# dashing-contrib [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib) This project is an extension to Shopify's Dashing. Including this rubygem you will be able to: * Use all the built-in widgets * Extend `DashingContrib::RunnableJob` module to define, test jobs * Built-in jobs are only a couple of lines implementation, no repetitive copy and paste * Existing secret parameters is automatically loaded from `.env` file * All jobs have a final state (ok, warning, critical) * Rest API to get overall state summary * Rest API to trigger save history Read each individual widget documentation to use dashing-contrib built-in widgets after the installation steps. ## Installation Requires Ruby >= 1.9.3. Add this line to your Dashing's dashboard Gemfile: gem 'dashing-contrib', '~> 0.2.2' Update dependencies: $ bundle Add the following on top of the `config.ru` $: << File.expand_path('./lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'dashing-contrib' require 'dashing' DashingContrib.configure Include built-in CoffeeScript to `assets/javascripts/application.coffee` #=require dashing-contrib/assets/widgets Include built-in SCSS to `assets/stylesheets/application.scss` //=require dashing-contrib/assets/widgets Now you will be able to use the following widgets, click to see individual documentation: * [Rickshawgraph](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Rickshawgraph) * [Sidekiq](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Sidekiq) * [Pingdom Uptime](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Pingdom-Uptime) * [Pingdom Summary](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Pingdom-Summary) * [Kue Status](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Kue-Status) * [Nagios List](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Nagios-List) * [Switcher](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/wiki/Widget:-Switcher) * Dashing State (global alert if any widget is under critical state) ## dotenv Shared job parameters are managed by `dotenv` gem. Add a `.env` file in your dashing project root. dashing-contrib will load your configuration from `.env` file automatically. An example `.env` file: ```ruby NAGIOS_ENDPOINT: http://example.com/nagios3/cgi-bin NAGIOS_USERNAME: dasher NAGIOS_PASSWORD: readonly PINGDOM_USERNAME: ping PINGDOM_PASSWORD: pong PINGDOM_API_KEY: pingpongpingpong ``` These values can be accessed in jobs `ENV['NAGIOS_ENDPOINT']` ## Job Definition dashing-contrib gem provides a standard job definition wrapper. This replaces the 'SCHEDULE.every' call: * defines common data processing and testable/reusable modules * in addition to dashing's default 'updatedAt', introduced an optional `state` information used across all widgets A custom job declaration example: ```ruby module MyCustomJob # provides some dashing hooks extend DashingContrib::RunnableJob # Overrides to extract some data for display # generated hash will be available for widget to access def self.metrics(options) { metrics: { failed: 500, ok: 123013 } } end # By default this always returns OK state # You can customize the state return value by lookup generated metrics and user provided options def self.validate_state(metrics, options = {}) # `metrics` parameter is the value return by `metrics` method failed_value = metrics[:metrics][:failed] return DashingContrib::RunnableJob::OK if failed_value == 0 return DashingContrib::RunnableJob::WARNING if failed_value <= 100 DashingContrib::RunnableJob::CRITICAL end end ``` When using job: ```ruby # make sure MyCustomJob module is required # default interval is every 30s and job is executed once at start MyCustomJob.run(event: 'custom-job-event', every: '20s') # Custom job also has a block syntax if you are setting up some global settings MyCustomJob.run(event: 'custom-job-event') do # setup redis client etc end # metrics and validate_state method will be able to use `my_custom_param` and `custom_threshold` # to make configurable metrics fetch and state validation MyCustomJob.run(event: 'custom-job-event', my_custom_param: 123, custom_threshold: 3) # Override rufus-scheduler configuraiton using scheduler hash settings MyCustomJob.run(event: 'custom-job-event', my_custom_param: 123, custom_threshold: 3, scheduler: { first_in: 10 }) ``` Take a look some build-in jobs as example: * [dashing-contrib/jobs/sidekiq.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/sidekiq.rb) * [dashing-contrib/jobs/kue.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/kue.rb) * [dashing-contrib/jobs/nagios_list.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/nagios_list.rb) * [dashing-contrib/jobs/pingdom_uptime.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/pingdom_uptime.rb) * [dashing-contrib/jobs/pingdom_summary.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/pingdom_summary.rb) * [dashing-contrib/jobs/dashing-state.rb](https://github.com/QubitProducts/dashing-contrib/blob/master/lib/dashing-contrib/jobs/dashing-state.rb) This is nice that backend data fetching can be now unit tested and reused. Dashing widget view layer can reuse the same job processor and present data in multiple forms. # Widget State All built-in jobs managed by 'DashingContrib::Runnable' assumes each widget instance has a 'state' under ok, warning or critical. We suggest your custom widget should also follow this convension. This gem creates an additional REST API, as well as a widget to show a global healthness of the system. This is awesome if you would like to build some physical alert system around it. `GET http://{dashing_endpoint}/api/states` ```json { "ok": 2, "warning": 0, "critical": 0, "detailed_status": { "dashboard": { "state": "ok", "title": "Dashboard", "updated_at": 1403823187 }, "nagios-list": { "state": "ok", "title": "Nagios Checks", "updated_at": 1403823178 } } } ``` # Persistent History A new REST endpoint allows to force keep a snapshot of current events data and update the history.yml yaml file. `Post http://{dashing_endpoint}/api/history/save` ## How to contribute There are a couple of ways to contribute. Brining those widgets scattered in github, in multiple format into this repository. They usually falling into the following categories: * Widgets, common widgets should be generic solution to a common requirements. e.g. line graph, better clock with common functionalities. Documentation should be written as a README.md file under widget's own directory, include a preview.png file in the widget folder. * Jobs utils, common Job data processing for graphing purpose * Fix and add test * Improve documentation ### Tests You can run the tests using bundler. ```shell bundle install bundle exec rake spec ```