/* Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. * This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). * Copyright 2020 Datadog, Inc. */ syntax = "proto3"; option ruby_package = "DDSketch::Proto"; // A DDSketch is essentially a histogram that partitions the range of positive values into an infinite number of // indexed bins whose size grows exponentially. It keeps track of the number of values (or possibly floating-point // weights) added to each bin. Negative values are partitioned like positive values, symmetrically to zero. // The value zero as well as its close neighborhood that would be mapped to extreme bin indexes is mapped to a specific // counter. message DDSketch { // The mapping between positive values and the bin indexes they belong to. IndexMapping mapping = 1; // The store for keeping track of positive values. Store positiveValues = 2; // The store for keeping track of negative values. A negative value v is mapped using its positive opposite -v. Store negativeValues = 3; // The count for the value zero and its close neighborhood (whose width depends on the mapping). double zeroCount = 4; } // How to map positive values to the bins they belong to. message IndexMapping { // The gamma parameter of the mapping, such that bin index that a value v belongs to is roughly equal to // log(v)/log(gamma). double gamma = 1; // An offset that can be used to shift all bin indexes. double indexOffset = 2; // To speed up the computation of the index a value belongs to, the computation of the log may be approximated using // the fact that the log to the base 2 of powers of 2 can be computed at a low cost from the binary representation of // the input value. Other values can be approximated by interpolating between successive powers of 2 (linearly, // quadratically or cubically). // NONE means that the log is to be computed exactly (no interpolation). Interpolation interpolation = 3; enum Interpolation { NONE = 0; LINEAR = 1; QUADRATIC = 2; CUBIC = 3; } } // A Store maps bin indexes to their respective counts. // Counts can be encoded sparsely using binCounts, but also in a contiguous way using contiguousBinCounts and // contiguousBinIndexOffset. Given that non-empty bins are in practice usually contiguous or close to one another, the // latter contiguous encoding method is usually more efficient than the sparse one. // Both encoding methods can be used conjointly. If a bin appears in both the sparse and the contiguous encodings, its // count value is the sum of the counts in each encodings. message Store { // The bin counts, encoded sparsely. map binCounts = 1; // The bin counts, encoded contiguously. The values of contiguousBinCounts are the counts for the bins of indexes // o, o+1, o+2, etc., where o is contiguousBinIndexOffset. repeated double contiguousBinCounts = 2 [packed = true]; sint32 contiguousBinIndexOffset = 3; }