# # = Fast Fourier Transforms # Contents: # 1. {Mathematical Definitions}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {Complex data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {Overview of complex data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.1] # 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.2] # 1. {Example of the complex Radix-2 FFT}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.2.1] # 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.3] # 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable class}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.3.1] # 1. {GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace class}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.3.2] # 1. {Methods to compute the transform}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.3.3] # 1. {Example of the mixed-radix FFT}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#2.3.4] # 1. {Real data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3] # 1. {Overview of real data FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.1] # 1. {Radix-2 FFT routines for real data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.2] # 1. {Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.3] # 1. {Data storage scheme}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.3.1] # 1. {Wavetable and Workspace classes}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.3.2] # 1. {Methods for real FFTs}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.3.3] # 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/fft_rdoc.html#3.3.4] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Mathematical Definitions # Fast Fourier Transforms are efficient algorithms for calculating the discrete # fourier transform (DFT), # # The DFT usually arises as an approximation to the continuous fourier transform # when functions are sampled at discrete intervals in space or time. # The naive evaluation of the discrete fourier transform is a matrix-vector # multiplication W\vec{z}. A general matrix-vector multiplication takes O(N^2) # operations for N data-points. Fast fourier transform algorithms use a # divide-and-conquer strategy to factorize the matrix W into smaller # sub-matrices, corresponding to the integer factors of the length N. # If N can be factorized into a product of integers f_1 f_2 ... f_n then the # DFT can be computed in O(N \sum f_i) operations. For a radix-2 FFT this # gives an operation count of O(N \log_2 N). # # All the FFT functions offer three types of transform: forwards, inverse and # backwards, based on the same mathematical definitions. The definition of the # forward fourier transform, x = FFT(z), is, and the definition of the inverse # fourier transform, x = IFFT(z), is, The factor of 1/N makes this a true # inverse. For example, a call to gsl_fft_complex_forward followed by a call # to gsl_fft_complex_inverse should return the original data (within numerical # errors). # # In general there are two possible choices for the sign of the exponential # in the transform/ inverse-transform pair. GSL follows the same convention as # FFTPACK, using a negative exponential for the forward transform. # The advantage of this convention is that the inverse transform recreates # the original function with simple fourier synthesis. Numerical Recipes uses # the opposite convention, a positive exponential in the forward transform. # # The backwards FFT is simply our terminology for an unscaled version of the # inverse FFT, When the overall scale of the result is unimportant it is often # convenient to use the backwards FFT instead of the inverse to save unnecessary # divisions. # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Complex data FFTs # === {}[link:index.html"name="2.1] Overview of complex data FFTs # The complex data FFT routines are provided as instance methods of # {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:rdoc/vector_complex_rdoc.html]. # # Here is a table which shows the layout of the array data, and the correspondence # between the time-domain complex data z, and the frequency-domain complex data x. # # index z x = FFT(z) # # 0 z(t = 0) x(f = 0) # 1 z(t = 1) x(f = 1/(N Delta)) # 2 z(t = 2) x(f = 2/(N Delta)) # . ........ .................. # N/2 z(t = N/2) x(f = +1/(2 Delta), # -1/(2 Delta)) # . ........ .................. # N-3 z(t = N-3) x(f = -3/(N Delta)) # N-2 z(t = N-2) x(f = -2/(N Delta)) # N-1 z(t = N-1) x(f = -1/(N Delta)) # # # When N is even the location N/2 contains the most positive and negative # frequencies +1/(2 Delta), -1/(2 Delta) which are equivalent. If N is odd then # general structure of the table above still applies, but N/2 does not appear. # # {GSL::Vector::Complex}[link:rdoc/vector_complex_rdoc.html] provides four methods for # shifting the frequency domain data between FFT order, shown in the table # above, and natural order, which has the most negative freqeuncy component # first, the zero frequency component in the middle, and the most positive # frequency component last. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#fftshift # * GSL::Vector::Complex#fftshift! # # Shifts the data of self from FFT order to natural order. The # #fftshift method leaves self unmodified and returns a new # GSL::Vector::Complex object containing the shifted data. The # #fftshift! method modifies self in-place and returns # self. Note that #fftshift and #ifftshift are equivalent # for even lengths, but not for odd lengths. