module Hubspot # # HubSpot Contacts API # # {} # # TODO: work on all endpoints that can specify contact properties, property mode etc... as params. cf pending specs class Contact CREATE_CONTACT_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact' GET_CONTACT_BY_EMAIL_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/email/:contact_email/profile' GET_CONTACTS_BY_EMAIL_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/emails/batch' GET_CONTACT_BY_ID_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/vid/:contact_id/profile' CONTACT_BATCH_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/vids/batch' GET_CONTACT_BY_UTK_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/utk/:contact_utk/profile' GET_CONTACTS_BY_UTK_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/utks/batch' UPDATE_CONTACT_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/vid/:contact_id/profile' DESTROY_CONTACT_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/vid/:contact_id' CONTACTS_PATH = '/contacts/v1/lists/all/contacts/all' RECENT_CONTACTS_PATH = '/contacts/v1/lists/recently_updated/contacts/recent' CREATE_OR_UPDATE_PATH = '/contacts/v1/contact/createOrUpdate/email/:contact_email' QUERY_PATH = '/contacts/v1/search/query' class << self # {} def create!(email, params={}) params_with_email = params.stringify_keys.merge('email' => email) post_data = {properties: Hubspot::Utils.hash_to_properties(params_with_email)} response = Hubspot::Connection.post_json(CREATE_CONTACT_PATH, params: {}, body: post_data ) new(response) end # {} # {} def all(opts={}) recent = opts.delete(:recent) { false } path, opts = if recent [RECENT_CONTACTS_PATH, Hubspot::ContactProperties.add_default_parameters(opts)] else [CONTACTS_PATH, opts] end response = Hubspot::Connection.get_json(path, opts) response['contacts'].map { |c| new(c) } end # TODO: create or update a contact # PATH /contacts/v1/contact/createOrUpdate/email/:contact_email # API endpoint: # + batch mode: def createOrUpdate(email, params={}) post_data = {properties: Hubspot::Utils.hash_to_properties(params.stringify_keys)} response = Hubspot::Connection.post_json(CREATE_OR_UPDATE_PATH, params: { contact_email: email }, body: post_data ) contact = find_by_id(response['vid']) contact.is_new = response['isNew'] contact end # NOTE: problem with batch api endpoint # {} # {} def find_by_id(vids) batch_mode, path, params = case vids when Integer then [false, GET_CONTACT_BY_ID_PATH, { contact_id: vids }] when Array then [true, CONTACT_BATCH_PATH, { batch_vid: vids }] else raise Hubspot::InvalidParams, 'expecting Integer or Array of Integers parameter' end response = Hubspot::Connection.get_json(path, params) raise Hubspot::ApiError if batch_mode new(response) end # {} # {} def find_by_email(emails) batch_mode, path, params = case emails when String then [false, GET_CONTACT_BY_EMAIL_PATH, { contact_email: emails }] when Array then [true, GET_CONTACTS_BY_EMAIL_PATH, { batch_email: emails }] else raise Hubspot::InvalidParams, 'expecting String or Array of Strings parameter' end begin response = Hubspot::Connection.get_json(path, params) if batch_mode{|_, contact| new(contact)} else new(response) end rescue => e raise e unless e.message =~ /not exist/ # 404 / handle the error and kindly return nil nil end end # NOTE: problem with batch api endpoint # {} # {} def find_by_utk(utks) batch_mode, path, params = case utks when String then [false, GET_CONTACT_BY_UTK_PATH, { contact_utk: utks }] when Array then [true, GET_CONTACTS_BY_UTK_PATH, { batch_utk: utks }] else raise Hubspot::InvalidParams, 'expecting String or Array of Strings parameter' end response = Hubspot::Connection.get_json(path, params) raise Hubspot::ApiError if batch_mode new(response) end # {} def search(query, options = {}) count = options.fetch(:count, 100) offset = options.fetch(:offset, 0) response = Hubspot::Connection.get_json(QUERY_PATH, { q: query, count: count, offset: offset }) response.merge("contacts" => response["contacts"].map { |contact_hash| new(contact_hash) }) end end attr_reader :properties, :vid, :is_new def initialize(response_hash) props = response_hash['properties'] @properties = Hubspot::Utils.properties_to_hash(props) unless props.blank? @vid = response_hash['vid'] end def [](property) @properties[property] end def email @properties['email'] end def utk @properties['usertoken'] end def is_new=(val) @is_new = val end # Updates the properties of a contact # {} # @param params [Hash] hash of properties to update # @return [Hubspot::Contact] self def update!(params) query = {"properties" => Hubspot::Utils.hash_to_properties(params.stringify_keys!)} Hubspot::Connection.post_json(UPDATE_CONTACT_PATH, params: { contact_id: vid }, body: query) @properties.merge!(params) self end # Archives the contact in hubspot # {} # @return [TrueClass] true def destroy! Hubspot::Connection.delete_json(DESTROY_CONTACT_PATH, { contact_id: vid }) @destroyed = true end def destroyed? !!@destroyed end end end