require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' def test_file_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../fixtures/foo.txt" end describe CurbFu::Request::Test do before :each do @a_server = mock(Object, :call => [200, { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase' }, ["A is for Archer, an excellent typeface."]]) @b_server = mock(Object, :call => [200, {},["B is for Ballyhoo, like what happened when Twitter switched to Scala"]]) @c_server = mock(Object, :call => [200, {}, ["C is for Continuous, as in Integration"]]) CurbFu.stubs = { '' => @a_server, '' => @b_server, '' => @c_server } @mock_rack_response = mock(Rack::MockResponse, :status => 200, :headers => {}, :body => "C is for Continuous, as in Integration") end describe "module inclusion" do it "should define a 'get' method" do class Test include CurbFu::Request::Test end Test.should respond_to(:get) end end describe "parse_hostname" do it "should return just the hostname from a full URL" do CurbFu::Request.parse_hostname(''). should == '' end it 'should return the hostname if just a hostname is given' do CurbFu::Request.parse_hostname(''). should == '' end end describe "process_headers" do it "should convert http headers into their upcased, HTTP_ prepended form for the Rack environment" do CurbFu::Request.process_headers({'X-Mirror-Request' => 'true'}).should == {"HTTP_X_MIRROR_REQUEST" => "true"} end it "should handle a whole hashful of headers" do CurbFu::Request.process_headers({ 'X-Mirror-Request' => 'true', 'Accept-Encoding' => '*/*', 'X-Forwarded-For' => '' }).should == { "HTTP_X_MIRROR_REQUEST" => "true", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "*/*", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "" } end end describe "match_host" do it "should return the appropriate Rack::Test instance to delegate the request to" do CurbFu::Request.match_host("").app.should == @a_server end it "should return nil if no match is made" do CurbFu::Request.match_host("").should be_nil end end describe "build_request_options" do it "should parse headers" do CurbFu::Request.build_request_options({:host => '', :path => '/big/white/dog', :headers => { 'Accept' => 'beer/pilsner' }}). should include(:headers => { 'Accept' => 'beer/pilsner' }) end it "should parse url" do CurbFu::Request.build_request_options({:host => '', :path => '/big/white/dog'}). should include(:url => '') end it "should parse username and password" do CurbFu::Request.build_request_options({:host => '', :path => '/big/white/dog', :username => 'bill', :password => 's3cr3t' }). should include(:username => 'bill', :password => 's3cr3t') end it "should get an interface" do CurbFu::Request.build_request_options({:host => '', :path => '/big/white/dog'}). should include(:interface => CurbFu.stubs['']) end end describe "get_interface" do it "should parse a string" do CurbFu::Request.get_interface('').app.should == @a_server end it "should parse a hash" do CurbFu::Request.get_interface({:host => ''}).app.should == @a_server end end describe "respond" do it "should convert headers to uppercase, underscorized" do CurbFu::Response::Base.stub!(:from_rack_response) mock_interface = mock(Object, :send => mock(Object, :status => 200), :hostname= => nil, :hostname => '') mock_interface.should_receive(:header).with('HTTP_X_MONARCHY','false') mock_interface.should_receive(:header).with('HTTP_X_ANARCHO_SYNDICALIST_COMMUNE','true') CurbFu::Request.respond(mock_interface, :get, '', {}, {'X-Anarcho-Syndicalist-Commune' => 'true', 'X-Monarchy' => 'false'}, nil, nil) end end describe "hashify_params" do it "should turn a URL-formatted query string into a hash of parameters" do hash = CurbFu::Request.hashify_params("color=red&shape=round") hash.should include('color' => 'red') hash.should include('shape' => 'round') end it "should convert array-formatted params into a hash of arrays" do hash = CurbFu::Request.hashify_params("make[]=Chevrolet&make[]=Pontiac&make[]=GMC") hash.should == {'make' => ['Chevrolet','Pontiac','GMC']} end it "should convert hash parameters into a hash of hashes" do hash = CurbFu::Request.hashify_params("car[make]=Chevrolet&car[color]=red&car[wheel_shape]=round") hash.should == {'car' => { 'make' => 'Chevrolet', 'color' => 'red', 'wheel_shape' => 'round' }} end it 'should remove any leading ?s' do hash = CurbFu::Request.hashify_params("?q=134&dave=astronaut") hash.keys.should_not include('?q') end end describe "get" do it 'should delegate the get request to the Rack::Test instance' do CurbFu.stubs[''].should_receive(:get).with('', anything, anything).and_return(@mock_rack_response) @a_server.should respond_to(:call) CurbFu::Request.get('') end it 'should raise Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError if hostname is not defined in stub list' do lambda { CurbFu::Request.get('') }.should raise_error(Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError) end it 'should return a CurbFu::Response object' do response = CurbFu::Request.get('') response.should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Response::Base) response.status.should == 200 response.headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase', "Content-Length"=>"39" } response.body.should == "A is for Archer, an excellent typeface." end end describe "post" do it 'should delegate the post request to the Rack::Test instance' do CurbFu.stubs[''].should_receive(:post). with('', {'html' => 'CSRF in da house! '}, anything). and_return(@mock_rack_response)'', {'html' => 'CSRF in da house! '}) end it 'should raise Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError if hostname is not defined in stub list' do lambda {'') }.should raise_error(Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError) end it 'should return a CurbFu::Response object' do response ='') response.should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Response::Base) response.status.should == 200 response.headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase', "Content-Length"=>"39" } response.body.should == "A is for Archer, an excellent typeface." end end describe "post_file" do it 'should delegate the post request to the Rack::Test instance' do CurbFu.stubs[''].should_receive(:post). with('', hash_including("foo.txt"=>anything, "filename"=>"asdf ftw"), anything). and_return(@mock_rack_response) CurbFu::Request.post_file('', {'filename' => 'asdf ftw'}, {'foo.txt' => test_file_path }) end it 'should raise Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError if hostname is not defined in stub list' do lambda { CurbFu::Request.post_file('') }.should raise_error(Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError) end it 'should return a CurbFu::Response object' do response = CurbFu::Request.post_file('') response.should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Response::Base) response.status.should == 200 response.headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase', "Content-Length"=>"39" } response.body.should == "A is for Archer, an excellent typeface." end end describe "put" do it 'should delegate the put request to the Rack::Test instance' do CurbFu.stubs[''].should_receive(:put).with('', anything, anything).and_return(@mock_rack_response) CurbFu::Request.put('') end it 'should raise Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError if hostname is not defined in stub list' do lambda { CurbFu::Request.put('') }.should raise_error(Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError) end it 'should return a CurbFu::Response object' do response = CurbFu::Request.put('') response.should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Response::Base) response.status.should == 200 response.headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase', "Content-Length"=>"39" } response.body.should == "A is for Archer, an excellent typeface." end end describe "delete" do it 'should delegate the delete request to the Rack::Test instance' do CurbFu.stubs[''].should_receive(:delete).with('', anything, anything).and_return(@mock_rack_response) @a_server.should respond_to(:call) CurbFu::Request.delete('') end it 'should raise Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError if hostname is not defined in stub list' do lambda { CurbFu::Request.delete('') }.should raise_error(Curl::Err::ConnectionFailedError) end it 'should return a CurbFu::Response object' do response = CurbFu::Request.delete('') response.should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Response::Base) response.status.should == 200 response.headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'spec/testcase', "Content-Length"=>"39" } response.body.should == "A is for Archer, an excellent typeface." end end end