require 'fileutils' require 'open-uri' ## # multiruby_setup is a script to help you manage multiruby. # # usage: multiruby_setup [-h|cmd|spec...] # # cmds: # # -h, --help, help = show this help. # build = build and install everything. used internally. # clean = clean scm build dirs and remove non-scm build dirs. # list = print installed versions. # rm:$version = remove a particular version. # rubygems:merge = symlink all rubygem dirs to one dir. # tags = list all tags from svn. # update = update svn builds. # update:rubygems = update rubygems and nuke install dirs. # # specs: # # the_usual = alias for latest versions from tar + rubygems # mri:svn:current = alias for mri:svn:releases and mri:svn:branches. # mri:svn:releases = alias for supported releases of mri ruby. # mri:svn:branches = alias for active branches of mri ruby. # mri:svn:branch:$branch = install a specific $branch of mri from svn. # mri:svn:tag:$tag = install a specific $tag of mri from svn. # mri:tar:$version = install a specific $version of mri from tarball. # rbx:ln:$dir = symlink your rbx $dir # rbx:git:current = install rbx from git # # environment variables: # # GEM_URL = url for rubygems tarballs # MRI_SVN = url for MRI SVN # RBX_GIT = url for rubinius git # RUBY_URL = url for MRI tarballs # VERSIONS = what versions to install # # RUBYOPT is cleared on installs. # # NOTES: # # * you can add a symlink to your rubinius build into ~/.multiruby/install # * I need patches/maintainers for other implementations. # module Multiruby def self.env name, fallback; ENV[name] || fallback; end # :nodoc: TAGS = %w( 1_8_6 1_8_7 1_9_1) BRANCHES = %w(1_8 1_8_6 1_8_7 trunk) VERSIONS = env('VERSIONS', TAGS.join(":").gsub(/_/, '.')).split(/:/) MRI_SVN = env 'MRI_SVN', '' RBX_GIT = env 'RBX_GIT', 'git://' RUBY_URL = env 'RUBY_URL', '' GEM_URL = env 'GEM_URL', '' HELP = [] File.readlines(__FILE__).each do |line| next unless line =~ /^#( |$)/ HELP << line.sub(/^# ?/, '') end def self.build_and_install ENV.delete 'RUBYOPT' root_dir = self.root_dir versions = [] Dir.chdir root_dir do self.setup_dirs rubygems = Dir["versions/rubygems*.tgz"] abort "You should delete all but one rubygem tarball" if rubygems.size > 1 rubygem_tarball = File.expand_path rubygems.last rescue nil Dir.chdir "build" do Dir["../versions/*"].sort.each do |tarball| next if tarball =~ /rubygems/ build_dir = File.basename tarball, ".tar.gz" version = build_dir.sub(/^ruby-?/, '') versions << version inst_dir = "#{root_dir}/install/#{version}" unless test ?d, inst_dir then unless test ?d, build_dir then if test ?d, tarball then dir = File.basename tarball FileUtils.ln_sf "../versions/#{dir}", "../build/#{dir}" else puts "creating #{inst_dir}" Dir.mkdir inst_dir run "tar zxf #{tarball}" end end Dir.chdir build_dir do puts "building and installing #{version}" if test ?f, "" then gnu_utils_build inst_dir elsif test ?f, "Rakefile" then rake_build inst_dir else raise "dunno how to build" end if rubygem_tarball and version !~ /1[._-]9|mri_trunk|rubinius/ then rubygems = File.basename rubygem_tarball, ".tgz" run "tar zxf #{rubygem_tarball}" unless test ?d, rubygems Dir.chdir rubygems do run "../ruby ./setup.rb --no-rdoc --no-ri", "../log.rubygems" end end end end end end end versions end def self.clean self.each_scm_build_dir do |style| case style when :svn, :git then if File.exist? "Rakefile" then run "rake clean" elsif File.exist? "Makefile" then run "make clean" end else FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.pwd end end end def self.each_scm_build_dir Multiruby.in_build_dir do Dir["*"].each do |dir| next unless dir Dir.chdir dir do if File.exist?(".svn") || File.exist?(".git") then scm = File.exist?(".svn") ? :svn : :git yield scm else yield :none end end end end end def self.extract_latest_version url, matching=nil file = URI.parse(url).read versions = file.scan(/href="(ruby.*tar.gz)"/).flatten.reject { |s| s =~ /preview|-rc\d/ }.sort_by { |s| s.split(/\D+/).map { |i| i.to_i } }.flatten versions = versions.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(matching)}/) if matching versions.last end def self.fetch_tar v in_versions_dir do warn " Determining latest version for #{v}" ver = v[/\d+\.