# frozen_string_literal: true # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Yegor Bugayenko # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. require 'jekyll' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require_relative 'chatgpt' require_relative 'permalink' require_relative 'ping' require_relative 'plain' require_relative 'version' # The module we are in. module GptTranslate; end # Pages generator. # Author:: Yegor Bugayenko (yegor256@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Yegor Bugayenko # License:: MIT class GptTranslate::Generator < Jekyll::Generator safe true priority :lowest # Main plugin action, called by Jekyll-core def generate(site) Jekyll.logger.info("jekyll-chatgpt-translate #{GptTranslate::VERSION} starting...") config ||= site.config['chatgpt-translate'] || {} home = config['tmpdir'] || '_chatgpt-translate' key = api_key(config) if key.nil? Jekyll.logger.info('jekyll-chatgpt-translate requires OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable') return end layout = config['layout'] || 'translated' version = config['version'] || GptTranslate::VERSION threshold = config['threshold'] || 1024 min_chars = config['min_chars'] || 128 start = Time.now translated = 0 copied = 0 model = config['model'] || 'gpt-3.5-turbo' marker = "Translated by ChatGPT #{model}#{version.empty? ? '' : "/#{version}"}" site.posts.docs.shuffle.each_with_index do |doc, pos| plain = GptTranslate::Plain.new(doc.content).to_s layout = doc['layout'] config['targets'].each do |target| pstart = Time.now link = GptTranslate::Permalink.new(doc, target['permalink']).to_path lang = target['language'] raise 'Language must be defined for each target' if target.nil? only = target['only'] if !only.nil? && layout != only Jekyll.logger.debug("Not translating #{link.inspect}, b/c 'only' set to '#{only}'") next end path = File.join(home, lang, doc.basename.gsub(/\.md$/, "-#{lang}.md")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) File.write( path, [ '---', "layout: #{target['layout'] || layout}", "title: #{doc['title'].to_json}", "description: #{doc['description'].to_json}", "permalink: #{link.to_json}", 'chatgpt-translate:', " original-url: #{doc.url.to_json}", " language: #{lang.to_json}", " model: #{model.to_json}", '---' ].join("\n") ) html = config['no_download'].nil? ? GptTranslate::Ping.new(site, link).download : nil needed = false added = false if html.nil? Jekyll.logger.info("The page is absent, need to translate #{link.inspect}") needed = true else copied += 1 site.static_files << DownloadedFile.new(site, link, html) added = true if version.empty? Jekyll.logger.info("Re-translation not required, since version is empty: #{link.inspect}") elsif html.include?(marker) Jekyll.logger.info("No need to translate, the page exists at \ #{link.inspect} (#{html.split.count} words)") else Jekyll.logger.info("Re-translation required for #{link.inspect}") needed = true end end if translated >= threshold Jekyll.logger.info("Page ##{pos} is ignored, we are over the threshold of #{threshold}: #{link}") elsif needed gpt = GptTranslate::ChatGPT.new( key, model, target['source'] || config['source'] || 'en', lang ) foreign = gpt.translate( plain, min: min_chars, window_length: (config['window_length'] || '2048').to_i ) File.write( path, [ '', foreign, '', "#{marker} on #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M')}\n{: .jekyll-chatgpt-translate}" ].join("\n"), mode: 'a+' ) site.pages << Jekyll::Page.new(site, site.source, File.dirname(path), File.basename(path)) site.static_files.delete_if { |f| f.is_a?(DownloadedFile) && f.link == link } added = true translated += 1 Jekyll.logger.info("Translated via ChatGPT \ in #{(Time.now - pstart).round(2)}s: #{path} (#{File.size(path)} bytes)") end next unless added doc.data['chatgpt-translate'] ||= {} doc.data['chatgpt-translate']['model'] ||= model doc.data['chatgpt-translate']['urls'] ||= {} doc.data['chatgpt-translate']['urls'][lang] = link end end Jekyll.logger.info("jekyll-chatgpt-translate #{GptTranslate::VERSION}: \ #{translated} pages translated and #{copied} pages copied in #{(Time.now - start).round(2)}s") end # The file we just downloaded. class DownloadedFile < Jekyll::StaticFile attr_reader :link def initialize(site, link, html) super(site, site.dest, '', link) @html = html @link = link end def write(_dest) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) File.write(path, @html) Jekyll.logger.info("Saved #{@html.split.count} words to #{path.inspect}") true end end private # Try to find the KEY, either in the environment, a file, etc. # If not found, return NIL. def api_key(config) file = config['api_key_file'] key = if file.nil? k = ENV.fetch('OPENAI_API_KEY', nil) Jekyll.logger.info('The key is found in the OPENAI_API_KEY env variable') unless k.nil? k elsif File.exist?(file) k = File.read(file).strip Jekyll.logger.info("The OpenAI API key taken from the file: #{file.inspect} (#{k.length} chars)") k else Jekyll.logger.info("The file with the OpenAI API key is not found: #{file.inspect}") nil end if key.nil? && config['api_key'] Jekyll.logger.info("The OpenAI API key is found in 'api_key' of _config.yml") key = config['api_key'] end if key.nil? && Jekyll.env == 'development' Jekyll.logger.info("OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is not set, \ the `api_key_file` option is not specified in the _config.yml, and \ we are in development mode, that's why no actual translation will happen, \ but .md pages will be generated") key = '' end key end end