module Misc IUPAC2BASE = { "A" => ["A"], "C" => ["C"], "G" => ["G"], "T" => ["T"], "U" => ["U"], "R" => "A or G".split(" or "), "Y" => "C or T".split(" or "), "S" => "G or C".split(" or "), "W" => "A or T".split(" or "), "K" => "G or T".split(" or "), "M" => "A or C".split(" or "), "B" => "C or G or T".split(" or "), "D" => "A or G or T".split(" or "), "H" => "A or C or T".split(" or "), "V" => "A or C or G".split(" or "), "N" => %w(A C T G), } BASE2COMPLEMENT = { "A" => "T", "C" => "G", "G" => "C", "T" => "A", "U" => "A", } THREE_TO_ONE_AA_CODE = { "ala" => "A", "arg" => "R", "asn" => "N", "asp" => "D", "cys" => "C", "glu" => "E", "gln" => "Q", "gly" => "G", "his" => "H", "ile" => "I", "leu" => "L", "lys" => "K", "met" => "M", "phe" => "F", "pro" => "P", "ser" => "S", "thr" => "T", "trp" => "W", "tyr" => "Y", "val" => "V" } CODON_TABLE = { "ATT" => "I", "ATC" => "I", "ATA" => "I", "CTT" => "L", "CTC" => "L", "CTA" => "L", "CTG" => "L", "TTA" => "L", "TTG" => "L", "GTT" => "V", "GTC" => "V", "GTA" => "V", "GTG" => "V", "TTT" => "F", "TTC" => "F", "ATG" => "M", "TGT" => "C", "TGC" => "C", "GCT" => "A", "GCC" => "A", "GCA" => "A", "GCG" => "A", "GGT" => "G", "GGC" => "G", "GGA" => "G", "GGG" => "G", "CCT" => "P", "CCC" => "P", "CCA" => "P", "CCG" => "P", "ACT" => "T", "ACC" => "T", "ACA" => "T", "ACG" => "T", "TCT" => "S", "TCC" => "S", "TCA" => "S", "TCG" => "S", "AGT" => "S", "AGC" => "S", "TAT" => "Y", "TAC" => "Y", "TGG" => "W", "CAA" => "Q", "CAG" => "Q", "AAT" => "N", "AAC" => "N", "CAT" => "H", "CAC" => "H", "GAA" => "E", "GAG" => "E", "GAT" => "D", "GAC" => "D", "AAA" => "K", "AAG" => "K", "CGT" => "R", "CGC" => "R", "CGA" => "R", "CGG" => "R", "AGA" => "R", "AGG" => "R", "TAA" => "*", "TAG" => "*", "TGA" => "*", } def self.correct_icgc_mutation(pos, ref, mut_str) mut = mut_str mut = '-' * (mut_str.length - 1) if mut =~/^-[ACGT]/ mut = "+" << mut if ref == '-' [pos, [mut]] end def self.correct_mutation(pos, ref, mut_str) muts = mut_str.nil? ? [] : mut_str.split(',') muts.collect!{|m| m == '' ? '-' : m } ref = '' if ref == '-' while ref.length >= 1 and muts.reject{|m| m[0] == ref[0]}.empty? ref = ref[1..-1] raise "REF nil" if ref.nil? pos = pos + 1 muts = muts.collect{|m| m[1..-1]} end muts = muts.collect do |m| m = '' if m == '-' case when ref.empty? "+" << m when (m.length < ref.length and (m.empty? or ref.index(m))) "-" * (ref.length - m.length) when (ref.length == 1 and m.length == 1) m else if ref == '-' res = '+' + m else res = '-' * ref.length res << m unless m == '-' end Log.debug{"Non-standard annotation: #{[ref, m]} (#{ muts }) => #{ res }"} res end end [pos, muts] end def self.correct_vcf_mutation(pos, ref, mut_str) muts = mut_str.nil? ? [] : mut_str.split(',') muts.collect!{|m| m == '' ? '-' : m } while ref.length >= 1 and muts.reject{|m| m[0] == ref[0]}.empty? ref = ref[1..-1] raise "REF nil" if ref.nil? pos = pos + 1 unless ref.empty? muts = muts.collect{|m| m[1..-1]} end muts = muts.collect do |m| case when (ref.empty? or ref == '-') "+" << m when (m.length < ref.length and (m.empty? or ref.index(m))) "-" * (ref.length - m.length) when (ref.length == 1 and m.length == 1) m when (ref == m) nil else if ref == '-' res = '+' + m else if ref[0] == m[0] res = '+' << m[1..