# Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'fileutils' require 'os' require 'facets' # TODO refactor to nest under RakeTask namespace MAIN_OBJECT = self module Glimmer module RakeTask class Scaffold class << self include FileUtils VERSION = File.read(File.expand_path('../../../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strip RUBY_VERSION = File.read(File.expand_path('../../../../RUBY_VERSION', __FILE__)).strip # TODO externalize all constants into scaffold/files GITIGNORE = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING *.gem *.rbc /.config /.mvn/ /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /spec/examples.txt /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ # Used by dotenv library to load environment variables. # .env ## Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ ## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods): # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # # vendor/Pods/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ ## Environment normalization: /.bundle/ /vendor/bundle /lib/bundler/man/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: # Gemfile.lock # .ruby-version # .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # Mac .DS_Store # Warbler Jars.lock # Gladiator (Glimmer Editor) .gladiator # Glimmer /dist/ /packages/ /vendor/jars/ MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_PREFIX = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING # frozen_string_literal: true source 'https://rubygems.org' git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "https://github.com/\#{repo_name}" } MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_APP_MIDFIX = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING gem 'glimmer-dsl-swt', '~> #{VERSION}' MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_GEM_MIDFIX = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING gem 'glimmer-dsl-swt', '~> #{VERSION.split('.')[0...2].join('.')}' MULTI_LINE_STRING GEMFILE_SUFFIX = <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING group :development do gem 'rspec', '~> 3.5.0' gem 'juwelier', '2.4.9' gem 'warbler', '2.0.5' gem 'simplecov', '>= 0' end MULTI_LINE_STRING APP_GEMFILE = GEMFILE_PREFIX + GEMFILE_APP_MIDFIX + GEMFILE_SUFFIX GEM_GEMFILE = GEMFILE_PREFIX + GEMFILE_GEM_MIDFIX + GEMFILE_SUFFIX def app(app_name) common_app(app_name) end def desktopify(app_name, website) common_app(app_name, :desktopify, website: website) end def common_app(app_name, shell_type = :app, shell_options = {}) gem_name = file_name(app_name) gem_summary = human_name(app_name) return puts("The directory '#{gem_name}' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if Dir.exist?(gem_name) system "jruby -S gem install juwelier -v2.4.9 --no-document" unless juwelier_exists? system "jruby -S juwelier --markdown --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" return puts('Your Git user.name and/or github.user are missing! Please add in for Juwelier to help Glimmer with Scaffolding.') if `git config --get github.user`.strip.empty? && `git config --get user.name`.strip.empty? cd gem_name rm_rf 'lib' write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', app_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'LICENSE.txt', "Copyright (c) #{Time.now.year} #{app_name}" write 'Gemfile', gemfile(shell_type) write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile(app_name, nil, gem_name) mkdir 'app' write "app/#{file_name(app_name)}.rb", app_main_file(app_name) mkdir_p "app/#{file_name(app_name)}/model" mkdir_p "app/#{file_name(app_name)}/view" if shell_type == :desktopify custom_shell('AppView', current_dir_name, shell_type, shell_options) else custom_shell('AppView', current_dir_name, shell_type) end mkdir_p 'icons/windows' icon_file = "icons/windows/#{human_name(app_name)}.ico" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.ico', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" mkdir_p 'icons/macosx' icon_file = "icons/macosx/#{human_name(app_name)}.icns" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.icns', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" mkdir_p 'icons/linux' icon_file = "icons/linux/#{human_name(app_name)}.png" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.png', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" write "Resource.java", resource_java_file(app_name) cd '..' system "javac #{file_name(app_name)}/Resource.java" cd gem_name mkdir_p "app/#{file_name(app_name)}" write "app/#{file_name(app_name)}/launch.rb", app_launch_file(app_name) mkdir_p 'bin' write "bin/#{file_name(app_name)}", app_bin_command_file(app_name) FileUtils.chmod 