# Important: one reason to link off of the user_profile instead of the user # is so that we can support registrations without requiring an account. # We can create a "userless" profile, that has all the necessary information. # This is instead of duplicating all those fields in the registration table. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Registration < ActiveRecord::Base include DmEvent::Concerns::RegistrationStateMachine include DmEvent::Concerns::RegistrationStateEmail include DmCore::Concerns::HasCustomFields include ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations self.table_name = 'ems_registrations' belongs_to :workshop, counter_cache: true belongs_to :workshop_price belongs_to :user_profile belongs_to :account has_many :payment_histories, as: :owner, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :payment_comment, class_name: 'Comment' preference :payment_reminder_hold_until, :date serialize :payment_reminder_history, Array attr_accessor :payment_comment_text acts_as_commentable :private accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_profile monetize :amount_paid_cents, with_model_currency: :amount_paid_currency, allow_nil: true default_scope { where(account_id: Account.current.id) } scope :attending, -> { where("(aasm_state = 'accepted' OR aasm_state = 'paid') AND archived_on IS NULL") } scope :accepted, -> { where("aasm_state = 'accepted' AND archived_on IS NULL") } scope :paid, -> { where("aasm_state = 'paid' AND archived_on IS NULL") } scope :unpaid, -> { where("aasm_state = 'accepted' AND archived_on IS NULL") } # same as accepted scope :discounted,-> { where("discount_value > 0") } # use like registrations.attending.discounted after_initialize :create_uuid before_create :set_currency after_create :set_receipt_code validates_uniqueness_of :uuid validates_presence_of :workshop_price_id, if: Proc.new { |reg| reg.workshop.workshop_prices.size > 0} validates_presence_of :workshop_price_id, if: Proc.new { |reg| reg.workshop.workshop_prices.size > 0} validates_numericality_of :discount_value, allow_nil: true validates_length_of :payment_comment, maximum: 255 delegate :first_name, :last_name, :full_name, :email, :address, :address2, :city, :state, :country, :zipcode, :phone, to: :user_profile private # the uuid is used to provide a private url to a customer so that they can access # their registration if not logged in. This is particularly important when # a customer registers without having a user account. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def create_uuid self.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid if self.new_record? end # The amount_paid currency should match the workshop base currency #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def set_currency self[:amount_paid_currency] = workshop.base_currency end # Receipt code: (workshop.id)-(registration.id). eg. 003-101 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def set_receipt_code receipt_code = ("%03d" % workshop.id) + '-' + ("%03d" % self[:id]) update_attribute(:receipt_code, receipt_code) end public # receipt code is simply the record id + 1100 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.receiptcode_to_id(receiptcode) return receipt_code.split('-')[1].to_i end # Price of this registration (without discount) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def price (workshop_price && workshop_price.price) ? workshop_price.price : Money.new(0, workshop.base_currency) end # Price with discount #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def discounted_price price - discount end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def discount return Money.new(0, workshop.base_currency) if workshop_price.nil? || workshop_price.price.nil? unless discount_value.blank? cents = (discount_use_percent ? (workshop_price.price.cents * discount_value / 100) : (discount_value * 100)) else cents = 0 end Money.new(cents, workshop_price.price.currency) end # Return the amount still owed, based on the current payments made. # balance_owed is positive if payment is still required. Negative if there # has been an overpayment #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def balance_owed discounted_price - amount_paid end # suggested amount of next payment. # if a payment is within 20 of the balance_owed, then they should pay the balance #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def payment_owed if workshop_price amount_20 = Money.new(2000, workshop_price.price.currency) (workshop_price.payment_price + amount_20) > balance_owed ? balance_owed : workshop_price.payment_price else balance_owed end end # Return the number of items specified, in particular the number of items in # a particular state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.number_of(state, options = {}) query = (options[:only_confirmed] ? where.not(confirmed_on: nil) : all) case state when :attending attending.count when :unpaid #--- the number of unpaid is the same as the number of accepted number_of(:accepted) when :checkedin query.where.not(checkin_at: 0).where(archived_on: nil).count when :archived query.where.not(archived_on: nil).count when :registrations #--- don't count any canceled query.where(archived_on: nil).where.not(aasm_state: 'canceled').where.not(aasm_state: 'refunded').count when :at_price #--- number of registrations for a particular price query.where(archived_on: nil).where("(aasm_state = 'paid' OR aasm_state = 'accepted')").where(workshop_price_id: options[:price_id]).count when :for_all_prices #--- array of counts per price query.where(archived_on: nil).where("(aasm_state = 'paid' OR aasm_state = 'accepted')").group(:workshop_price_id).count when :discounted attending.discounted.count when :discounted_total total = attending.discounted.to_a.sum(&:discount) (total == 0) ? Money.new(0) : total when :user_updated #--- how many users updated their record query.where(archived_on: nil).where("(aasm_state = 'paid' OR aasm_state = 'accepted')").where.not(user_updated_at: