# frozen_string_literal: true # Avoid requiring the CLI from other files. It has side-effects - such as loading r10k - # that are undesirable when using Bolt as a library. require 'uri' require 'benchmark' require 'json' require 'io/console' require 'logging' require 'optparse' require_relative '../bolt/analytics' require_relative '../bolt/application' require_relative '../bolt/bolt_option_parser' require_relative '../bolt/config' require_relative '../bolt/error' require_relative '../bolt/executor' require_relative '../bolt/inventory' require_relative '../bolt/logger' require_relative '../bolt/module_installer' require_relative '../bolt/outputter' require_relative '../bolt/pal' require_relative '../bolt/plugin' require_relative '../bolt/project_manager' require_relative '../bolt/puppetdb' require_relative '../bolt/rerun' require_relative '../bolt/target' require_relative '../bolt/version' module Bolt class CLIExit < StandardError; end class CLI attr_reader :outputter, :rerun COMMANDS = { 'apply' => %w[], 'command' => %w[run], 'file' => %w[download upload], 'group' => %w[show], 'guide' => %w[], 'inventory' => %w[show], 'lookup' => %w[], 'module' => %w[add generate-types install show], 'plan' => %w[show run convert new], 'plugin' => %w[show], 'project' => %w[init migrate], 'script' => %w[run], 'secret' => %w[encrypt decrypt createkeys], 'task' => %w[show run] }.freeze TARGETING_OPTIONS = %i[query rerun targets].freeze SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 def initialize(argv) Bolt::Logger.initialize_logging @logger = Bolt::Logger.logger(self) @argv = argv end # TODO: Move this to the parser. # # Query whether the help text needs to be displayed. # # @param remaining [Array] Remaining arguments after parsing the command. # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def help?(options, remaining) # Set the subcommand options[:subcommand] = remaining.shift if options[:subcommand] == 'help' options[:help] = true options[:subcommand] = remaining.shift end # This section handles parsing non-flag options which are # subcommand specific rather then part of the config actions = COMMANDS[options[:subcommand]] if actions && !actions.empty? options[:action] = remaining.shift end options[:help] end # TODO: Move most of this to the parser. # # Parse the command and validate options. All errors that are raised here # are not handled by the outputter, as it relies on config being loaded. # def parse with_error_handling do options = {} parser = BoltOptionParser.new(options) # This part aims to handle both `bolt --help` and `bolt help `. remaining = parser.permute(@argv) unless @argv.empty? if @argv.empty? || help?(options, remaining) # If the subcommand is not enabled, display the default # help text options[:subcommand] = nil unless COMMANDS.include?(options[:subcommand]) if Bolt::Util.first_run? FileUtils.touch(Bolt::Util.first_runs_free) if options[:subcommand].nil? && $stdout.isatty welcome_message raise Bolt::CLIExit end end # Update the parser for the subcommand (or lack thereof) parser.update puts parser.help raise Bolt::CLIExit end if options[:version] puts Bolt::VERSION raise Bolt::CLIExit end options[:object] = remaining.shift # Handle reading a command from a file if options[:subcommand] == 'command' && options[:object] options[:object] = Bolt::Util.get_arg_input(options[:object]) end # Only parse params for task or plan if %w[task plan].include?(options[:subcommand]) params, remaining = remaining.partition { |s| s =~ /.+=/ } if options[:params] unless params.empty? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Parameters must be specified through either the --params " \ "option or param=value pairs, not both" end options[:params_parsed] = true elsif params.any? options[:params_parsed] = false options[:params] = Hash[params.map { |a| a.split('=', 2) }] else options[:params_parsed] = true options[:params] = {} end end options[:leftovers] = remaining # Default to verbose for everything except plans unless options.key?(:verbose) options[:verbose] = options[:subcommand] != 'plan' end validate(options) validate_ps_version options end end # TODO: Move this to the parser. # # Print a welcome message when users first install Bolt and run `bolt`, # `bolt help` or `bolt --help`. # private def welcome_message bolt = <<~BOLT `.::-` `.-:///////-.` `-:////:. `-:///:- /ooo. .ooo/ `.-:///::///:-` `-//: ymmm- :mmmy .---. :///:-. `.:////. -//: ymmm- :mmmy +mmm+ ://. ///. -//: ymmm--/++/- `-/++/:` :mmmy-:smmms::- ://. ://. .://: ymmmdmmmmmmdo` .smmmmmmmmh: :mmmysmmmmmmmms ://. ://:///:-. ymmmh/--/hmmmy -mmmd/-.:hmmm+:mmmy.-smmms--. ://:.` .-////:-` ymmm- ymmm:hmmm- `dmmm/mmmy +mmm+ `-:///:-..:///:-.` ymmm- ommm/dmmm` hmmm+mmmy +mmm+ `.-:////:-` ymmm+ /mmmm.ommms` /mmmh:mmmy +mmmo `-.` ymmmmmhhmmmmd: ommmmhydmmmy`:mmmy -mmmmdhd oyyy+shddhs/` .