0755, "bin/#{file_name(app_name)}" if OS.windows? system "bundle" system "rspec --init" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n rspec --init\n'" end write 'spec/spec_helper.rb', spec_helper_file if OS.windows? system "glimmer package" # TODO handle Windows with batch file system "\"packages/bundles/#{human_name(app_name)}/#{human_name(app_name)}.exe\"" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n glimmer package\n'" if OS.mac? system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n JRUBY_OPTS=\"$JRUBY_OPTS -J-XstartOnFirstThread\" glimmer run\n'" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n glimmer run\n'" end end end def custom_shell(custom_shell_name, namespace, shell_type = nil, shell_options = {}) namespace ||= current_dir_name root_dir = File.exists?('app') ? 'app' : 'lib' parent_dir = "#{root_dir}/#{file_name(namespace)}/view" return puts("The file '#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}.rb' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if File.exist?("#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}.rb") mkdir_p parent_dir unless File.exists?(parent_dir) write "#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}.rb", custom_shell_file(custom_shell_name, namespace, shell_type, shell_options) end def custom_widget(custom_widget_name, namespace) namespace ||= current_dir_name root_dir = File.exists?('app') ? 'app' : 'lib' parent_dir = "#{root_dir}/#{file_name(namespace)}/view" return puts("The file '#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}.rb' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if File.exist?("#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}.rb") mkdir_p parent_dir unless File.exists?(parent_dir) write "#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}.rb", custom_widget_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) end def custom_shape(custom_shape_name, namespace) namespace ||= current_dir_name root_dir = File.exists?('app') ? 'app' : 'lib' parent_dir = "#{root_dir}/#{file_name(namespace)}/view" return puts("The file '#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shape_name)}.rb' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if File.exist?("#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shape_name)}.rb") mkdir_p parent_dir unless File.exists?(parent_dir) write "#{parent_dir}/#{file_name(custom_shape_name)}.rb", custom_shape_file(custom_shape_name, namespace) end def custom_shell_gem(custom_shell_name, namespace) gem_name = "glimmer-cs-#{compact_name(custom_shell_name)}" gem_summary = "#{human_name(custom_shell_name)} - Glimmer Custom Shell" begin custom_shell_keyword = dsl_widget_name(custom_shell_name) MAIN_OBJECT.method(custom_shell_keyword) return puts("CustomShell keyword `#{custom_shell_keyword}` is unavailable (occupied by a built-in Ruby method)! Please pick a different name.") rescue NameError # No Op (keyword is not taken by a built in Ruby method) end if namespace gem_name += "-#{compact_name(namespace)}" gem_summary += " (#{human_name(namespace)})" else return puts('Namespace is required! Usage: glimmer scaffold:gem:customshell[name,namespace]') unless `git config --get github.user`.to_s.strip == 'AndyObtiva' namespace = 'glimmer' end return puts("The directory '#{gem_name}' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if Dir.exist?(gem_name) system "jruby -S gem install juwelier -v2.4.9 --no-document" unless juwelier_exists? system "jruby -S juwelier --markdown --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" return puts('Your Git user.name and/or github.user are missing! Please add in for Juwelier to help Glimmer with Scaffolding.') if `git config --get github.user`.strip.empty? && `git config --get user.name`.strip.empty? cd gem_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', gem_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'Gemfile', GEM_GEMFILE write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile(custom_shell_name, namespace, gem_name) append "lib/#{gem_name}.rb", gem_main_file(custom_shell_name, namespace) custom_shell(custom_shell_name, namespace, :gem) mkdir_p "lib/#{gem_name}" write "lib/#{gem_name}/launch.rb", gem_launch_file(gem_name, custom_shell_name, namespace) mkdir_p 'bin' write "bin/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}", app_bin_command_file(gem_name, custom_shell_name, namespace) FileUtils.chmod 0755, "bin/#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}" if OS.windows? system "bundle" system "rspec --init" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n rspec --init\n'" end write 'spec/spec_helper.rb', spec_helper_file mkdir_p 'icons/windows' icon_file = "icons/windows/#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}.ico" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.ico', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" mkdir_p 'icons/macosx' icon_file = "icons/macosx/#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}.icns" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.icns', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" mkdir_p 'icons/linux' icon_file = "icons/linux/#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}.png" cp File.expand_path('../../../../icons/scaffold_app.png', __FILE__), icon_file puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{icon_file}" write "Resource.java", resource_java_file(custom_shell_name) cd '..' system "javac #{file_name(custom_shell_name)}/Resource.java" cd gem_name if OS.windows? system "glimmer package" # TODO handle windows properly with batch file system "\"packages/bundles/#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}/#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}.exe\"" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n glimmer package\n'" if OS.mac? system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n JRUBY_OPTS=\"$JRUBY_OPTS -J-XstartOnFirstThread\" glimmer run\n'" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n glimmer run\n'" end end puts "Finished creating #{gem_name} Ruby gem." puts 'Edit Rakefile to configure gem details.' puts 'Run `rake` to execute specs.' puts 'Run `rake build` to build gem.' puts 'Run `rake release` to release into rubygems.org once ready.' end def custom_widget_gem(custom_widget_name, namespace) gem_name = "glimmer-cw-#{compact_name(custom_widget_name)}" gem_summary = "#{human_name(custom_widget_name)} - Glimmer Custom Widget" if namespace gem_name += "-#{compact_name(namespace)}" gem_summary += " (#{human_name(namespace)})" else return puts('Namespace is required! Usage: glimmer scaffold:custom_widget_gem[custom_widget_name,namespace]') unless `git config --get github.user`.to_s.strip == 'AndyObtiva' namespace = 'glimmer' end return puts("The directory '#{gem_name}' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if Dir.exist?(gem_name) system "jruby -S gem install juwelier -v2.4.9 --no-document" unless juwelier_exists? system "jruby -S juwelier --markdown --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" return puts('Your Git user.name and/or github.user are missing! Please add in for Juwelier to help Glimmer with Scaffolding.') if `git config --get github.user`.strip.empty? && `git config --get user.name`.strip.empty? cd gem_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', gem_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'Gemfile', GEM_GEMFILE write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile append "lib/#{gem_name}.rb", gem_main_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) custom_widget(custom_widget_name, namespace) if OS.windows? system "bundle" system "rspec --init" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n rspec --init\n'" end write 'spec/spec_helper.rb', spec_helper_file puts "Finished creating #{gem_name} Ruby gem." puts 'Edit Rakefile to configure gem details.' puts 'Run `rake` to execute specs.' puts 'Run `rake build` to build gem.' puts 'Run `rake release` to release into rubygems.org once ready.' end def custom_shape_gem(custom_shape_name, namespace) gem_name = "glimmer-cp-#{compact_name(custom_shape_name)}" gem_summary = "#{human_name(custom_shape_name)} - Glimmer Custom Shape" if namespace gem_name += "-#{compact_name(namespace)}" gem_summary += " (#{human_name(namespace)})" else return puts('Namespace is required! Usage: glimmer scaffold:custom_shape_gem[custom_shape_name,namespace]') unless `git config --get github.user`.to_s.strip == 'AndyObtiva' namespace = 'glimmer' end return puts("The directory '#{gem_name}' already exists. Please either remove or pick a different name.") if Dir.exist?(gem_name) system "jruby -S gem install juwelier -v2.4.9 --no-document" unless juwelier_exists? system "jruby -S juwelier --markdown --rspec --summary '#{gem_summary}' --description '#{gem_summary}' #{gem_name}" return puts('Your Git user.name and/or github.user are missing! Please add in for Juwelier to help Glimmer with Scaffolding.') if `git config --get github.user`.strip.empty? && `git config --get user.name`.strip.empty? cd gem_name write '.gitignore', GITIGNORE write '.ruby-version', RUBY_VERSION write '.ruby-gemset', gem_name write 'VERSION', '1.0.0' write 'Gemfile', GEM_GEMFILE write 'Rakefile', gem_rakefile append "lib/#{gem_name}.rb", gem_main_file(custom_shape_name, namespace) custom_shape(custom_shape_name, namespace) if OS.windows? system "bundle" system "rspec --init" else system "bash -c '#{RVM_FUNCTION}\n cd .