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#ifftshift # * GSL::Vector::Complex#ifftshift! # # Shifts the data of self from natural order to FFT order. The # #ifftshift method leaves self unmodified and returns a new # GSL::Vector::Complex object containing the shifted data. The # #ifftshift! method modifies self in-place and returns # self. Note that #fftshift and #ifftshift are equivalent # for even lengths, but not for odd lengths. # # === {}[link:index.html"name="2.2] Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data # The radix-2 algorithms are simple and compact, although not necessarily the # most efficient. They use the Cooley-Tukey algorithm to compute complex # FFTs for lengths which are a power of 2 -- no additional storage is required. # The corresponding self-sorting mixed-radix routines offer better performance # at the expense of requiring additional working space. # # The FFT methods described below return FFTed data, and the input vector is # not changed. Use methods with '!' as tranform! for in-place transform. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_forward # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_backward # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_inverse # # # These functions compute forward, backward and inverse FFTs of the complex # vector using a radix-2 decimation-in-time algorithm. The length of the # transform is restricted to powers of two. These methods return the FFTed # data, and the input data is not changed. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_transform(sign) # # # The sign argument can be either GSL::FFT::FORWARD or GSL::FFT::BACKWARD. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_dif_forward # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_dif_backward # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_dif_inverse # * GSL::Vector::Complex#radix2_dif_transform # # # These are decimation-in-frequency versions of the radix-2 FFT functions. # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="2.2.1] Example of complex Radix-2 FFT # Here is an example program which computes the FFT of a short pulse in a # sample of length 128. To make the resulting Fourier transform real the pulse # is defined for equal positive and negative times (-10 ... 10), where the # negative times wrap around the end of the array. # # require("gsl") # include GSL # # n = 128 # data = Vector::Complex[n] # # data[0] = 1.0 # for i in 1..10 do # data[i] = 1.0 # data[n-i] = 1.0 # end # # #for i in 0...n do # # printf("%d %e %e\n", i, data[i].re, data[i].im) # #end # # # You can choose whichever you like # #ffted = data.radix2_forward() # ffted = data.radix2_transform(FFT::FORWARD) # ffted /= Math::sqrt(n) # for i in 0...n do # printf("%d %e %e\n", i, ffted[i].re, ffted[i].im) # end # # === {}[link:index.html"name="2.3] Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="2.3.1] GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable class # --- # * GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable.alloc(n) # # # This method prepares a trigonometric lookup table for a complex FFT of length n. # The length n is factorized into a product of subtransforms, and the factors and their # trigonometric coefficients are stored in the wavetable. The trigonometric coefficients are # computed using direct calls to sin and cos, for accuracy. Recursion relations could be used # to compute the lookup table faster, but if an application performs many FFTs of the same # length then this computation is a one-off overhead which does not affect the final # throughput. # # The Wavetable object can be used repeatedly for any transform of the same length. # The table is not modified by calls to any of the other FFT functions. The same wavetable # can be used for both forward and backward (or inverse) transforms of a given length. # # --- # * GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable#n # * GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable#nf # * GSL::FFT::ComplexWavetable#factor # # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="2.3.2] GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace class # --- # * GSL::FFT::ComplexWorkspace.alloc(n) # # # Creates a workspace for a complex transform of length n. # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="2.3.3] Methods to compute transform # The FFT methods described below return FFTed data, and the input vector is not changed. Use methods with '!' as tranform! for in-place transform. # # --- # * GSL::Vector::Complex#forward(table, work) # * GSL::Vector::Complex#forward(table) # * GSL::Vector::Complex#forward(work) # * GSL::Vector::Complex#forward() # * GSL::Vector::Complex#backward(arguments same as forward) # * GSL::Vector::Complex#inverse(arguments same as forward) # * GSL::Vector::Complex#transform(arguments same as forward, sign) # # # These methods compute forward, backward and inverse FFTs of the complex # vector self, using a mixed radix decimation-in-frequency algorithm. # There is no restriction on the length. Efficient modules are provided for # subtransforms of length 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Any remaining factors are # computed with a slow, O(n^2), general-n module. # # The caller can supply a table containing the trigonometric lookup # tables and a workspace work (they are optional). # # The sign argument for the method transform can be either # GSL::FFT::FORWARD or GSL::FFT::BACKWARD. # # These methods return the FFTed data, and the input data is not changed. # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="2.3.4] Example to use the mixed-radix FFT algorithm # require 'gsl' # include GSL # # n = 630 # data = FFT::Vector::Complex[n] # # table = FFT::ComplexWavetable.alloc(n) # space = FFT::ComplexWorkspace.alloc(n) # # data[0] = 1.0 # for i in 1..10 do # data[i] = 1.0 # end # # ffted = data.forward(table, space) # #ffted = data.forward() # #ffted = data.transform(FFT:Forward) # # ffted /= Math::sqrt(n) # for i in 0...n do # printf("%d %e %e\n", i, data[i].re, data[i].im) # end # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Real data FFTs # === {}[link:index.html"name="3.1] Overview of real data FFTs # # The functions for real data FFTs are provided as instance methods of # {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector.class]. While they are similar to those for # complex data, there is an important difference in the data storage layout # between forward and inverse transforms. The Fourier transform of a real # sequence is not real. It is a complex sequence with a special symmetry. A # sequence with this symmetry is called conjugate-complex or # half-complex and requires only as much storage as the original real # sequence instead of twice as much. # # Forward transforms of real sequences produce half complex sequences of the same # length. Backward and inverse transforms of half complex sequences produce real # sequences of the same length. In both cases, the input and output sequences # are instances of {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html]. # # The precise storage arrangements of half complex seqeunces depend on the # algorithm, and are different for radix-2 and mixed-radix routines. The radix-2 # functions operate in-place, which constrains the locations where each element # can be stored. The restriction forces real and imaginary parts to be stored far # apart. The mixed-radix algorithm does not have this restriction, and it stores # the real and imaginary parts of a given term in neighboring locations (which is # desirable for better locality of memory accesses). This means that a half # complex sequence produces by a radix-2 forward transform cannot be # recovered by a mixed-radix inverse transform (and vice versa). # # === {}[link:index.html"name="3.2] Radix-2 FFT routines for real data # The routines for readix-2 real FFTs are provided as instance methods of # {GSL::Vector}[link:rdoc/vector_rdoc.html]. # # The FFT methods described below return FFTed data, and the input vector is # not changed. Use methods with '!' as radix2_tranform! for in-place # transform. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#real_radix2_transform # * GSL::Vector#radix2_transform # * GSL::Vector#real_radix2_forward # * GSL::Vector#radix2_forward # # # These methods compute a radix-2 FFT of the real vector self. The # output is a half-complex sequence. The arrangement of the half-complex # terms uses the following scheme: for k < N/2 the real part of the k-th term # is stored in location k, and the corresponding imaginary part is stored in # location N-k. Terms with k > N/2 can be reconstructed using the symmetry # z_k = z^*_{N-k}. The terms for k=0 and k=N/2 are both purely real, and # count as a special case. Their real parts are stored in locations 0 and N/2 # respectively, while their imaginary parts which are zero are not stored. # # These methods return the FFTed data, and the input data is not changed. # # The following table shows the correspondence between the output self # and the equivalent results obtained by considering the input data as a # complex sequence with zero imaginary part, # # complex[0].real = self[0] # complex[0].imag = 0 # complex[1].real = self[1] # complex[1].imag = self[N-1] # ............... ................ # complex[k].real = self[k] # complex[k].imag = self[N-k] # ............... ................ # complex[N/2].real = self[N/2] # complex[N/2].real = 0 # ............... ................ # complex[k'].real = self[k] k' = N - k # complex[k'].imag = -self[N-k] # ............... ................ # complex[N-1].real = self[1] # complex[N-1].imag = -self[N-1] # # --- # * GSL::Vector#halfcomplex_radix2_inverse # * GSL::Vector#radix2_inverse # * GSL::Vector#halfcomplex_radix2_backward # * GSL::Vector#radix2_backward # # # These methods compute the inverse or backwards radix-2 FFT of the # half-complex sequence data stored according the output scheme used by # gsl_fft_real_radix2. The result is a real array stored in natural order. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data # # This section describes mixed-radix FFT algorithms for real data. # The mixed-radix functions work for FFTs of any length. They are a # reimplementation of the real-FFT routines in the Fortran FFTPACK library # by Paul Swarztrauber. # The theory behind the algorithm is explained in the article # Fast Mixed-Radix Real Fourier Transforms by Clive Temperton. # The routines here use the same indexing scheme and basic algorithms as # FFTPACK. # # The functions use the FFTPACK storage convention for half-complex sequences. # In this convention the half-complex transform of a real sequence is stored with # frequencies in increasing order, starting at zero, with the real and imaginary # parts of each frequency in neighboring locations. When a value is known to be # real the imaginary part is not stored. The imaginary part of the zero-frequency # component is never stored. It is known to be zero since the zero frequency # component is simply the sum of the input data (all real). For a sequence of # even length the imaginary part of the frequency n/2 is not stored either, since # the symmetry z_k = z_{N-k}^* implies that this is purely real too. # # # === {}[link:index.html"name="4.1] Data storage