require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for "header normalization" do let(:instance) do with_headers('Some_Header' => 'value1', 'aNother' => ['a', 'b'], 'third' => [], 'fourth' => nil) end it 'normalizes the hash to lower case keys and arrays of values' do instance.headers['some_header'].should == ['value1'] instance.headers['another'].should == ['a', 'b'] end it 'removes empty headers' do instance.headers.should_not have_key('third') instance.headers.should_not have_key('fourth') end it 'filters out unimportant default values set by the HTTP library' do instance = with_headers('accept' => ['*/*'], 'connection' => 'close', 'http-user' => ['foo'], 'expect' => ['', 'bar']) instance.headers.should == { 'http-user' => ['foo'], 'expect' => ['bar'] } end it 'sets empty hash header to nil' do with_headers({}).headers.should be_nil end it 'ensures header keys are serialized to yaml as raw strings' do key = 'my-key' key.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) instance = with_headers(key => ['value1']) VCR::YAML.dump(instance.headers).should == VCR::YAML.dump('my-key' => ['value1']) end it 'ensures header values are serialized to yaml as raw strings' do value = 'my-value' value.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) instance = with_headers('my-key' => [value]) VCR::YAML.dump(instance.headers).should == VCR::YAML.dump('my-key' => ['my-value']) end end shared_examples_for "body normalization" do it 'sets empty string to nil' do instance('').body.should be_nil end it "ensures the body is serialized to yaml as a raw string" do body = "My String" body.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) VCR::YAML.dump(instance(body).body).should == VCR::YAML.dump("My String") end end shared_examples_for 'uri normalization' do it 'adds port 80 to an http URI that lacks a port' do instance('').uri.should == '' end it 'keeps the existing port for an http URI' do instance('').uri.should == '' end it 'adds port 443 to an https URI that lacks a port' do instance('').uri.should == '' end it 'keeps the existing port for an https URI' do instance('').uri.should == '' end end shared_examples_for 'status message normalization' do it 'chomps leading and trailing spaces on the status message' do instance(' OK ').message.should == 'OK' end it 'sets status message to nil when it is the empty string' do instance('').message.should be_nil end it 'sets status message to nil when it is a blank string' do instance(' ').message.should be_nil end end