\n bundle\n rspec --init\n'" end write 'spec/spec_helper.rb', spec_helper_file puts "Finished creating #{gem_name} Ruby gem." puts 'Edit Rakefile to configure gem details.' puts 'Run `rake` to execute specs.' puts 'Run `rake build` to build gem.' puts 'Run `rake release` to release into rubygems.org once ready.' end private def juwelier_exists? OS.windows? ? system('where juwelier') : system('which juwelier') end def write(file, content) File.write file, content file_path = File.expand_path(file) puts "Created #{current_dir_name}/#{file}" end def append(file, content) File.open(file, 'a') do |f| f.write(content) end end def current_dir_name File.basename(File.expand_path('.')) end def class_name(app_name) app_name.underscore.camelcase(:upper) end def file_name(app_name) app_name.underscore end alias dsl_widget_name file_name def human_name(app_name) app_name.underscore.titlecase end def compact_name(gem_name) gem_name.underscore.camelcase.downcase end def gemfile(shell_type) if shell_type == :desktopify lines = APP_GEMFILE.split("\n") require_glimmer_dsl_swt_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?("gem 'glimmer-dsl-swt'") }) lines[(require_glimmer_dsl_swt_index + 1)..(require_glimmer_dsl_swt_index + 1)] = [ "", "# Enable Chromium Browser Glimmer Custom Widget gem if needed (e.g. Linux needs it to support HTML5 Video), and use `browser(:chromium)` in GUI.", "# gem 'glimmer-cw-browser-chromium', '>= 0'", "", ] lines.join("\n") else APP_GEMFILE end end def app_main_file(app_name) <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) begin require 'bundler/setup' Bundler.require(:default) rescue # this runs when packaged as a gem (no bundler) require 'glimmer-dsl-swt' # add more gems if needed end require '#{file_name(app_name)}/view/app_view' class #{class_name(app_name)} APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) VERSION = File.read(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'VERSION')) LICENSE = File.read(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'LICENSE.txt')) end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def gem_main_file(custom_widget_name, namespace = nil) custom_widget_file_path = '' custom_widget_file_path += "#{file_name(namespace)}/" if namespace custom_widget_file_path += "view" custom_widget_file_path += "/#{file_name(custom_widget_name)}" <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) require 'glimmer-dsl-swt' require '#{custom_widget_file_path}' MULTI_LINE_STRING end def app_launch_file(app_name) <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING require_relative '../#{file_name(app_name)}' #{class_name(app_name)}::View::AppView.launch MULTI_LINE_STRING end def resource_java_file(app_name) <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING package #{file_name(app_name)}; /** The soul purpose of this class is to retrieve icons for uri:classloader paths used from JAR */ class Resource { } MULTI_LINE_STRING end def app_bin_command_file(app_name_or_gem_name, custom_shell_name=nil, namespace=nil) if custom_shell_name.nil? runner = "File.expand_path('../../app/#{file_name(app_name_or_gem_name)}/launch.rb', __FILE__)" else runner = "File.expand_path('../../lib/#{app_name_or_gem_name}/launch.rb', __FILE__)" end <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING #!/usr/bin/env jruby runner = #{runner} # Detect if inside a JAR file or not if runner.include?('uri:classloader') require runner else require 'glimmer/launcher' launcher = Glimmer::Launcher.new([runner] + ARGV) launcher.launch end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def gem_launch_file(gem_name, custom_shell_name, namespace) # TODO change this so that it does not mix Glimmer unto the main object <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING require_relative '../#{gem_name}' #{class_name(namespace)}::View::#{class_name(custom_shell_name)}.launch MULTI_LINE_STRING end def gem_rakefile(custom_shell_name = nil, namespace = nil, gem_name = nil) rakefile_content = File.read('Rakefile') lines = rakefile_content.split("\n") require_rake_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?