# zine [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/zine.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/zine) Yet another blog aware static site generator. ## Why yet another static blog engine? Despite the [proliferation in these things][engine_list] (!) I still find it more comfortable to use my own tools, changing them to suit my changing needs, for example here as I've moved between GitHub, EC2 & S3 hosts. Distinguishing features include: - ERB templates - Sass stylesheets - fast incremental builds - a choice of AWS S3, GitHub & SFTP file uploads Presented here in the hope it's of use to someone else too. ## Installation Install the gem. ```shell $ gem install zine ``` To generate a new site scaffold, cd to a new folder and: ```shell $ zine site ``` Then update your site's name, your name & so on in zine.yaml. Pay particular care to the Upload section, if you want to use Zine as an SFTP uploader to deploy files that've changed, you'll need to edit this section to include your remote server's details, as well as the path to a YAML file with your username & password (nil for that if you're using SSH without a password). ## Day to day usage To set up a new blog post: ```shell $ zine post 'Your chosen title' ``` Your new post will have some fields set up in the YAML front matter, feel free to edit them too. Markdown files you create outside of the posts folder will be rendered into HTML in the same relative position in the build folder. Once you're done writing, build your new site: ```shell $ zine build # or zine force ``` Build only writes files for things that have changed while it's running, so the first time you build your site you should use force -- force writes all of the files (& so also uploads them all too if you've set up uploads). ## Design & development Typing zine style will render the Sass file into CSS. The templates are all editable, as are the files' names, which you can change in the options file. ### Halp! To see the options available type zine & hit enter: ```shell $ zine Commands: zine build # Build the site zine force # Build the site, forcing writes & uploads zine help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command zine notice POST # Build the site, then force the one POST zine nuke # Delete the build folder zine post TITLE # Create the file for a new blog post, titled TITLE zine site # Create the skeleton of a new site (overwriting files) zine style # Build the site's stylesheet zine version # Show the version number ``` ### Up next Many versions on this is only an early cut of this gem, the stuff I considered a (barely) minimum viable product. More to come... A brief TODO list at the end of the change log. ## Contributing Yes please. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mikekreuzer/zine. ## Tests ```shell rake ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [engine_list]: https://staticsitegenerators.net