module Mongoid module Matchers module Validations class ValidateNumericalityOfMatcher < HaveValidationMatcher @@allowed_options = [:equal_to, :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :even, :odd, :only_integer, :allow_nil, :nil] def initialize(field) super(field, :numericality) @options = {} end def to_allow(options) options[:equal_to] = options if options.is_a?(Numeric) options[:allow_nil] = options.delete(:nil) if options.has_key?(:nil) raise ArgumentError, "validate_numericality_of#to_allow requires a Hash parameter containing any of the following keys: " <<", ") if !options.is_a?(Hash) or options.empty? or (options.keys - @@allowed_options).any? @options.merge!(options) self end def matches?(actual) return false unless result = super(actual) @@allowed_options.each do |comparator| if @options.has_key?(comparator) and !([:even, :odd, :only_integer].include?(comparator) and !@validator.options.include?(comparator)) result &= (@validator.options[comparator] == @options[comparator]) end end @positive_result_message <<= options_message(@validator.options) @negative_result_message <<= options_message(@validator.options) result end def description super << options_message(@options) end protected def options_message(options) type_msg = [] comp_msg = [] options.each_pair do |key, value| case key when :allow_nil when :only_integer type_msg << "integer" if value when :odd, :even type_msg << "#{key.to_s}-numbered" if value else comp_msg << "#{key.to_s.gsub("_", " ")} #{value.inspect}" end end allow_nil = (options[:allow_nil] ? "nil" : "non-nil") if options.has_key?(:allow_nil) ["", "allowing", allow_nil, type_msg.any? ? type_msg.to_sentence : nil, "values", comp_msg.any? ? comp_msg.to_sentence : nil].compact.join(" ") end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if @@allowed_options.include?(m.to_sym) raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 1)" if args.length > 1 send :to_allow, m.to_sym => args.first else super end end end def validate_numericality_of(field) end end end end