :dest is false (or nil), the String returned will be the url to the index. # # * If you use the same controller in different routes, the first route will dictate the returned url's structure (cause by route priority). # # * Not all controllers support this method. Regexp controller paths and multi-path options will throw an exception. def url_for dest = nil self.class.url_for dest end # same as #url_for, but returns the full URL (protocol:port:://host/path?params=foo) def full_url_for dest request.base_url + url_for(dest) end # this method adds data to be sent. # # this is usful for sending 'attachments' (data to be downloaded) rather then # a regular response. # # this is also usful for offering a file name for the browser to "save as". # # it accepts: # data:: the data to be sent # options:: a hash of any of the options listed furtheron. # # the :symbol=>value options are: # type:: the type of the data to be sent. defaults to empty. if :filename is supplied, an attempt to guess will be made. # inline:: sets the data to be sent an an inline object (to be viewed rather then downloaded). defaults to false. # filename:: sets a filename for the browser to "save as". defaults to empty. # def send_data data, options = {} raise 'Cannot use "send_data" after headers were sent' if response.headers_sent? # write data to response object response << data # set headers content_disposition = 'attachment' options[:type] ||= MimeTypeHelper::MIME_DICTIONARY[::File.extname(options[:filename])] if options[:filename] if options[:type] response['content-type'] = options[:type] options.delete :type end if options[:inline] content_disposition = 'inline' options.delete :inline end if options[:attachment] options.delete :attachment end if options[:filename] content_disposition << "; filename=#{options[:filename]}" options.delete :filename end response['content-length'] = data.bytesize rescue true response['content-disposition'] = content_disposition response.finish true end # renders a template file (.slim/.erb/.haml) or an html file (.html) to text # for example, to render the file `body.html.slim` with the layout `main_layout.html.haml`: # render :body, layout: :main_layout # # or, for example, to render the file `json.js.slim` # render :json, type: 'js' # # or, for example, to render the file `template.haml` # render :template, type: '' # # template:: a Symbol for the template to be used. # options:: a Hash for any options such as `:layout` or `locale`. # block:: an optional block, in case the template has `yield`, the block will be passed on to the template and it's value will be used inplace of the yield statement. # # options aceept the following keys: # type:: the types for the `:layout' and 'template'. can be any extention, such as `"json"`. defaults to `"html"`. # layout:: a layout template that has at least one `yield` statement where the template will be rendered. # locale:: the I18n locale for the render. (defaults to params\[:locale]) - only if the I18n gem namespace is defined (`require 'i18n'`). # # if template is a string, it will assume the string is an # absolute path to a template file. it will NOT search for the template but might raise exceptions. # # if the template is a symbol, the '_' caracters will be used to destinguish sub-folders (NOT a partial template). # # returns false if the template or layout files cannot be found. def render template, options = {}, &block # make sure templates are enabled return false if host_params[:templates].nil? # render layout by recursion, if exists (return render(options.delete(:layout), options) { render template, options, &block }) if options[:layout] # set up defaults options[:type] ||= 'html' options[:locale] ||= params[:locale].to_sym if params[:locale] # options[:locals] ||= {} I18n.locale = options[:locale] if defined?(I18n) && options[:locale] # find template and create template object filename = template.is_a?(String) ? File.join( host_params[:templates].to_s, template) : (File.join( host_params[:templates].to_s, *template.to_s.split('_')) + (options[:type].empty? ? '': ".#{options[:type]}") + '.slim') return ( Plezi.cache_needs_update?(filename) ? Plezi.cache_data( filename, ( { filename } ) ) : (Plezi.get_cached filename) ).render(self, &block) if defined?(::Slim) && Plezi.file_exists?(filename) filename.gsub! /\.slim$/, '.haml' return ( Plezi.cache_needs_update?(filename) ? Plezi.cache_data( filename, ( ) ) ) : (Plezi.get_cached filename) ).render(self, &block) if defined?(::Haml) && Plezi.file_exists?(filename) filename.gsub! /\.haml$/, '.erb' return ( Plezi.cache_needs_update?(filename) ? Plezi.cache_data( filename, ( ) ) ) : (Plezi.get_cached filename) ).result(binding, &block) if defined?(::ERB) && Plezi.file_exists?(filename) return false end # returns the initial method called (or about to be called) by the router for the HTTP request. # # this is can be very useful within the before / after filters: # def before # return false unless "check credentials" && [:save, :update, :delete].include?(requested_method) # # if the controller responds to a WebSockets request (a controller that defines the `on_message` method), # the value returned is invalid and will remain 'stuck' on :pre_connect # (which is the last method called before the protocol is switched from HTTP to WebSockets). def requested_method # respond to websocket special case return :pre_connect if request['upgrade'] && request['upgrade'].to_s.downcase == 'websocket' && request['connection'].to_s.downcase == 'upgrade' # respond to save 'new' special case return :save if request.request_method.match(/POST|PUT|PATCH/) && (params[:id].nil? || params[:id] == 'new') # set DELETE method if simulated request.request_method = 'DELETE' if params[:_method].to_s.downcase == 'delete' # respond to special :id routing return params[:id].to_s.to_sym if params[:id] && self.class.available_public_methods.include?