+shddhy+- -yyyo .ohddhs BOLT example_cmd = if Bolt::Util.windows? "Invoke-BoltCommand -Command 'hostname' -Targets localhost" else "bolt command run 'hostname' --target localhost" end prev_cmd = String.new("bolt") prev_cmd << " #{@argv[0]}" unless @argv.empty? message = <<~MSG 🎉 Welcome to Bolt #{VERSION} 😌 We're here to help bring order to the chaos 📖 Find our documentation at https://bolt.guide 🙋 Ask a question in #bolt on https://slack.puppet.com/ 🔩 Contribute at https://github.com/puppetlabs/bolt/ 💡 Not sure where to start? Try "#{example_cmd}" We only print this message once. Run "#{prev_cmd}" again for help text. MSG $stdout.print "\033[36m#{bolt}\033[0m" $stdout.print message end # TODO: Move this to the parser. # # Validate the command. Ensure that the subcommand and action are # recognized, all required arguments are specified, and only supported # command-line options are used. # # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def validate(options) unless COMMANDS.include?(options[:subcommand]) command = Bolt::Util.powershell? ? 'Get-Command -Module PuppetBolt' : 'bolt help' raise Bolt::CLIError, "'#{options[:subcommand]}' is not a Bolt command. See '#{command}'." end actions = COMMANDS[options[:subcommand]] if actions.any? if options[:action].nil? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Expected an action of the form 'bolt #{options[:subcommand]} '" end unless actions.include?(options[:action]) raise Bolt::CLIError, "Expected action '#{options[:action]}' to be one of " \ "#{actions.join(', ')}" end end if %w[task plan script].include?(options[:subcommand]) && options[:action] == 'run' if options[:object].nil? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a #{options[:subcommand]} to run" end end # This may mean that we parsed a parameter as the object if %w[task plan].include?(options[:subcommand]) && options[:action] == 'run' unless options[:object] =~ /\A([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?(::[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)*\Z/ raise Bolt::CLIError, "Invalid #{options[:subcommand]} '#{options[:object]}'" end end if options[:subcommand] == 'apply' && (options[:object] && options[:code]) raise Bolt::CLIError, "--execute is unsupported when specifying a manifest file" end if options[:subcommand] == 'apply' && (!options[:object] && !options[:code]) raise Bolt::CLIError, "a manifest file or --execute is required" end if options[:subcommand] == 'lookup' && !options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a key to look up" end if options[:subcommand] == 'command' && (!options[:object] || options[:object].empty?) raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a command to run" end if options[:subcommand] == 'secret' && (options[:action] == 'decrypt' || options[:action] == 'encrypt') && !options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a value to #{options[:action]}" end if options[:subcommand] == 'plan' && options[:action] == 'new' && !options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a plan name." end if options[:subcommand] == 'module' && options[:action] == 'add' && !options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a module name." end if options[:action] == 'convert' && !options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a plan." end if options[:subcommand] == 'module' && options[:action] == 'install' && options[:object] command = Bolt::Util.powershell? ? 'Add-BoltModule -Module' : 'bolt module add' raise Bolt::CLIError, "Invalid argument '#{options[:object]}'. To add a new module to "\ "the project, run '#{command} #{options[:object]}'." end if %w[download upload].include?(options[:action]) raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a source" unless options[:object] if options[:leftovers].empty? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Must specify a destination" elsif options[:leftovers].size > 1 raise Bolt::CLIError, "Unknown arguments #{options[:leftovers].drop(1).join(', ')}" end end if options[:subcommand] == 'group' && options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Unknown argument #{options[:object]}" end if options[:action] == 'generate-types' && options[:object] raise Bolt::CLIError, "Unknown argument #{options[:object]}" end if !%w[file script lookup].include?(options[:subcommand]) && !options[:leftovers].empty? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Unknown argument(s) #{options[:leftovers].join(', ')}" end target_opts = options.keys.select { |opt| TARGETING_OPTIONS.include?(opt) } if options[:subcommand] == 'lookup' && target_opts.any? && options[:plan_hierarchy] raise Bolt::CLIError, "The 'lookup' command accepts either targeting option OR --plan-hierarchy." end if options[:noop] && !(options[:subcommand] == 'task' && options[:action] == 'run') && options[:subcommand] != 'apply' raise Bolt::CLIError, "Option '--noop' can only be specified when running a task or applying manifest code" end if options[:env_vars] unless %w[command script].include?