("require 'rake'") }) lines.insert(require_rake_line_index, "require 'glimmer/launcher'") gem_files_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('# dependencies defined in Gemfile') }) if custom_shell_name lines.insert(gem_files_line_index, " gem.files = Dir['Resource.class', 'VERSION', 'LICENSE.txt', 'app/**/*', 'bin/**/*', 'config/**/*', 'db/**/*', 'docs/**/*', 'fonts/**/*', 'icons/**/*', 'images/**/*', 'lib/**/*', 'script/**/*', 'sounds/**/*', 'vendor/**/*', 'videos/**/*']") # the second executable is needed for warbler as it matches the gem name, which is the default expected file (alternatively in the future, we could do away with it and configure warbler to use the other file) lines.insert(gem_files_line_index+1, " gem.require_paths = ['vendor', 'lib', 'app']") lines.insert(gem_files_line_index+2, " gem.executables = ['#{file_name(custom_shell_name)}']") if custom_shell_name else lines.insert(gem_files_line_index, " gem.files = Dir['VERSION', 'LICENSE.txt', 'lib/**/*']") end spec_pattern_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('spec.pattern =') }) lines.insert(spec_pattern_line_index+1, " spec.ruby_opts = [Glimmer::Launcher.jruby_os_specific_options]") lines << "\nrequire 'glimmer/rake_task'\n" file_content = lines.join("\n") if custom_shell_name file_content << <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING Glimmer::RakeTask::Package.jpackage_extra_args = " --name '#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}'" + " --description '#{human_name(custom_shell_name)}'" # You can add more options from https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/jpackage/packaging-tool-user-guide.pdf MULTI_LINE_STRING end file_content end def spec_helper_file content = File.read('spec/spec_helper.rb') lines = content.split("\n") require_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('RSpec.configure do') }) lines[require_line_index...require_line_index] = [ "require 'bundler/setup'", 'Bundler.require(:default, :development)', ] configure_block_line_index = lines.index(lines.detect {|l| l.include?('RSpec.configure do') }) + 1 lines[configure_block_line_index...configure_block_line_index] = [ ' # The following ensures rspec tests that instantiate and set Glimmer DSL widgets in @target get cleaned after', ' config.after do', ' @target.dispose if @target && @target.respond_to?(:dispose)', ' Glimmer::DSL::Engine.reset', ' end', ] lines << "\nrequire 'glimmer/rake_task'\n" lines.join("\n") end def custom_shell_file(custom_shell_name, namespace, shell_type, shell_options = {}) namespace_type = class_name(namespace) == class_name(current_dir_name) ? 'class' : 'module' custom_shell_file_content = <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING #{namespace_type} #{class_name(namespace)} module View class #{class_name(custom_shell_name)} include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell MULTI_LINE_STRING if shell_type == :gem custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('../../../..', __FILE__) VERSION = File.read(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'VERSION')) LICENSE = File.read(File.join(APP_ROOT, 'LICENSE.txt')) MULTI_LINE_STRING end custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING ## Add options like the following to configure CustomShell by outside consumers # # options :title, :background_color # option :width, default: 320 # option :height, default: 240 #{'# ' if shell_type == :desktopify}option :greeting, default: 'Hello, World!' ## Use before_body block to pre-initialize variables to use in body # # MULTI_LINE_STRING if %i[gem app desktopify].include?(shell_type) custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING before_body do Display.app_name = '#{shell_type == :gem ? human_name(custom_shell_name) : human_name(namespace)}' Display.app_version = VERSION @display = display { on_about { display_about_dialog } on_preferences { #{shell_type == :desktopify ? 'display_about_dialog' : 'display_preferences_dialog'} } } end MULTI_LINE_STRING else custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING # before_body do # # end MULTI_LINE_STRING end custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING ## Use after_body block to setup observers for widgets in body # # after_body do # # end ## Add widget content inside custom shell body ## Top-most widget must be a shell or another custom shell # body { shell#{'(:fill_screen)' if shell_type == :desktopify} { # Replace example content below with custom shell content minimum_size #{shell_type == :desktopify ? '768, 432' : '420, 240'} image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'windows', "#{human_name(shell_type == :gem ? custom_shell_name : current_dir_name)}.ico") if OS.windows? image File.join(APP_ROOT, 'icons', 'linux', "#{human_name(shell_type == :gem ? custom_shell_name : current_dir_name)}.png") unless OS.windows? text "#{human_name(namespace)} - #{human_name(custom_shell_name)}" MULTI_LINE_STRING if shell_type == :desktopify custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING browser { url "#{shell_options[:website]}" } MULTI_LINE_STRING else custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING grid_layout label(:center) { text <= [self, :greeting] font height: 40 layout_data :fill, :center, true, true } MULTI_LINE_STRING end if %i[gem app desktopify].include?