(params[:id].to_s.to_sym) #review general cases case request.request_method when 'GET', 'HEAD' return :index unless params[:id] return :show when 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH' return :update when 'DELETE' return :delete end false end ## WebSockets Magic # WebSockets. # # Use this to brodcast an event to all 'sibling' websockets (websockets that have been created using the same Controller class). # # accepts: # method_name:: a Symbol with the method's name that should respond to the broadcast. # *args:: any arguments that should be passed to the method (IF REDIS IS USED, LIMITATIONS APPLY). # # the method will be called asynchrnously for each sibling instance of this Controller class. # def broadcast method_name, *args, &block return false unless self.class.public_instance_methods.include?(method_name) @uuid ||= SecureRandom.uuid self.class.__inner_redis_broadcast(uuid, method_name, args, &block) || self.class.__inner_process_broadcast(uuid, method_name.to_sym, args, &block) end # WebSockets. # # Use this to collect data from all 'sibling' websockets (websockets that have been created using the same Controller class). # # This method will call the requested method on all instance siblings and return an Array of the returned values (including nil values). # # This method will block the excecution unless a block is passed to the method - in which case # the block will used as a callback and recieve the Array as a parameter. # # i.e. # # this will block: `collect :_get_id` # # this will not block: `collect(:_get_id) {|a| puts "got #{a.length} responses."; a.each { |id| puts "#{id}"} } # # accepts: # method_name:: a Symbol with the method's name that should respond to the broadcast. # *args:: any arguments that should be passed to the method. # &block:: an optional block to be used as a callback. # # the method will be called asynchrnously for each sibling instance of this Controller class. def collect method_name, *args, &block return Plezi.callback(self, :collect, *args, &block) if block r = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(self.class) { |controller| r << controller.method(method_name).call(*args) if controller.accepts_broadcast? && (controller.object_id != self.object_id) } return r end # # will (probably NOT), in the future, require authentication or, alternatively, return an Array [user_name, password] # # # # # def request_http_auth realm = false, auth = 'Digest' # return request.service.handler.hosts[request[:host] || :default].send_by_code request, 401, "WWW-Authenticate" => "#{auth}#{realm ? "realm=\"#{realm}\"" : ''}" unless request['authorization'] # request['authorization'] # end end module ClassMethods protected # Sets the HTTP route that is the owner of this controller. # # This is used by the Plezi framework internally and is supplied only for advanced purposes. It is better to avoid using this method. def set_pl_route route @pl_http_route = route end # Gets the HTTP route that is the owner of this controller. # # This is used to utilize the `url_for` method. def get_pl_route @pl_http_route end public # This class method behaves the same way as the instance method #url_for. See the instance method's documentation for more details. def url_for dest get_pl_route.url_for dest end # lists the available methods that will be exposed to HTTP requests def available_public_methods # set class global to improve performance while checking for supported methods @available_public_methods ||= (available_routing_methods - [:before, :after, :save, :show, :update, :delete, :initialize, :on_message, :pre_connect, :on_connect, :on_disconnect]).to_set end # lists the available methods that will be exposed to the HTTP router def available_routing_methods @available_routing_methods ||= ( ( (public_instance_methods - Object.public_instance_methods) - Plezi::ControllerMagic::InstanceMethods.instance_methods).delete_if {|m| m.to_s[0] == '_'}).to_set end # resets this controller's router, to allow for dynamic changes def reset_routing_cache @available_routing_methods = false @available_public_methods = false available_routing_methods available_public_methods end # a callback that resets the class router whenever a method (a potential route) is added def method_added(id) reset_routing_cache end # a callback that resets the class router whenever a method (a potential route) is removed def method_removed(id) reset_routing_cache end # a callback that resets the class router whenever a method (a potential route) is undefined (using #undef_method). def method_undefined(id) reset_routing_cache end # # lists the available methods that will be exposed to HTTP requests # def available_public_methods # # set class global to improve performance while checking for supported methods # Plezi.cached?( + '_p&rt') ? Plezi.get_cached( + "_p&rt") : Plezi.cache_data( + "_p&rt", (available_routing_methods - [:before, :after, :save, :show, :update, :delete, :initialize, :on_message, :pre_connect, :on_connect, :on_disconnect]).to_set ) # end # # lists the available methods that will be exposed to the HTTP router # def available_routing_methods # # set class global to improve performance while checking for supported methods # Plezi.cached?