class String def to_or "'#{self}'" end end class Numeric def to_or "#{self.to_s}" end end module ActiveOrient #require 'base' #require 'base_properties' class Model < ActiveOrient::Base include BaseProperties mattr_accessor :orientdb mattr_accessor :logger =begin orientdb_class is used to instantiate a ActiveOrient:Model:{class} by providing its name todo: implement object-inherence =end def self.orientdb_class name: klass = self ) name = name.to_s.camelize if self.send :const_defined?, name retrieved_class = self.send :const_get, name else new_class = self.send :const_set , name , klass new_class.orientdb = orientdb new_class # return_value end rescue NameError => e logger.error "Model:: Class name cannot be initialized" puts "klass: #{klass.inspect}" puts "name : #{name.inspect}" puts e.inspect end =begin ActiveOrient::Model.autoload_object "#00:00" either retrieves the object from the rid_store or loads it from the DB the rid_store is updated! to_do: fetch for version in the db and load the object if a change is detected =end def self.autoload_object link # puts "autoload_object #{link}" link_cluster_and_record = link[1,link.size].split(':').map &:to_i @@rid_store[link_cluster_and_record].presence || orientdb.get_document( link ) end def self.superClass orientdb.get_classes( 'name', 'superClass').detect{|x| x["name"].downcase == new.class.to_s.downcase.split(':')[-1].to_s }['superClass'] end def to_orient link end def from_orient self end =begin Returns just the name of the Class =end def classname self.class.to_s.split(':')[-1] end =begin If a Rest::Model-Object is included in a HashWidhtIndifferentAccess-Object, only the link is stored =end def nested_under_indifferent_access # :nodoc: link end # hard-coded orientdb-columns # prop :cluster, :version, :record, :fieldtypes # def default_attributes # super.merge cluster: 0 # super.merge version: 0 # super.merge record: 0 # end def riid # :nodoc: [ @metadata[ :cluster ] , @metadata[ :record ] ] end =begin rid is used in the where-part of sql-queries =end def rid "#{@metadata[ :cluster ]}:#{@metadata[ :record ]}" rescue "0:0" end =begin link is used in any sql-commands eg . update #link set ... =end def link "##{rid}" end # def method_missing method, *args, &b # property= orientdb.get_class_properties( classname )['properties'].detect{|x| x.has_value? method.to_s } # puts "method_missing::property" # puts property.inspect # if property.present? # if property['type'] == 'LINKSET' # attributes[method] = self ) # else # attributes[method] = '' # end # else # raise NoMethodError # end # end =begin Queries the database and fetches the count of datasets Any parameter that qualifies a database-query is suppoerted (see method get_documents) =end def self.count **args orientdb.count_documents from: self , **args end =begin Creates a new Instance of the Class with the applied attributes and returns the freshly instantiated Object =end def self.create properties = {} orientdb.create_or_update_document self, set: properties end def self.update_or_create set: {}, where:{} ,**args, &b orientdb.update_or_create_documents self , set: set, where: where , **args , &b end # historic method def self.new_document attributes: {} # :nodoc: orientdb.create_or_update_document self, set: attributes end =begin Create a Property in the Schema of the Class :call-seq: self.create_property( field (required) , type: 'string', linked_class: nil, index: nil) do index end =end def self.get_properties object = orientdb.get_class_properties self {:properties => object['properties'] , :indexes => object['indexes'] } end def self.create_property field, **keyword_arguments, &b orientdb.create_property self, field, **keyword_arguments, &b end def self.create_properties argument_hash, &b orientdb.create_properties self, argument_hash, &b end def self.create_link name, class_name orientdb.create_property self, name, type: 'link', linked_class: class_name end def self.create_linkset name, class_name orientdb.create_property self, name, type: 'linkset', linked_class: class_name end =begin Only if the Class inherents from »E« Instantiate a new Edge betwen two Vertices Parameter: unique: (true) In case of an existing Edge just update its Properties. The parameters »from« and »to« can take a list of model-records. Then subsequent edges are created. :call-seq: self.create_edge from: , to: , unique: false, attributes:{} =end def self.create_edge **keyword_arguments o=orientdb.nexus_edge self, **keyword_arguments [:from,:to].each{|y| keyword_arguments[y].is_a?(Array) ? keyword_arguments[y].each( &:reload! ): keyword_arguments[y].reload! } o # return_value end =begin QueryDatabase sends the Query, direct to the database. The result is not nessessary a Object of self. However, if the query does not return an array of Active::Model-Objects, then the entries become self =end def self.query_database query, set_from: true query.from self if set_from && query.is_a?( OrientSupport::OrientQuery ) && query.from.nil? sql_cmd = -> (command) { { type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: command } } orientdb.execute( self.to_s.split(':')[-1] ) do [ sql_cmd[ query.to_s ] ] end end def query q a= a.queries << q a.execute_queries end =begin Parameter projection: »select« is a method of enumeration, we use »projection:« to specify anything between »select« and »from« in the query-string. projection: a_string --> inserts the sting as it appears an OrientSupport::OrientQuery-Object --> performs a sub-query and uses the result for further querying though the given parameters. [ a, b, c ] --> "a , b , c " ( inserts a comma-separated list ) { a: b, "sum(x) "=> f } --> "a as b, sum(x) as f" (renames properties and uses functions ) Parameter distinct: Performs a Query like » select distinct( property ) [ as property ] from ...