(options[:subcommand]) && options[:action] == 'run' raise Bolt::CLIError, "Option '--env-var' can only be specified when running a command or script" end end validate_targeting_options(options) end # Validates that only one targeting option is provided and that commands # requiring a targeting option received one. # # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def validate_targeting_options(options) target_opts = options.slice(*TARGETING_OPTIONS) target_string = "'--targets', '--rerun', or '--query'" if target_opts.length > 1 raise Bolt::CLIError, "Only one targeting option can be specified: #{target_string}" end return if %w[guide module plan project secret].include?(options[:subcommand]) || %w[convert new show].include?(options[:action]) || options[:plan_hierarchy] if target_opts.empty? raise Bolt::CLIError, "Command requires a targeting option: #{target_string}" end end # Execute a Bolt command. The +options+ hash includes the subcommand and # action to be run, as well as any additional arguments and options for the # command. # # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # def execute(options) with_signal_handling do with_error_handling do # TODO: Separate from options hash and pass as own args. command = options[:subcommand] action = options[:action] # # INITIALIZE CORE CLASSES # project = if ENV['BOLT_PROJECT'] Bolt::Project.create_project(ENV['BOLT_PROJECT'], 'environment') elsif options[:project] dir = Pathname.new(options[:project]) if (dir + Bolt::Project::BOLTDIR_NAME).directory? Bolt::Project.create_project(dir + Bolt::Project::BOLTDIR_NAME) else Bolt::Project.create_project(dir) end else Bolt::Project.find_boltdir(Dir.pwd) end config = Bolt::Config.from_project(project, options) @outputter = Bolt::Outputter.for_format( config.format, config.color, options[:verbose], config.trace, config.spinner ) @rerun = Bolt::Rerun.new(config.rerunfile, config.save_rerun) # TODO: Subscribe this to the executor. analytics = begin client = Bolt::Analytics.build_client(config.analytics) client.bundled_content = bundled_content(options) client end Bolt::Logger.configure(config.log, config.color, config.disable_warnings) Bolt::Logger.stream = config.stream Bolt::Logger.analytics = analytics Bolt::Logger.flush_queue executor = Bolt::Executor.new( config.concurrency, analytics, options[:noop], config.modified_concurrency, config.future ) pal = Bolt::PAL.new( Bolt::Config::Modulepath.new(config.modulepath), config.hiera_config, config.project.resource_types, config.compile_concurrency, config.trusted_external, config.apply_settings, config.project ) plugins = Bolt::Plugin.new(config, pal, analytics) inventory = Bolt::Inventory.from_config(config, plugins) log_outputter = Bolt::Outputter::Logger.new(options[:verbose], config.trace) # # FINALIZING SETUP # check_gem_install warn_inventory_overrides_cli(config, options) submit_screen_view(analytics, config, inventory, options) options[:targets] = process_target_list(plugins, @rerun, options) # TODO: Fix casing issue in Windows. config.check_path_case('modulepath', config.modulepath) if options[:clear_cache] FileUtils.rm(config.project.plugin_cache_file) if File.exist?(config.project.plugin_cache_file) FileUtils.rm(config.project.task_cache_file) if File.exist?(config.project.task_cache_file) FileUtils.rm(config.project.plan_cache_file) if File.exist?(config.project.plan_cache_file) end case command when 'apply', 'lookup' if %w[human rainbow].include?(config.format) executor.subscribe(outputter) end when 'plan' if %w[human rainbow].include?(config.format) executor.subscribe(outputter) else executor.subscribe(outputter, %i[message verbose]) end else executor.subscribe(outputter) end executor.subscribe(log_outputter) # TODO: Figure out where this should really go. It doesn't seem to # make sense in the application, since the params should already # be data when they reach that point. if %w[plan task].include?(command) && action == 'run' options[:params] = parse_params( command, options[:object], pal, **options.slice(:params, :params_parsed) ) end application = Bolt::Application.new( analytics: analytics, config: config, executor: executor, inventory: inventory, pal: pal, plugins: plugins ) process_command(application, command, action, options) ensure analytics&.finish end end end # Process the command. # # @param app [Bolt::Application] The application. # @param command [String] The command. # @param action [String, NilClass] The action. # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def process_command(app, command, action, options) case command when 'apply' results = outputter.spin do app.apply(options[:object], options[:targets], **options.slice(:code, :noop)) end rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_apply_result(results) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'command' outputter.print_head results = app.run_command(options[:object], options[:targets], **options.slice(:env_vars)) rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_summary(results, results.elapsed_time) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'file' case