( + '_r&rt') ? Plezi.get_cached( + "_r&rt") : Plezi.cache_data( + "_r&rt", (((public_instance_methods - Object.public_instance_methods) - Plezi::ControllerMagic::InstanceMethods.instance_methods).delete_if {|m| m.to_s[0] == '_'}).to_set ) # end # # resets this controller's router, to allow for dynamic changes # def reset_routing_cache # Plezi.clear_cached( + '_p&rt') # Plezi.clear_cached( + '_r&rt') # available_routing_methods # available_public_methods # end # reviews the Redis connection, sets it up if it's missing and returns the Redis connection. # # a Redis connection will be automatically created if the `ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']` is set. # for example: # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] = ENV['REDISCLOUD_URL']` # or # ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] = "redis://" def redis_connection # return false unless defined?(Redis) && ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] # return @redis if defined?(@redis_sub_thread) && @redis # @@redis_uri ||= URI.parse(ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']) # @redis ||=, port: @@redis_uri.port, password: @@redis_uri.password) # @redis_sub_thread = do # begin #, port: @@redis_uri.port, password: @@redis_uri.password).subscribe(redis_channel_name) do |on| # on.message do |channel, msg| # args = JSON.parse(msg) # params = args.shift # __inner_process_broadcast params['_pl_ignore_object'], params['_pl_method_broadcasted'].to_sym, args # end # end # rescue Exception => e # Plezi.error e # retry # end # end # raise "Redis connction failed for: #{ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']}" unless @redis # @redis return false unless defined?(Redis) && ENV['PL_REDIS_URL'] return Plezi.get_cached( + '_b') if Plezi.cached?( + '_b') @@redis_uri ||= URI.parse(ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']) Plezi.cache_data + '_b',, port: @@redis_uri.port, password: @@redis_uri.password) raise "Redis connction failed for: #{ENV['PL_REDIS_URL']}" unless Plezi.cached?( + '_b') t = do begin, port: @@redis_uri.port, password: @@redis_uri.password).subscribe(redis_channel_name) do |on| on.message do |channel, msg| args = JSON.parse(msg) params = args.shift __inner_process_broadcast params['_pl_ignore_object'], params['_pl_method_broadcasted'].to_sym, args end end rescue Exception => e Plezi.error e retry end end Plezi.cache_data + '_t', t Plezi.get_cached( + '_b') end # returns a Redis channel name for this controller. def redis_channel_name end # broadcasts messages (methods) for this process def __inner_process_broadcast ignore, method_name, args, &block ObjectSpace.each_object(self) { |controller| Plezi.callback controller, method_name, *args, &block if controller.accepts_broadcast? && (!ignore || controller.uuid != ignore) } end # broadcasts messages (methods) between all processes (using Redis). def __inner_redis_broadcast ignore, method_name, args, &block return false unless redis_connection raise "Radis broadcasts cannot accept blocks (no inter-process callbacks of memory sharing)!" if block # raise "Radis broadcasts accept only one paramater, which is an optional Hash (no inter-process memory sharing)" if args.length > 1 || (args[0] && !args[0].is_a?(Hash)) args.unshift ({_pl_method_broadcasted: method_name, _pl_ignore_object: ignore}) redis_connection.publish(redis_channel_name, args.to_json ) true end # WebSockets. # # Class method. # # Use this to brodcast an event to all connections. # # accepts: # method_name:: a Symbol with the method's name that should respond to the broadcast. # *args:: any arguments that should be passed to the method (IF REDIS IS USED, LIMITATIONS APPLY). # # this method accepts and optional block (NON-REDIS ONLY) to be used as a callback for each sibling's event. # # the method will be called asynchrnously for each sibling instance of this Controller class. def broadcast method_name, *args, &block return false unless public_instance_methods.include?(method_name) __inner_redis_broadcast(nil, method_name, args, &block) || __inner_process_broadcast(nil, method_name.to_sym, args, &block) end # WebSockets. # # Class method. # # Use this to collect data from all websockets for the calling class (websockets that have been created using the same Controller class). # # This method will call the requested method on all instance and return an Array of the returned values (including nil values). # # This method will block the excecution unless a block is passed to the method - in which case # the block will used as a callback and recieve the Array as a parameter. # # i.e. # # this will block: `collect :_get_id` # # this will not block: `collect(:_get_id) {|a| puts "got #{a.length} responses."; a.each { |id| puts "#{id}"} } # # accepts: # method_name:: a Symbol with the method's name that should respond to the broadcast. # *args:: any arguments that should be passed to the method. # &block:: an optional block to be used as a callback. # # the method will be called asynchrnously for each instance of this Controller class. def collect method_name, *args, &block return Plezi.push_event(self.method(:collect), *args, &block) if block r = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(self) { |controller| r << controller.method(method_name).call(*args) if controller.accepts_broadcast? } return r end end module_function end end