April 2015 Meetup
Time: Starts 23 April 7:00 pm
Location: ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin U2 Senefelder Platz / M2 Knaackstr. HH (Remise) 1. OG , Mülhauser Str. 6 , 10405 Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg (map)
- "Vim Banshee - a command line wrapper for Banshee" by Matthias Günther
Based on Ben Klein's book The VimL Primer: Edit Like a Pro with Vim Plugins and Scripts I started to write this plugin and I want to go through it and explain it. - Vim lookup by Gernot Höflechner
Gernot will give a shor talk about his vim-lookup plugin which make it easy to find certain files or directories very fast.
After the talks there will be a F&Q and free tools session.
See you all soon.
Thanks to ThoughtWorks Werkstatt Berlin for hosting this event.
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