action when 'download' outputter.print_head results = app.download_file(options[:object], options[:leftovers].first, options[:targets]) rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_summary(results, results.elapsed_time) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'upload' outputter.print_head results = app.upload_file(options[:object], options[:leftovers].first, options[:targets]) rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_summary(results, results.elapsed_time) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE end when 'group' outputter.print_groups(**app.list_groups) SUCCESS when 'guide' if options[:object] outputter.print_guide(**app.show_guide(options[:object])) else outputter.print_topics(**app.list_guides) end SUCCESS when 'inventory' targets = app.show_inventory(options[:targets]) .merge(flag: !options[:targets].nil?) if options[:detail] outputter.print_target_info(**targets) else outputter.print_targets(**targets) end SUCCESS when 'lookup' options[:vars] = parse_vars(options[:leftovers]) if options[:plan_hierarchy] outputter.print_plan_lookup(app.plan_lookup(options[:object], **options.slice(:vars))) SUCCESS else results = outputter.spin do app.lookup(options[:object], options[:targets], **options.slice(:vars)) end rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_result_set(results) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE end when 'module' case action when 'add' ok = outputter.spin { app.add_module(options[:object], outputter) } ok ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'generate-types' app.generate_types SUCCESS when 'install' ok = outputter.spin { app.install_modules(outputter, **options.slice(:force, :resolve)) } ok ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'show' if options[:object] outputter.print_module_info(**app.show_module(options[:object])) else outputter.print_module_list(app.list_modules) end SUCCESS end when 'plan' case action when 'convert' app.convert_plan(options[:object]) SUCCESS when 'new' result = app.new_plan(options[:object], **options.slice(:puppet, :plan_script)) outputter.print_new_plan(**result) SUCCESS when 'run' result = app.run_plan(options[:object], options[:targets], **options.slice(:params)) rerun.update(result) app.shutdown outputter.print_plan_result(result) result.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'show' if options[:object] outputter.print_plan_info(app.show_plan(options[:object])) else outputter.print_plans(**app.list_plans(**options.slice(:filter))) end SUCCESS end when 'plugin' outputter.print_plugin_list(**app.list_plugins) SUCCESS when 'project' case action when 'init' app.create_project(options[:object], outputter, **options.slice(:modules)) SUCCESS when 'migrate' app.migrate_project(outputter) SUCCESS end when 'script' outputter.print_head opts = options.slice(:env_vars).merge(arguments: options[:leftovers]) results = app.run_script(options[:object], options[:targets], **opts) rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_summary(results, results.elapsed_time) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'secret' case action when 'createkeys' result = app.create_secret_keys(**options.slice(:force, :plugin)) outputter.print_message(result) SUCCESS when 'decrypt' result = app.decrypt_secret(options[:object], **options.slice(:plugin)) outputter.print_message(result) SUCCESS when 'encrypt' result = app.encrypt_secret(options[:object], **options.slice(:plugin)) outputter.print_message(result) SUCCESS end when 'task' case action when 'run' outputter.print_head results = app.run_task(options[:object], options[:targets], **options.slice(:params)) rerun.update(results) app.shutdown outputter.print_summary(results, results.elapsed_time) results.ok? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE when 'show' if options[:object] outputter.print_task_info(**app.show_task(options[:object])) else outputter.print_tasks(**app.list_tasks(**options.slice(:filter))) end SUCCESS end end end # Process the target list by turning a PuppetDB query or rerun mode into a # list of target names. # # @param plugins [Bolt::Plugin] The Plugin instance. # @param rerun [Bolt::Rerun] The Rerun instance. # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # @return [Hash] The target list. # private def process_target_list(plugins, rerun, options) if options[:query] plugins.puppetdb_client.query_certnames(options[:query]) elsif options[:rerun] rerun.get_targets(options[:rerun]) elsif options[:targets] options[:targets] end end # List content that ships with Bolt. # # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def bundled_content(options) # We only need to enumerate bundled content when running a task or plan content = { 'Plan' => [], 'Task' => [], 'Plugin' => Bolt::Plugin::BUILTIN_PLUGINS } if %w[plan task].include?