nil).count when :confirmed #--- how many users confirmed their attendance where.not(confirmed_on: nil).where(archived_on: nil).where("(aasm_state = 'paid' OR aasm_state = 'accepted')").count else #--- must be wanting to count the process states query.where(archived_on: nil, aasm_state: state).count end end # check if the regsitration is unpaid #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def unpaid? self.accepted? && self.archived_on == nil end # Is it time to send a payment reminder? # Due first 7 days after inital registration. Then every 14 days after that #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def payment_reminder_due? if preferred_payment_reminder_hold_until.nil? || preferred_payment_reminder_hold_until < Time.now time_period = self.payment_reminder_sent_on.nil? ? (self.created_at + 7.days) : (self.payment_reminder_sent_on + 14.days) self.balance_owed > Money.new(0, workshop.base_currency) && time_period < Time.now end # if recurring_period since last paymnet # if 7 days after registration and no payment # if 14 days since last reminder and no payment # if resume_reminders is past # last_payment = payment_histories.order('created_on').last # if workshop_price.recurring? # if end # Setup the columns for exporting data as csv. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def self.csv_columns(workshop) column_definitions = [] column_definitions << ["Receipt Code", "'R-' + item.receipt_code", 75] # 'R-' makes sure Numbers treats as a String, not a Date column_definitions << ['Process State', 'item.aasm_state', 100] column_definitions << ["Full Name", "item.full_name", 100] column_definitions << ["Last Name", "item.last_name.capitalize", 100] column_definitions << ["First Name", "item.first_name.capitalize", 100] column_definitions << ["Email", "item.email.downcase", 150] column_definitions << ["Address", "item.address", 150] column_definitions << ["Address2", "item.address2"] column_definitions << ["City", "item.city.capitalize", 100] column_definitions << ["State", "item.state.capitalize"] column_definitions << ["Zipcode", "item.zipcode"] column_definitions << ["Country", "item.country.code"] column_definitions << ['Registered on', 'item.created_at.to_date', 75, {type: 'DateTime', numberformat: 'd mmm, yyyy'}] column_definitions << ["Price", "item.workshop_price.price.to_f", nil, {type: 'Number', numberformat: '#,##0.00'}] column_definitions << ["Price Description", "item.workshop_price.price_description"] column_definitions << ["Price Sub Descr", "item.workshop_price.sub_description"] column_definitions << ["Discount", "item.discount.to_f", nil, {type: 'Number', numberformat: '#,##0.00'}] column_definitions << ["Paid", "item.amount_paid.to_f", nil, {type: 'Number', numberformat: '#,##0.00'}] column_definitions << ["Balance", "item.balance_owed.to_f", nil, {type: 'Number', numberformat: '#,##0.00'}] # ---- add the extra fields defined in the workshop record workshop.custom_field_defs.each_with_index do | x, index | case x.field_type when 'check_box_collection' column_definitions << [ "#{x.column_name}", "(z = item.custom_fields.detect { |y| y.custom_field_def_id == #{x.id} }) ? z.value : ''", nil, {type: 'list', custom_field: true}] when 'divider' else column_definitions << [ "#{x.column_name}", "(z = item.custom_fields.detect { |y| y.custom_field_def_id == #{x.id} }) ? z.value : ''", nil, {custom_field: true}] end end return column_definitions end # Payment was entered manually, create the history record. You can tell it's # a manual entry if the user_profile is filled in - means a human did it. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def manual_payment(payment_history, cost, total_currency, user_profile, options = { item_ref: '', payment_method: 'cash', bill_to_name: '', payment_date: Time.now, notify_data: nil, transaction_id: nil, status: '' } ) amount = Monetize.parse(cost, total_currency) if payment_history new_amount_paid = self.amount_paid - self.workshop_price.to_base_currency(payment_history.total) + self.workshop_price.to_base_currency(amount) payment_history.update_attributes( item_ref: options[:item_ref], cost: cost, total_cents: amount.cents, total_currency: amount.currency.iso_code, payment_method: options[:payment_method], bill_to_name: options[:bill_to_name], payment_date: options[:payment_date], user_profile_id: user_profile.id) else new_amount_paid = self.amount_paid + self.workshop_price.to_base_currency(amount) payment_history = self.payment_histories.create( anchor_id: receipt_code, item_ref: options[:item_ref], cost: cost, quantity: 1, discount: 0, total_cents: amount.cents, total_currency: amount.currency.iso_code, payment_method: options[:payment_method], bill_to_name: options[:bill_to_name], payment_date: options[:payment_date], user_profile_id: (user_profile ? user_profile.id : nil), notify_data: options[:notify_data], transaction_id: options[:transaction_id], status: (user_profile ? "Completed" : options[:status]) ) end if payment_history.errors.empty? self.update_attribute(:amount_paid_cents, new_amount_paid.cents) self.reload self.send('paid!') if balance_owed.cents <= 0 && self.accepted? else logger.error("===> Error: Registration.manual_payment: #{payment_history.errors.inspect}") end return payment_history end # delete a payment and update the registrations total amount paid #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def delete_payment(payment_id) payment = PaymentHistory.find(payment_id) if payment self.update_attribute(:amount_paid_cents, (self.amount_paid - self.workshop_price.to_base_currency(payment.total)).cents) payment.destroy suppress_transition_email self.send('accept!') if balance_owed.positive? && self.paid? return true end return false end # Return the payment page url, so that it can be used in emails #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def payment_url DmEvent::Engine.routes.url_helpers.register_choose_payment_url(self.uuid, host: Account.current.url_host, locale: I18n.locale) end end