-1] else res = '-' * ref.length res << m unless m == '-' end end Log.debug{"Non-standard annotation: #{[ref, m]} (#{ muts }) => #{ res }"} res end end.compact [pos, muts] end def self.translate_dna_mutation_hgvs2rbbt(cds) change = case when cds =~ />/ cds.split(">").last when cds =~ /del/ deletion = cds.split("del").last.chomp case when deletion =~ /^\d+$/ "-" * deletion.to_i when deletion =~ /^[ACTG]+$/i "-" * deletion.length else Log.debug "Unknown deletion: #{ deletion }" deletion end when cds =~ /ins/ insertion = cds.split("ins").last case when insertion =~ /^\d+$/ "+" + "N" * insertion.to_i when insertion =~ /^[NACTG]+$/i "+" + insertion else Log.debug "Unknown insertion: #{insertion }" insertion end else Log.debug "Unknown change: #{cds}" "?(" << cds << ")" end change end def self.translate_prot_mutation_hgvs2rbbt(mutation) one_aa_code = THREE_TO_ONE_AA_CODE.values one_aa_code << "X" << "B" << "Z" << "J" << "*" << "?" one_aa_code_re = one_aa_code*"" subs ="^[#{one_aa_code_re}]\\d+[#{one_aa_code_re}]") f_aa ="^[#{one_aa_code_re}]\\d+") mutation.sub!('p.', '') mutation = case when mutation =~ subs mutation when mutation =~ /fs/ mutation =~ f_aa if Regexp.last_match(0).nil? Log.debug "Unknown Frameshift: #{mutation}" nil else Regexp.last_match(0) + "Frameshift" end when mutation =~ /ins|del|>/ mutation =~ f_aa if Regexp.last_match(0).nil? Log.debug "Unknown Indel" nil else Regexp.last_match(0) + "Indel" end else Log.debug "Unknown change: #{mutation}" nil end end def self.IUPAC_to_base(iupac) IUPAC2BASE[iupac] end def self.sort_mutations_strict(mutations) mutations.collect do |mutation| chr, pos, mut = mutation.split ":" chr.sub!(/^chr/i,'') chr = 22 if chr == "Y" chr = 23 if chr == "X" chr = 24 if chr == "MT" or chr == "M" [chr.to_i, pos.to_i, mut, mutation] end.sort do |a,b| case a[0] <=> b[0] when -1 -1 when 1 1 when 0 case a[1] <=> b[1] when -1 -1 when 1 1 when 0 a[2] <=> b[2] end end end.collect{|p| p.last } end class << self alias sort_mutations sort_mutations_strict end def self.ensembl_server(organism) date = organism.split("/")[1] if date.nil? "" else "#{ date }" end end def self.sort_genomic_locations_by_contig(stream, contigs, sep = ":") ext_stream = TSV.traverse stream, :type => :array, :into => :stream do |line| chr = line.partition(sep).first num = contigs.index chr num.to_s + sep + line end TSV.traverse sort_stream(ext_stream, '#', "-k1,1n -k3,3n -t#{sep}"), :type => :array, :into => :stream do |line| line.partition(sep).last end end def self.sort_genomic_locations_strict(stream, sep = ":") sort_stream(stream, '#', "-k1,1V -k2,2n -t#{sep}") end def self.sort_genomic_locations(stream, sep = ":") sort_stream(stream, '#', "-k1,1 -k2,2n -t#{sep}") end def self.intersect_streams_read(io, sep=":") line = io.gets.chomp parts = line.split(sep, -1) chr, start, eend, *rest = parts start = start.to_i if eend =~ /^\d+(\t.*)?$/ eend = eend.to_i else eend = start.to_i end [line,chr, start, eend, rest] end def self.chr_cmp_strict(chr1, chr2) chr1 = chr1.sub(/^chr/, '') chr2 = chr2.sub(/^chr/, '') if (m1 = chr1.match(/(\d+)$/)) && (m2 = chr2.match(/(\d+)$/)) m1[1].to_i <=> m2[1].to_i elsif chr1 =~ /\d+$/ -1 elsif chr2 =~ /\d+$/ 1 else chr1 <=> chr2 end end def self.chr_cmp_contigs(chr1, chr2, contigs) contigs.index(chr1) <=> contigs.index(chr2) end def self.genomic_location_cmp(gpos1, gpos2, sep = ":") chr1, _sep, pos1 = gpos1.partition(sep) chr2, _sep, pos2 = gpos2.partition(sep) cmp = chr1 <=> chr2 case cmp when 0 pos1.to_i <=> pos2.to_i else cmp end end def self.genomic_location_cmp_strict(gpos1, gpos2, sep = ":") chr1, _sep, pos1 = gpos1.partition(sep) chr2, _sep, pos2 = gpos2.partition(sep) cmp = chr_cmp_strict(chr1, chr2) case cmp when 0 pos1.to_i <=> pos2.to_i else cmp end