# frozen_string_literal: true # Extension methods for ActiveRecord::Migration class. module CaptureMigrationSql module MigrationExtension # Monkey patch to public but internal ActiveRecord method to pass # a connection that will log SQL statements. def exec_migration(conn, direction) log_migration_sql(direction) do super(conn, direction) end end # Disable SQL logging. You can use this method to turn off logging SQL # when the migration is munging data that may vary between environments. def disable_sql_logging(&block) sql_logging(enabled: false, &block) end # Enable SQL logging. You can call this method within a block where SQL # logging was disabled to renable it. def enable_sql_logging(&block) sql_logging(enabled: true, &block) end # Use a different database connection for the block. You can use this # if your application has multiple databases to swap connections for # the migration. You can pass in either a database connection or an # ActiveRecord::Base class to use the connection used by that class. # # The label argument will be added to the logged SQL as a comment. def using_connection(connection_or_class, label: nil, &block) if connection_or_class.is_a?(Class) && connection_or_class < ActiveRecord::Base label ||= connection_or_class.name connection_or_class.connection_pool.with_connection do |connection| switch_connection_in_block(connection, label: label, &block) end else switch_connection_in_block(connection_or_class, label: label, &block) end end private def switch_connection_in_block(connection, label:, &block) save_connection = @connection begin @connection = connection stream = CaptureMigrationSql.capture_stream stream.write("-- BEGIN #{label}\n\n") if label && stream retval = yield stream.write("-- END #{label}\n\n") if label && stream retval ensure @connection = save_connection end end def sql_logging(enabled:, &block) save_val = Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_enabled] begin Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_enabled] = enabled yield ensure Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_enabled] = save_val end end def log_migration_sql(direction, &block) migration_sql_dir = CaptureMigrationSql.directory output_file = File.join(migration_sql_dir, "#{version}_#{name.underscore}.sql") if version && name if output_file && direction == :up && version.to_i >= CaptureMigrationSql.starting_with_version if File.exist?(output_file) yield else Dir.mkdir(migration_sql_dir) unless File.exist?(migration_sql_dir) SqlSubscriber.attach_if_necessary File.open(output_file, "w") do |f| f.write("--\n-- #{name} : #{version}\n--\n\n") save_stream = Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_stream] begin Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_stream] = f sql_logging(enabled: true, &block) ensure Thread.current[:capture_migration_sql_stream] = save_stream end f.write("INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('#{version.to_i}');\n") end end else File.unlink(output_file) if output_file && File.exist?(output_file) yield end end end end