« distinct: :property --> the result is mapped to the property »distinct«. [ :property ] --> the result replaces the property { property: :some_name} --> the result is mapped to ModelInstance.some_name Parameter Order Sorts the result-set. If new properties are introduced via select:, distinct: etc Sorting takes place on these properties order: :property { property: asc, property: desc } [property, property, .. ] ( orderdirection is 'asc' ) Further supported Parameter: group_by skip limit unwind see orientdb- documentation ( Parameter query: Instead of providing the parameter, the OrientSupport::OrientQuery can build and tested before the method-call. The OrientQuery-Object can be provided with the query-parameter i.e. q= TestModel = r.open_class 'test_model' q.from TestModel q.where { name: 'Thomas' } count= TestModel.count query:q q.limit 10 0.step(count,10) do |x| q.skip = x puts TestModel.get_documents( query: q ).map{|x| x.adress }.join('\t') end prints a Table with 10 columns. =end def self.get_documents **args orientdb.get_documents( from: self, **args ){ self } end =begin Performs a query on the Class and returns an Array of ActiveOrient:Model-Records. Example: Log = r.open_class 'Log' Log.where priority: 'high' --> submited database-request: query/hc_database/sql/select from Log where priority = 'high'/-1 => [ #<ActiveOrient::Model::Log:0x0000000480f7d8 @metadata={ ... }, ... ] =end def self.where attributes = {} q = where: attributes query_database q end =begin removes the Model-Instance from the database returns true (successfully deleted) or false ( obj not deleted) =end def delete r= if is_edge? # returns the count of deleted edges orientdb.delete_edge rid else orientdb.delete_document rid end ActiveOrient::Base.remove_riid self if r # removes the obj from the rid_store r # true or false end =begin An Edge is defined * when inherented from the superclass »E» (formal definition) * if it has an in- and an out property Actually we just check the second term as we trust the constuctor to work properly =end def is_edge? attributes.keys.include?( 'in') && attributes.keys.include?('out') end # get enables loading of datasets if a link is followed # def self.get rid orientdb.get_document rid end def self.all orientdb.get_documents from: self end def self.first where: {} orientdb.get_documents( from: self, where: where, limit: 1).pop end def self.last where: {} # debug:: orientdb.get_documents( self, order: { "@rid" => 'desc' }, limit: 1 ){ |x| puts x }.pop orientdb.get_documents( from: self, where: where, order: { "@rid" => 'desc' }, limit: 1 ).pop end =begin Convient update of the dataset by calling sql-patch The attributes are saved to the database. With the optional :set argument ad-hoc attributes can be defined obj = ActiveOrient::Model::Contracts.first = 'new_name' obj.update set: { yesterdays_event: 35 } =end def update set: {} attributes.merge!( set ) if set.present? result= orientdb.patch_document(rid) do attributes.merge( { '@version' => @metadata[ :version ], '@class' => @metadata[ :class ] } ) end # returns a new instance of ActiveOrient::Model reload! ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb_class(name: classname).new( JSON.parse( result )) # instantiate object, update rid_store and reassign to self end =begin Overwrite the attributes with Database-Contents (or attributes provided by the updated_dataset.model-instance) =end def reload! updated_dataset=nil updated_dataset = orientdb.get_document( link) if updated_dataset.nil? @metadata[:version]= updated_dataset.version attributes = updated_dataset.attributes self # return_value (otherwise only the attributes would be returned) end def remove_item_from_property array, item=nil logger.progname = 'ActiveOrient::Model#RemoveItemFromProperty' execute_array = return unless attributes.has_key? array remove_execute_array = -> (it) do case it when ActiveOrient::Model execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} remove #{array} = #{}"} when String execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} remove #{array} = '#{it}'"} when Numeric execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} remove #{array} = #{it}"} else logger.error { "Only Basic Formats supported . Cannot Serialize #{it.class} this way" } logger.error { "Try to load the array from the DB, modify it and update the hole record" } end end if block_given? items = yield items.each{|x| remove_execute_array[x]; self.attributes[array].delete( x ) } elsif item.present? remove_execute_array[item] a= attributes; a.delete item self.attributes[array].delete( item ) end orientdb.execute do execute_array end reload! rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e logger.error " Could not remove item in #{array} " logger.error e.inspect end =begin Convient method for populating embedded- or linkset-properties In both cases an array/ a collection is stored in the database. its called via model.add_item_to_property( linkset- or embedded property, Object_to_be_linked_to ) or mode.add_items_to_property( linkset- or embedded property ) do Array_of_Objects_to_be_linked_to (actually, the objects must inherent from ActiveOrient::Model, Numeric, String) end to_do: use "<<" to add the item to the property =end def add_item_to_property array, item=nil logger.progname = 'ActiveOrient::Model#AddItem2Property' execute_array = self.attributes[array] = unless attributes[array].present? add_2_execute_array = -> (it) do case it when ActiveOrient::Model execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} add #{array} = #{}"} when String execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} add #{array} = '#{it}'"} when Numeric execute_array << {type: "cmd", language: "sql", command: "update #{link} add #{array} = #{it}"} else logger.error { "Only Basic Formats supported . Cannot Serialize #{it.class} this way" } logger.error { "Try to load the array from the DB, modify it and update the hole record" } end end if block_given? items = yield items.each{|x| add_2_execute_array[x]; self.attributes[array] << x } elsif item.present? add_2_execute_array[item] self.attributes[array] << item end orientdb.execute do execute_array end reload! rescue RestClient::InternalServerError => e logger.error " Duplicate found in #{array} " logger.error e.inspect end alias add_items_to_property add_item_to_property ## historical aliases alias update_linkset add_item_to_property alias update_embedded add_item_to_property =begin Convient method for updating a linkset-property its called via model.update_linkset( linkset-property, Object_to_be_linked_to ) or mode.update_linkset( linkset-property ) do Array_of_Objects_to_be_linked_to end =end #private def version @metadata[ :version ] end end # class end # module