\d+/] base = extract_latest_version("#{RUBY_URL}/#{ver}/", v) abort "Could not determine release for #{v}" unless base url = File.join RUBY_URL, ver, base unless File.file? base then warn " Fetching #{base} via HTTP... this might take a while." open(url) do |f| base, 'w' do |out| out.write end end end end end def self.git_clone url, dir Multiruby.in_versions_dir do "git clone #{url} #{dir}" unless dir FileUtils.ln_sf "../versions/#{dir}", "../build/#{dir}" end end def self.gnu_utils_build inst_dir run "autoconf" unless test ?f, "configure" run "./configure --enable-shared --prefix #{inst_dir}", "log.configure" unless test ?f, "Makefile" run "(nice make -j4; nice make)", "" run "make install", "log.install" end def puts HELP.join end def self.in_build_dir Dir.chdir File.join(self.root_dir, "build") do yield end end def self.in_install_dir Dir.chdir File.join(self.root_dir, "install") do yield end end def self.in_root_dir Dir.chdir self.root_dir do yield end end def self.in_tmp_dir Dir.chdir File.join(self.root_dir, "tmp") do yield end end def self.in_versions_dir Dir.chdir File.join(self.root_dir, "versions") do yield end end def self.list puts "Known versions:" in_install_dir do Dir["*"].sort.each do |d| puts " #{d}" end end end def self.merge_rubygems in_install_dir do gems = Dir["*/lib/ruby/gems"] unless test ?d, "../gems" then gems.first, ".." end gems.each do |d| FileUtils.rm_rf d FileUtils.ln_sf "../../../../gems", d end end end def self.mri_latest_tag v Multiruby.tags.grep(/#{v}/).last end def self.rake_build inst_dir run "rake", "" FileUtils.ln_sf "../build/#{File.basename Dir.pwd}", inst_dir end def self.rbx_ln dir dir = File.expand_path dir Multiruby.in_versions_dir do FileUtils.ln_sf dir, "rubinius" FileUtils.ln_sf "../versions/rubinius", "../install/rubinius" end end def self.rm name Multiruby.in_root_dir do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir["*/#{name}"] f = "versions/ruby-#{name}.tar.gz" File.unlink f if test ?f, f end end def self.root_dir root_dir = File.expand_path(ENV['MULTIRUBY'] || File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".multiruby")) unless test ?d, root_dir then puts "creating #{root_dir}" Dir.mkdir root_dir, 0700 end root_dir end def base_cmd, log = nil cmd = base_cmd cmd += " > #{log} 2>&1" if log puts "Running command: #{cmd}" raise "ERROR: Command failed with exit code #{$?}" unless system cmd end def self.setup_dirs download = true %w(build install versions tmp).each do |dir| unless test ?d, dir then puts "creating #{dir}" Dir.mkdir dir if dir == "versions" && download then warn " Downloading initial ruby tarballs to ~/.multiruby/versions:" VERSIONS.each do |v| self.fetch_tar v end warn " ...done" warn " Put other ruby tarballs in ~/.multiruby/versions to use them." end end end end def self.svn_co url, dir Multiruby.in_versions_dir do "svn co #{url} #{dir}" unless dir FileUtils.ln_sf "../versions/#{dir}", "../build/#{dir}" end end def self.tags tags = nil Multiruby.in_tmp_dir do cache = "svn.tag.cache" File.unlink cache if - File.mtime(cache) > 3600 rescue nil cache, "w" do |f| f.write `svn ls #{MRI_SVN}/tags/` end unless File.exist? cache tags =\n/).grep(/^v/).reject {|s| s =~ /preview/} end tags = tags.sort_by { |s| s.scan(/\d+/).map { |s| s.to_i } } end def self.update # TODO: # update will look at the dir name and act accordingly rel_.* will # figure out latest tag on that name and svn sw to it trunk and # others will just svn update clean = [] self.each_scm_build_dir do |style| dir = File.basename(Dir.pwd) warn dir case style when :svn then case dir when /mri_\d/ then system "svn cleanup" # just in case svn_up = `svn up` in_build_dir do if svn_up =~ /^[ADUCG] / then clean << dir else warn " no update" end FileUtils.ln_sf "../build/#{dir}", "../versions/#{dir}" end when /mri_rel_(.+)/ then ver = $1 url = `svn info`[/^URL: (.*)/, 1] latest = self.mri_latest_tag(ver).chomp('/') new_url = File.join(File.dirname(url), latest) if new_url != url then run "svn sw #{new_url}" clean << dir else warn " no update" end else warn " update in this svn dir not supported yet: #{dir}" end when :git then case dir when /rubinius/ then run "rake git:update build" # minor cheat by building here else warn " update in this git dir not supported yet: #{dir}" end else warn " update in non-svn dir not supported yet: #{dir}" end end in_install_dir do clean.each do |dir| warn "removing install/#{dir}" FileUtils.rm_rf dir end end end def self.update_rubygems warn " Determining latest version for rubygems" html = URI.parse(GEM_URL).read versions = html.scan(/href="rubygems-update-(\d+(?:\.\d+)+).gem/i).flatten latest = versions.sort_by { |s| s.scan(/\d+/).map { |s| s.to_i } }.last Multiruby.in_versions_dir do file = "rubygems-#{latest}.tgz" unless File.file? file then warn " Fetching rubygems-#{latest}.tgz via HTTP." File.unlink(*Dir["rubygems*"]) file, 'w' do |f| f.write URI.parse(GEM_URL+"/"+file).read end end end Multiruby.in_install_dir do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir["*"] end end end