(shell_type) custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING menu_bar { menu { text '&File' menu_item { text '&About...' on_widget_selected { display_about_dialog } } menu_item { text '&Preferences...' on_widget_selected { #{shell_type == :desktopify ? 'display_about_dialog' : 'display_preferences_dialog'} } } } } MULTI_LINE_STRING end custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING } } MULTI_LINE_STRING if %i[gem app desktopify].include?(shell_type) custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING def display_about_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'About' message "#{human_name(namespace)}#{" - #{human_name(custom_shell_name)}" if shell_type == :gem} \#{VERSION}\\n\\n\#{LICENSE}" }.open end MULTI_LINE_STRING end if %i[gem app].include?(shell_type) custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING def display_preferences_dialog dialog(swt_widget) { text 'Preferences' grid_layout { margin_height 5 margin_width 5 } group { row_layout { type :vertical spacing 10 } text 'Greeting' font style: :bold [ 'Hello, World!', 'Howdy, Partner!' ].each do |greeting_text| button(:radio) { text greeting_text selection <= [self, :greeting, on_read: ->(g) { g == greeting_text }] layout_data { width 160 } on_widget_selected { |event| self.greeting = event.widget.getText } } end } }.open end MULTI_LINE_STRING end custom_shell_file_content += <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING end end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def custom_widget_file(custom_widget_name, namespace) namespace_type = class_name(namespace) == class_name(current_dir_name) ? 'class' : 'module' <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING #{namespace_type} #{class_name(namespace)} module View class #{class_name(custom_widget_name)} include Glimmer::UI::CustomWidget ## Add options like the following to configure CustomWidget by outside consumers # # options :custom_text, :background_color # option :foreground_color, default: :red ## Use before_body block to pre-initialize variables to use in body # # # before_body do # # end ## Use after_body block to setup observers for widgets in body # # after_body do # # end ## Add widget content under custom widget body ## ## If you want to add a shell as the top-most widget, ## consider creating a custom shell instead ## (Glimmer::UI::CustomShell offers shell convenience methods, like show and hide) # body { # Replace example content below with custom widget content label { background :red } } end end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end def custom_shape_file(custom_shape_name, namespace) namespace_type = class_name(namespace) == class_name(current_dir_name) ? 'class' : 'module' <<-MULTI_LINE_STRING #{namespace_type} #{class_name(namespace)} module View class #{class_name(custom_shape_name)} include Glimmer::UI::CustomShape ## Add options like the following to configure CustomShape by outside consumers # # options :option1, option2, option3 option :background_color, default: :red option :size_width, default: 100 option :size_height, default: 100 option :location_x, default: 0 option :location_y, default: 0 ## Use before_body block to pre-initialize variables to use in body # # # before_body do # # end ## Use after_body block to setup observers for shapes in body # # after_body do # # end ## Add shape content under custom shape body # body { # Replace example content below with custom shape content shape(location_x, location_y) { path { background background_color cubic size_width - size_width*0.66, size_height/2 - size_height*0.33, size_width*0.65 - size_width*0.66, 0 - size_height*0.33, size_width/2 - size_width*0.66, size_height*0.75 - size_height*0.33, size_width - size_width*0.66, size_height - size_height*0.33 } path { background background_color cubic size_width - size_width*0.66, size_height/2 - size_height*0.33, size_width*1.35 - size_width*0.66, 0 - size_height*0.33, size_width*1.5 - size_width*0.66, size_height*0.75 - size_height*0.33, size_width - size_width*0.66, size_height - size_height*0.33 } } } end end end MULTI_LINE_STRING end end end end end