# frozen_string_literal: true class Spree::Admin::ResourceController < Spree::Admin::BaseController include Spree::Backend::Callbacks helper_method :new_object_url, :edit_object_url, :object_url, :collection_url before_action :load_resource, except: :update_positions rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| resource_not_found(flash_class: exception.model.constantize) end rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :resource_invalid respond_to :html def new invoke_callbacks(:new_action, :before) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html { render layout: !request.xhr? } if request.xhr? format.js { render layout: false } end end end def edit respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html { render layout: !request.xhr? } if request.xhr? format.js { render layout: false } end end end def update invoke_callbacks(:update, :before) if @object.update(permitted_resource_params) invoke_callbacks(:update, :after) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html do flash[:success] = flash_message_for(@object, :successfully_updated) redirect_to location_after_save end format.js { render layout: false } end else invoke_callbacks(:update, :fails) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html do flash.now[:error] = @object.errors.full_messages.join(", ") render_after_update_error end format.js { render layout: false } end end end def create invoke_callbacks(:create, :before) @object.attributes = permitted_resource_params if @object.save invoke_callbacks(:create, :after) flash[:success] = flash_message_for(@object, :successfully_created) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html { redirect_to location_after_save } format.js { render layout: false } end else invoke_callbacks(:create, :fails) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html do flash.now[:error] = @object.errors.full_messages.join(", ") render_after_create_error end format.js { render layout: false } end end end def update_positions ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do params[:positions].each do |id, index| model_class.find_by(id: id)&.set_list_position(index) end end respond_to do |format| format.js { head :no_content } end end def destroy invoke_callbacks(:destroy, :before) destroy_result = if @object.respond_to?(:discard) @object.discard else @object.destroy end if destroy_result invoke_callbacks(:destroy, :after) flash[:success] = flash_message_for(@object, :successfully_removed) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html { redirect_to location_after_destroy } format.js { render partial: "spree/admin/shared/destroy" } end else invoke_callbacks(:destroy, :fails) respond_with(@object) do |format| message = @object.errors.full_messages.to_sentence format.html do flash[:error] = message redirect_to location_after_destroy end format.js do render status: :unprocessable_entity, plain: message end end end end private class << self attr_accessor :parent_data def belongs_to(model_name, options = {}) @parent_data ||= {} @parent_data[:model_name] = model_name @parent_data[:model_class] = (options[:model_class] || model_name.to_s.classify.constantize) @parent_data[:find_by] = options[:find_by] || :id @parent_data[:includes] = options[:includes] end end def resource_not_found(flash_class: model_class, redirect_url: collection_url) super end def model_class "Spree::#{controller_name.classify}".constantize end def parent_model_name self.class.parent_data[:model_name].gsub('spree/', '') end def object_name controller_name.singularize end def load_resource if member_action? @object ||= load_resource_instance # call authorize! a third time (called twice already in Admin::BaseController) # this time we pass the actual instance so fine-grained abilities can control # access to individual records, not just entire models. authorize! action, @object instance_variable_set("@#{object_name}", @object) else @collection ||= collection # note: we don't call authorize here as the collection method should use # CanCan's accessible_by method to restrict the actual records returned instance_variable_set("@#{controller_name}", @collection) end end def load_resource_instance if new_actions.include?(action) build_resource elsif params[:id] find_resource end end def parent @parent ||= self.class.parent_data[:model_class] .includes(self.class.parent_data[:includes]) .find_by!(self.class.parent_data[:find_by] => params["#{parent_model_name}_id"]) instance_variable_set("@#{parent_model_name}", @parent) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e resource_not_found(flash_class: e.model.constantize, redirect_url: spree.polymorphic_url([:admin, parent_model_name.pluralize.to_sym])) end def parent? self.class.parent_data.present? end def find_resource if parent? parent.send(controller_name).find(params[:id]) else model_class.find(params[:id]) end end def build_resource if parent? parent.send(controller_name).build else model_class.new end end def collection return parent.send(controller_name) if parent? && parent if model_class.respond_to?(:accessible_by) && !current_ability.has_block?(params[:action], model_class) model_class.accessible_by(current_ability, action) else model_class.all end end def location_after_destroy collection_url end def location_after_save collection_url end # URL helpers def new_object_url(options = {}) if parent? spree.new_polymorphic_url([:admin, parent, model_class], options) else spree.new_polymorphic_url([:admin, model_class], options) end end def edit_object_url(object, options = {}) if parent? spree.polymorphic_url([:edit, :admin, parent, object], options) else spree.polymorphic_url([:edit, :admin, object], options) end end def object_url(object = nil, options = {}) target = object ? object : @object if parent? spree.polymorphic_url([:admin, parent, target], options) else spree.polymorphic_url([:admin, target], options) end end def collection_url(options = {}) if parent? spree.polymorphic_url([:admin, parent, model_class], options) else spree.polymorphic_url([:admin, model_class], options) end end # Allow all attributes to be updatable. # # Other controllers can, should, override it to set custom logic def permitted_resource_params params[object_name].present? ? params.require(object_name).permit! : ActionController::Parameters.new.permit! end def collection_actions [:index] end def member_action? !collection_actions.include? action end def new_actions [:new, :create] end def render_after_create_error render action: 'new' end def render_after_update_error render action: 'edit' end def resource_invalid(exception) invoke_callbacks(action, :fails) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html do flash.now[:error] = exception.message if @object.new_record? render_after_create_error else render_after_update_error end end format.js { render layout: false } end end end