module Omniship #:nodoc: class Address ADDRESS_TYPES = %w{residential commercial po_box} attr_reader :options, :country, :postal_code, :province, :city, :name, :attention_name, :address1, :address2, :address3, :phone, :fax, :address_type, :company_name alias_method :zip, :postal_code alias_method :postal, :postal_code alias_method :state, :province alias_method :territory, :province alias_method :region, :province alias_method :company, :company_name def initialize(options = {}) @country = (options[:country].nil? or options[:country].is_a?(ActiveUtils::Country)) ? options[:country] : ActiveUtils::Country.find(options[:country]) @postal_code = options[:postal_code] || options[:postal] || options[:zip] @province = options[:province] || options[:state] || options[:territory] || options[:region] @city = options[:city] @name = options[:name] @address1 = options[:address1] @address2 = options[:address2] @address3 = options[:address3] @phone = options[:phone] @fax = options[:fax] @company_name = options[:company_name] || options[:company] @attention_name = options[:attention_name] self.address_type = options[:address_type] end def self.from(object, options={}) return object if object.is_a? Omniship::Address attr_mappings = { :name => [:name], :attention_name => [:attention_name], :country => [:country_code, :country], :postal_code => [:postal_code, :zip, :postal], :province => [:province_code, :state_code, :territory_code, :region_code, :province, :state, :territory, :region], :city => [:city, :town], :address1 => [:address1, :address, :street], :address2 => [:address2], :address3 => [:address3], :phone => [:phone, :phone_number], :fax => [:fax, :fax_number], :address_type => [:address_type], :company_name => [:company, :company_name] } attributes = {} hash_access = begin object[:some_symbol] true rescue false end attr_mappings.each do |pair| pair[1].each do |sym| if value = (object[sym] if hash_access) || (object.send(sym) if object.respond_to?(sym) && (!hash_access || !Hash.public_instance_methods.include?(sym.to_s))) attributes[pair[0]] = value break end end end attributes.delete(:address_type) unless ADDRESS_TYPES.include?(attributes[:address_type].to_s) end def country_code(format = :alpha2) @country.nil? ? nil : @country.code(format).value end def residential?; @address_type == 'residential' end def commercial?; @address_type == 'commercial' end def po_box?; @address_type == 'po_box' end def address_type=(value) return unless value.present? raise"address_type must be one of #{ADDRESS_TYPES.join(', ')}") unless ADDRESS_TYPES.include?(value.to_s) @address_type = value.to_s end def to_hash { :country => country_code, :postal_code => postal_code, :province => province, :city => city, :name => name, :address1 => address1, :address2 => address2, :address3 => address3, :phone => phone, :fax => fax, :address_type => address_type, :company_name => company_name, :attention_name => attention_name } end def to_xml(options={}) options[:root] ||= "address" to_hash.to_xml(options) end def to_s prettyprint.gsub(/\n/, ' ') end def prettyprint chunks = [] chunks << [@name,@attention_name,@address1,@address2,@address3].reject {|e| e.blank?}.join("\n") chunks << [@city,@province,@postal_code].reject {|e| e.blank?}.join(', ') chunks << @country chunks.reject {|e| e.blank?}.join("\n") end def inspect string = prettyprint string << "\nPhone: #{@phone}" unless @phone.blank? string << "\nFax: #{@fax}" unless @fax.blank? string end end end