scheme # # The storage scheme is best shown by some examples. # The table below shows the output for an odd-length sequence, n=5. # The two columns give the correspondence between the 5 values in the # half-complex sequence computed real_transform, halfcomplex[] # and the values complex[] that would be returned if the same real input # sequence were passed to complex_backward as a complex sequence # (with imaginary parts set to 0), # # complex[0].real = halfcomplex[0] # complex[0].imag = 0 # complex[1].real = halfcomplex[1] # complex[1].imag = halfcomplex[2] # complex[2].real = halfcomplex[3] # complex[2].imag = halfcomplex[4] # complex[3].real = halfcomplex[3] # complex[3].imag = -halfcomplex[4] # complex[4].real = halfcomplex[1] # complex[4].imag = -halfcomplex[2] # # The upper elements of the complex array, complex[3] and complex[4] # are filled in using the symmetry condition. The imaginary part of # the zero-frequency term complex[0].imag is known to be zero by the symmetry. # # The next table shows the output for an even-length sequence, # n=5 In the even case there are two values which are purely real, # # complex[0].real = halfcomplex[0] # complex[0].imag = 0 # complex[1].real = halfcomplex[1] # complex[1].imag = halfcomplex[2] # complex[2].real = halfcomplex[3] # complex[2].imag = halfcomplex[4] # complex[3].real = halfcomplex[5] # complex[3].imag = 0 # complex[4].real = halfcomplex[3] # complex[4].imag = -halfcomplex[4] # complex[5].real = halfcomplex[1] # complex[5].imag = -halfcomplex[2] # # The upper elements of the complex array, complex[4] # and complex[5] are filled in using the symmetry condition. # Both complex[0].imag and complex[3].imag are known to be zero. # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="4.1.1] Wavetable and Workspace classes # --- # * GSL::FFT::RealWavetable.alloc(n) # * GSL::FFT::HalfComplexWavetable.alloc(n) # # # These methods create trigonometric lookup tables for an FFT of size n # real elements. The length n is factorized into a product of subtransforms, # and the factors and their trigonometric coefficients are stored in the wavetable. # The trigonometric coefficients are computed using direct calls to sin and cos, # for accuracy. Recursion relations could be used to compute the lookup table # faster, but if an application performs many FFTs of the same length then # computing the wavetable is a one-off overhead which does not affect the final # throughput. # # The wavetable structure can be used repeatedly for any transform of the same # length. The table is not modified by calls to any of the other FFT functions. # The appropriate type of wavetable must be used for forward real or inverse # half-complex transforms. # # --- # * GSL::FFT::RealWorkspace.alloc(n) # # # This method creates a workspace object for a real transform of length # n. The same workspace can be used for both forward real and inverse # halfcomplex transforms. # # ==== {}[link:index.html"name="4.1.2] Methods for mixed-radix real FFTs # # The FFT methods described below return FFTed data, and the input vector is not changed. Use methods with '!' as real_tranform! for in-place transform. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#real_transform(table, work) # * GSL::Vector#halfcomplex_transform(table, work) # * GSL::Vector#fft # # # These methods compute the FFT of self, a real or half-complex array, # using a mixed radix decimation-in-frequency algorithm. For # real_transform self is an array of time-ordered real data. For # halfcomplex_transform self contains Fourier coefficients in the # half-complex ordering described above. There is no restriction on the # length n. # # Efficient modules are provided for subtransforms of length 2, 3, 4 and 5. # Any remaining factors are computed with a slow, O(n^2), general-n module. # # The caller can supply a table containing trigonometric lookup tables # and a workspace work (optional). # # These methods return the FFTed data, and the input data is not changed. # # --- # * GSL::Vector#halfcomplex_inverse(table, work) # * GSL::Vector#halfcomplex_backward(table, work) # * GSL::Vector#ifft # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Examples # # === {}[link:index.html"name="5.1] Example 1 # # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # require("gsl") # include GSL # # N = 2048 # SAMPLING = 1000 # 1 kHz # TMAX = 1.0/SAMPLING*N # FREQ1 = 50 # FREQ2 = 120 # t = Vector.linspace(0, TMAX, N) # x = Sf::sin(2*M_PI*FREQ1*t) + Sf::sin(2*M_PI*FREQ2*t) # y = x.fft # # y2 = y.subvector(1, N-2).to_complex2 # mag = y2.abs # phase = y2.arg # f = Vector.linspace(0, SAMPLING/2, mag.size) # graph(f, mag, "-C -g 3 -x 0 200 -X 'Frequency [Hz]'") # # === {}[link:index.html"name="5.2] Example 2 # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # require("gsl") # include GSL # # n = 100 # data = Vector.alloc(n) # # for i in (n/3)...(2*n/3) do # data[i] = 1.0 # end # # rtable = FFT::RealWavetable.alloc(n) # rwork = FFT::RealWorkspace.alloc(n) # # #ffted = data.real_transform(rtable, rwork) # #ffted = data.real_transform(rtable) # #ffted = data.real_transform(rwork) # #ffted = data.real_transform() # ffted = data.fft # # for i in 11...n do # ffted[i] = 0.0 # end # # hctable = FFT::HalfComplexWavetable.alloc(n) # # #data2 = ffted.halfcomplex_inverse(hctable, rwork) # #data2 = ffted.halfcomplex_inverse() # data2 = ffted.ifft # # graph(nil, data, data2, "-T X -C -g 3 -L 'Real-halfcomplex' -x 0 #{data.size}") # # {prev}[link:rdoc/eigen_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:rdoc/wavelet_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] # #