require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../vendor/sphinx_client/lib/sphinx' begin require 'system_timer' rescue LoadError => e module SystemTimer def self.timeout(time, &block) Timeout.timeout(time, &block) end end end class ModelSet class SphinxQuery < Query MAX_SPHINX_RESULTS = 1000 MAX_QUERY_TIME = 5 attr_reader :conditions, :filters def max_query_time @max_query_time || MAX_QUERY_TIME end def max_query_time!(seconds) @max_query_time = seconds end def anchor!(query) add_filters!( id_field => query.ids.to_a ) end def add_filters!(filters) @filters ||= [] filters.each do |key, value| next if value.nil? @empty = true if value.kind_of?(Array) and value.empty? @filters << [key, value] end clear_cache! end def geo_anchor!(opts) @geo = opts end def add_conditions!(conditions) if conditions.kind_of?(Hash) conditions.each do |field, value| next if value.nil? field = field.join(',') if field.kind_of?(Array) value = value.collect {|v| '"' + v + '"'}.join('|') if value.kind_of?(Array) add_conditions!("@(#{field}) #{value}") end else @conditions ||= [] @conditions << conditions @conditions.uniq! clear_cache! end end def index @index ||= '*' end def use_index!(index) @index = index end SORT_MODES = { :relevance => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE, :descending => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, :ascending => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, :time => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, :extending => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, :expression => Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_EXPR, } def order_by!(field, mode = :ascending) if field == :relevance @sort_order = [SORT_MODES[:relevance]] else raise "invalid mode: :#{mode}" unless SORT_MODES[mode] @sort_order = [SORT_MODES[mode], field.to_s] end clear_cache! end def size fetch_results if @size.nil? @size end def count fetch_results if @count.nil? @count end def ids fetch_results if @ids.nil? @ids end class SphinxError < StandardError attr_accessor :opts def message "#{super}: #{opts.inspect}" end end private def fetch_results if @conditions.nil? or @empty @count = 0 @size = 0 @ids = [] else opts = { :filters => @filters, :query => conditions_clause, } before_query(opts) search = search.SetMaxQueryTime(max_query_time * 1000) search.SetServer(self.class.server_host, self.class.server_port) search.SetMatchMode(Sphinx::Client::SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2) if limit search.SetLimits(offset, limit, offset + limit) else search.SetLimits(0, MAX_SPHINX_RESULTS, MAX_SPHINX_RESULTS) end search.SetSortMode(*@sort_order) if @sort_order search.SetFilter('class_id', model_class.class_id) if model_class.respond_to?(:class_id) if @geo # Latitude and longitude in radians, radius in meters. lat_field = @geo[:latitude_field] || "#{@geo[:prefix]}_latitude" long_field = @geo[:longitude_field] || "#{@geo[:prefix]}_longitude" search.SetGeoAnchor(lat_field, long_field, @geo[:latitude].to_f, @geo[:longitude].to_f) search.SetFloatRange('@geodist', 0.0, @geo[:radius].to_f) end @filters and @filters.each do |field, value| exclude = defined?(AntiObject) && value.kind_of?(AntiObject) value = ~value if exclude if value.kind_of?(Range) min, max = filter_values([value.begin, value.end]) if min.kind_of?(Float) or max.kind_of?(Float) search.SetFilterFloatRange(field.to_s, min.to_f, max.to_f, exclude) else search.SetFilterRange(field.to_s, min, max, exclude) end else search.SetFilter(field.to_s, filter_values(value), exclude) end end begin response = SystemTimer.timeout(max_query_time) do search.Query(opts[:query], index) end unless response e = e.opts = opts raise e end rescue Exception => e e = unless e.kind_of?(SphinxError) e.opts = opts on_exception(e) end @count = response['total_found'] @ids = response['matches'].collect {|r| r['id']}.to_ordered_set @size = @ids.size after_query(opts) end end def filter_values(values) Array(values).collect do |value| case value when Date : value.to_time.to_i when TrueClass : 1 when FalseClass : 0 else value.to_i end end end class << self attr_accessor :server_host, :server_port end def conditions_clause @conditions ? @conditions.join(' ') : '' end end end