id: quickstart
# Quick start / Demo
**All configuration is optional.** Here's the simplest possible use case:
1. [Install]({{ site.baseurl }}/installation)
2. Write this: {% raw %} `{% picture test.jpg %}` {% endraw %}
3. Get this:
(Along with the appropriate images, obviously.)
### "That's cool, but I just want webp."
Create `_data/picture.yml`, add the following:
formats: [webp, original]
### Here's a more complete demonstration:
[Presets]({{ site.baseurl }}/presets) are named collections of settings, and come in 2 kinds: Media
Presets are named CSS media queries, and Markup Presets determine the output text and images. You
choose one with the second [tag parameter]({{ site.baseurl }}/usage), or omit for the `default` (as
in these examples). They are located in `_data/picture.yml`. Here's an example:
mobile: 'max-width: 600px'
widths: [600, 900, 1200]
formats: [webp, original]
mobile: 80vw
size: 500px
Imagemagick can easily crop images to an aspect ratio, though you should **read the whole
installation guide before using this feature**. With the above preset, if you write this:
{% raw %}
`{% picture test.jpg 3:2 mobile: test2.jpg 1:1 --alt Alternate Text %}`
{% endraw %}
You'll get something like this:
In other words, you have the art direction, format switching, and resolution switching problems
*solved*, with a one-liner and a nicely readable config file that is 1/3 as long as the output
markup. Lighthouse is happy, and you don't even need to crop things yourself.