end def self.genomic_location_cmp_contigs(gpos1, gpos2, contigs, sep = ":") chr1, _sep, pos1 = gpos1.partition(sep) chr2, _sep, pos2 = gpos2.partition(sep) cmp = chr_cmp_contigs(chr1, chr2, contigs) case cmp when 0 pos1.to_i <=> pos2.to_i else cmp end end def self.intersect_streams_cmp_chr(chr1, chr2) chr1 <=> chr2 end def self.intersect_streams(f1, f2, out, sep=":") finish = false return if f1.eof? or f2.eof? line1, chr1, start1, eend1, rest1 = intersect_streams_read(f1,sep) line2, chr2, start2, eend2, rest2 = intersect_streams_read(f2,sep) while not finish cmp = intersect_streams_cmp_chr(chr1,chr2) case cmp when -1 move = 1 when 1 move = 2 else if eend1 < start2 move = 1 elsif eend2 < start1 move = 2 else pos2 = f2.pos sline2, schr2, sstart2, seend2, srest2 = line2, chr2, start2, eend2, rest2 while chr1 == chr2 and eend1 >= start2 out.puts line1 + "\t" + line2 if start1 <= eend2 if f2.eof? chr2 = 'next2' else line2, chr2, start2, eend2, rest2 = intersect_streams_read(f2,sep) end end line2, chr2, start2, eend2, rest2 = sline2, schr2, sstart2, seend2, srest2 move = 1 end end case move when 1 if f1.eof? finish = true else line1, chr1, start1, eend1, rest1 = intersect_streams_read(f1,sep) end when 2 if f2.eof? finish = true else line2, chr2, start2, eend2, rest2 = intersect_streams_read(f2,sep) end end end end def self.select_ranges(stream1, stream2, sep = "\t") Misc.open_pipe do |sin| intersect_streams(stream1, stream2,sin, sep) end end def self.index_BED(source, destination, sorted = false) pos_function = do |k| k.split(":").values_at(1, 2).collect{|i| i.to_i} end if Open.exists? destination destination, false, "fwt", :pos_function => pos_function do |key| key.split(":")[0] end else io = IO === io ? io : max_size = 0 nio = Misc.open_pipe do |sin| while line = io.gets chr, start, eend, id, *rest = line.chomp.split("\t") l = id.length max_size = l if max_size < l chr = chr.sub('chr','') sin << [chr, start, eend, id] * "\t" << "\n" end end TmpFile.with_file do |tmpfile| Misc.consume_stream(nio, false, tmpfile) value_size = max_size destination = destination.find if Path === destination sharder = destination, true, "fwt", :value_size => value_size, :range => true, :pos_function => pos_function do |key| key.split(":")[0] end TSV.traverse tmpfile, :type => :array, :bar => "Creating BED index for #{Misc.fingerprint source}" do |line| next if line.empty? chr, start, eend, id, *rest = line.split("\t") key = [chr, start, eend] * ":" sharder[key] = id end sharder end end end def self.genomic_mutations_to_BED(mutations, chr_prefix = false, sort_order = :normal) io = if Array === sort_order case chr_prefix.to_s.downcase when "remove" sort_order = sort_order.collect{|chr| "chr" + chr } unless sort_order.first.include?('chr') when "true", "add" sort_order = sort_order.collect{|chr| chr.sub('chr', '') } if sort_order.first.include?('chr') end sort_genomic_locations_by_contig(mutations, sort_order) else case sort_order.to_s when 'strict' sort_genomic_locations_strict(mutations) else sort_genomic_locations(mutations) end end TSV.traverse io, :type => :array, :into => :stream do |mutation| chr, pos, mut, *rest = mutation.split(":") size = case mut when nil 1 when /^\+(.*)/ 1 + $1.length when /^\-(.*)/ $1.length else mut.length end case chr_prefix.to_s.downcase when "true", "add" chr = "chr" + chr if ! chr.include?('chr') when "remove" chr = chr.sub("chr", '') if chr.include?('chr') end [chr, pos.to_i - 1, pos.to_i - 1 + size, mutation] * "\t" end end end