(options[:subcommand]) && options[:action] == 'run' default_content = Bolt::PAL.new(Bolt::Config::Modulepath.new([]), nil, nil) content['Plan'] = default_content.list_plans.each_with_object([]) do |iter, col| col << iter&.first end content['Task'] = default_content.list_tasks.each_with_object([]) do |iter, col| col << iter&.first end end content end # Check and warn if Bolt is installed as a gem. # private def check_gem_install if ENV['BOLT_GEM'].nil? && incomplete_install? msg = <<~MSG.chomp Bolt might be installed as a gem. To use Bolt reliably and with all of its dependencies, uninstall the 'bolt' gem and install Bolt as a package: https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/latest/bolt_installing.html If you meant to install Bolt as a gem and want to disable this warning, set the BOLT_GEM environment variable. MSG Bolt::Logger.warn("gem_install", msg) end end # Print a fatal error. Print using the outputter if it's configured. # Otherwise, mock the output by printing directly to stdout. # # @param error [StandardError] The error to print. # private def fatal_error(error) if @outputter @outputter.fatal_error(error) elsif $stdout.isatty $stdout.puts("\033[31m#{error.message}\033[0m") else $stdout.puts(error.message) end end # Query whether Bolt is installed as a gem or package by checking if all # built-in modules are installed. # private def incomplete_install? builtin_module_list = %w[aggregate canary puppetdb_fact secure_env_vars puppet_connect] (Dir.children(Bolt::Config::Modulepath::MODULES_PATH) - builtin_module_list).empty? end # Parse parameters for tasks and plans. # # @param options [Hash] Options from the calling method. # private def parse_params(command, object, pal, params: nil, params_parsed: nil) if params params_parsed ? params : pal.parse_params(command, object, params) else {} end end # Parse variables for lookups. # # @param vars [Array, NilClass] Unparsed variables. # private def parse_vars(vars) return unless vars Hash[vars.map { |a| a.split('=', 2) }] end # TODO: See if this can be moved to Bolt::Analytics. # # Submit a screen view to the analytics client. # # @param analytics [Bolt::Analytics] The analytics client. # @param config [Bolt::Config] The config. # @param inventory [Bolt::Inventory] The inventory. # @param options [Hash] The CLI options. # private def submit_screen_view(analytics, config, inventory, options) screen = "#{options[:subcommand]}_#{options[:action]}" if options[:action] == 'show' && options[:object] screen += '_object' end pp_count, yaml_count = if File.exist?(config.project.plans_path) %w[pp yaml].map do |extension| Find.find(config.project.plans_path.to_s) .grep(/.*\.#{extension}/) .length end else [0, 0] end screen_view_fields = { output_format: config.format, boltdir_type: config.project.type, puppet_plan_count: pp_count, yaml_plan_count: yaml_count } if options.key?(:targets) screen_view_fields.merge!( target_nodes: options[:targets].count, inventory_nodes: inventory.node_names.count, inventory_groups: inventory.group_names.count, inventory_version: inventory.version ) end analytics.screen_view(screen, **screen_view_fields) end # Issue a deprecation warning if the user is running an unsupported version # of PowerShell on the controller. # private def validate_ps_version if Bolt::Util.powershell? command = "powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy "\ "Bypass -Command $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major" stdout, _stderr, _status = Open3.capture3(command) return unless !stdout.empty? && stdout.to_i < 3 msg = "Detected PowerShell 2 on controller. PowerShell 2 is unsupported." Bolt::Logger.deprecation_warning("powershell_2_controller", msg) end end # Warn the user that transport configuration options set from the command # line may be overridden by transport configuration set in the inventory. # # @param opts [Hash] The CLI options. # private def warn_inventory_overrides_cli(config, opts) inventory_source = if ENV[Bolt::Inventory::ENVIRONMENT_VAR] Bolt::Inventory::ENVIRONMENT_VAR elsif config.inventoryfile config.inventoryfile elsif File.exist?(config.default_inventoryfile) config.default_inventoryfile end inventory_cli_opts = %i[authentication escalation transports].each_with_object([]) do |key, acc| acc.concat(Bolt::BoltOptionParser::OPTIONS[key]) end inventory_cli_opts.concat(%w[no-host-key-check no-ssl no-ssl-verify no-tty]) conflicting_options = Set.new(opts.keys.map(&:to_s)).intersection(inventory_cli_opts) if inventory_source && conflicting_options.any? Bolt::Logger.warn( "cli_overrides", "CLI arguments #{conflicting_options.to_a} might be overridden by Inventory: #{inventory_source}" ) end end # Handle and print errors. # private def with_error_handling yield rescue Bolt::Error => e fatal_error(e) raise e end # Handle signals. # private def with_signal_handling handler = Signal.trap :INT do |signo| Bolt::Logger.logger(self).info( "Exiting after receiving SIG#{Signal.signame(signo)} signal. "\ "There might be processes left executing on some targets." ) exit! end yield ensure Signal.trap :INT, handler if handler end end end