# frozen_string_literal: true ## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.3 # 2011-05-06 # # Added support for HAXPLORER, phpSysInfo, PHPFM, SquirrelMail and wwwboard passwd.txt ## # Version 0.2 # 2011-01-23 # # Updated version detection ## WhatWeb::Plugin.define "Google-Hack-Honeypot" do @author = "Brendan Coles " # 2010-06-13 @version = "0.3" @description = "Google Hack Honeypot is the reaction to a new type of malicious web traffic: search engine hackers. This plugin identifies the following GHH modules: php-ping, HAXPLORER, phpSysInfo, PHPFM, SquirrelMail, wwwboard passwd.txt" @website = "http://ghh.sourceforge.net/" # This plugin identifies hard-coded strings in GHH modules. # Most GHH templates only use random number generation to appear legitimate. # Matches were chosen based on hard-coded strings which were least likely: # to provide false positives # to have been modified by the admin # Dates and filenames are used in favor of HTML comments and version numbers # in order to reduce false positives. # Matches # @matches = [ # PHP-Ping # GHDB Signature 733 # ("Enter ip" inurl:"php-ping.php") # A real PHP-Ping install doesn't default to { module: "PHP-Ping", regexp: /The WorldsEnd.NET - Free Ping Script, written in PHP<\/title><\/head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"><\/body><p><font size="2">Your IP is: [\d\.]*<\/font><\/p><form methode="post" action="[^\"]*"> Enter IP or Host <input type="text" name="host" value=""><\/input> Enter Count <input type="text" name="count" size="2" value="4"><\/input> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Ping!"><\/input><\/form><br><b><\/b><\/body><\/html>/ }, # HAXPLORER # GHDB Signature 833 # (filetype:php HAXPLORER "Server Files Browser") # Link URL: <a href="1.php?cmd=dir&dir=./."> # Defaults to Thursday:   Thu 0 { module: "HAXPLORER", regexp: /<tr><td NOWRAP class="top left right">   <a href="1\.php\?cmd=dir&dir=\.\/\.">\[\.\]<\/a>         <\/td>\n<td NOWRAP class="top right"><center>  \n  <\/center><\/td>\n<td NOWRAP class="top right"> <\/td>\n<td NOWRAP class="top right">  \n<strong>D<\/strong><strong>R<\/strong><Strong>X<strong>  <\/td>\n<td NOWRAP class="top right" NOWRAP>\n  Thu 0\d/ }, # phpSysInfo # GHDB Signature 161 # (inurl:phpSysInfo/ "created by phpsysinfo") # Default created by date:  phpSysInfo-2\.3<\/a> on Feb 11, 2005 { module: "phpSysInfo", regexp: /<input type="submit" value="Submit"><\/form><\/center><hr>Created by<a href="http:\/\/phpsysinfo\.sourceforge\.net"> phpSysInfo-2\.3<\/a> on Feb 11, 2005 at <br>/ }, # PHPFM # GHDB Signature 361 # ("Powered by PHPFM" filetype:php -username) # index.php and readme.txt are the only two files listed # Size, permission and modified details are not randomized { module: "PHPFM", text: "<td> index.php</td><td width=60 align='right'>2,81 KB</td><td width=35 align='center'>666</td><td width=110 align='right'>20:36 06-19-2003</td><td width=20> </td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=index.php&action=edit'><img src='icon/edit.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Edit file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=index.php&action=rename'><img src='icon/rename.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Rename file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=index.php&action=download'><img src='icon/download.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Download file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=index.php&action=delete'><img src='icon/delete.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Delete file' border=0></a></td></tr><tr><td width=20><img src='icon/text.gif' width=20 height=22 border=0 alt='File'></td><td> readme.txt</td><td width=60 align='right'>2,13 KB</td><td width=35 align='center'>666</td><td width=110 align='right'>22:26 06-19-2003</td><td width=20> </td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=readme.txt&action=edit'><img src='icon/edit.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Edit file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=readme.txt&action=rename'><img src='icon/rename.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Rename file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=readme.txt&action=download'><img src='icon/download.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Download file' border=0></a></td><td width=20><a href='?&&path=&filename=readme.txt&action=delete'><img src='icon/delete.gif' width=20 height=22 alt='Delete file' border=0></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=9> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><br /><table class='bottom' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align='center'>Powered by <a href='http://phpfm.zalon.dk/' target='_new' class='bottom'>PHPFM</a> 0.2.3</td>" }, # SquirrelMail # GHDB Signature 1013 # ("SquirrelMail version 1.4.4" inurl:src ext:php) # Logo URL: ../images/sm_logo.png # An aggressve plugin could confirm if ./redirect.php returns 404 { module: "SquirrelMail", certainty: 75, regexp: /<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC" onload="squirrelmail_loginpage_onload\(\);">\n<form action="redirect\.php" method="post">\n\n<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><center><img src="\.\.\/images\/sm_logo\.png" alt="/ }, ] # Passive # def passive(target) m = [] # wwwboard passwd.txt # GHDB Signature 1122 # (wwwboard WebAdmin inurl:passwd.txt # URL: passwd.txt # Password format: WebAdmin:ae[11-random-characters] if target.uri.to_s =~ /\/passwd\.txt$/ && target.body =~ /^WebAdmin:ae[\w]{11}$/ m << { certainty: 25, module: "wwwboard passwd.txt" } end # Return passive matches m end # Aggressive # def aggressive(target) m = [] # wwwboard passwd.txt # GHDB Signature 1122 # (wwwboard WebAdmin inurl:passwd.txt # URL: passwd.txt # Password format: WebAdmin:ae[11-random-characters] # Refresh URL and see if the password changed if target.uri.to_s =~ /\/passwd\.txt$/ && target.body =~ /^WebAdmin:ae[\w]{11}$/ new_target = WhatWeb::Target.new(target.uri.to_s) if new_target.body != target.body m << { module: "wwwboard passwd.txt" } end end # Return aggressive matches m end end # An aggressive plugin could look for : # xml.inc # xmlrpc.inc # xmlrpcs.inc # ghhserver.php # config.php # CreateDatabase.sql