require 'pathname' # Cartage, a package builder. class Cartage VERSION = '1.0' #:nodoc: # Plug-in commands that want to return a non-zero exit code should raise # class QuietError < StandardError # Initialize the exception with +exitstatus+. def initialize(exitstatus) @exitstatus = exitstatus end # The exit status to be returned from this exception. attr_reader :exitstatus end ## # :attr_accessor: name # # The name of the package to create. Defaults to #default_name. ## # :method: default_name # # The default name of the package to be created, derived from the # repository's Git URL. ## # :attr_accessor: root_path # # The root path for the application. ## # :method: default_root_path # # The default root path of the package, the top-level path of the Git # repository. ## # :attr_accessor: target # # The target where the final Cartage package will be created. ## # :method: default_target # # The default target of the package, './tmp'. ## # :attr_accessor: timestamp # # The timestamp to be applied to the final package name. ## # :method: default_timestamp # # The default timestamp. ## # :attr_accessor: without_groups # # The environments to exclude from a bundle install. ## # :method: default_without_environments # # The default environments to exclude from a bundle install. The default is # [ 'test', 'development' ]. # Commands that normally output data will have that output suppressed. attr_accessor :quiet # Commands will be run with extra information. attr_accessor :verbose # The environment to be used when resolving configuration options from a # configuration file. Cartage configuration files do not usually have # environment partitions, but if they do, use this to select the environment # partition. attr_accessor :environment # The Config object. If +with_environment+ is +true+ (the default) and # #environment has been set, only the subset of the config matching # #environment will be returned. If +with_environment+ is +false+, the full # configuration will be returned. # # If +for_plugin+ is specified, only the subset of the config for the named # plug-in will be returned. # # # Assume that #environment is 'development'. # cartage.config # # => base_config[:development] # cartage.config(with_environment: false) # # => base_config # cartage.config(for_plugin: 's3') # # => base_config[:development][:plugins][:s3] # cartage.config(for_plugin: 's3', with_environment: false) # # => base_config[:plugins][:s3] def config(with_environment: true, for_plugin: nil) env = environment.to_sym if with_environment && environment plug = for_plugin.to_sym if for_plugin cfg = if env base_config[env] else base_config end cfg = cfg.plugins[plug] if plug && cfg.plugins cfg end # The configuration file to read. This should not be used by clients. attr_writer :load_config #:nodoc: # The base config file. This should not be used by clients. attr_accessor :base_config #:nodoc: def initialize #:nodoc: @load_config = :default end # Create the package. def pack timestamp # Force the timestamp to be set now. prepare_work_area save_release_hashref fetch_bundler install_vendor_bundle restore_modified_files build_final_tarball end # Set or return the bundle cache. The bundle cache is a compressed tarball of # vendor/bundle in the working path. # # If it exists, it will be extracted into vendor/bundle before # bundle install --deployment is run, and it will be created after # the bundle has been installed. In this way, bundle installation works # almost the same way as Capistrano’s shared bundle concept as long as the # path to the bundle_cache has been set to a stable location. # # On Semaphore CI, this should be created relative to # $SEMAPHORE_CACHE. # # cartage pack --bundle-cache $SEMAPHORE_CACHE def bundle_cache(location = nil) if location || !defined?(@bundle_cache) @bundle_cache = Pathname(location || tmp_path). join('vendor-bundle.tar.bz2').expand_path end @bundle_cache end # Return the release hashref. If the optional +save_to+ parameter is # provided, the release hashref will be written to the specified file. def release_hashref(save_to: nil) @release_hashref ||= %x(git rev-parse HEAD).chomp, 'w') { |f| f.write @release_hashref } if save_to @release_hashref end # The repository URL. def repo_url unless defined? @repo_url origin = %x(git remote show -n origin) match = origin.match(%r{\n\s+Fetch URL: (?[^\n]+)}) @repo_url = match[:fetch] end @repo_url end # The path to the resulting package. def final_tarball @final_tarball ||= Pathname("#{final_name}.tar.bz2") end # The path to the resulting release_hashref. def final_release_hashref @final_release_hashref ||= Pathname("#{final_name}-release-hashref.txt") end # A utility method for Cartage plug-ins to display a message only if verbose # is on. Unless the command implemented by the plug-in is output only, this # should be used. def display(message) __display(message) end private def resolve_config!(*with_plugins) return unless @load_config @base_config = Cartage::Config.load(@load_config) cfg = config maybe_assign :target, maybe_assign :name, maybe_assign :root_path, cfg.root_path maybe_assign :timestamp, cfg.timestamp maybe_assign :without_groups, cfg.without bundle_cache(cfg.bundle_cache) unless cfg.bundle_cache.nil? || cfg.bundle_cache.empty? with_plugins.each do |name| next unless respond_to? name plugin = send(name) next unless plugin plugin.send(:resolve_config!, config(for_plugin: name)) end end def maybe_assign(name, value) return if value.nil? || value.empty? || instance_variable_defined?(:"@#{name}") send(:"#{name}=", value) end def __display(message, partial: false, verbose: verbose()) return unless verbose && !quiet if partial print message else puts message end end def run(command) display command.join(' ') IO.popen(command + [ err: [ :child, :out ] ]) do |io| __display(, partial: true, verbose: true) until io.eof? end unless $?.success? raise StandardError, "Error running '#{command.join(' ')}'" end end def prepare_work_area display "Preparing cartage work area..." work_path.rmtree if work_path.exist? work_path.mkpath xf_status = cf_status = nil manifest.resolve(root_path) do |file_list| tar_cf_cmd = [ 'tar', 'cf', '-', '-C', parent, '-h', '-T', file_list ].map(&:to_s) tar_xf_cmd = [ 'tar', 'xf', '-', '-C', work_path, '--strip-components=1' ].map(&:to_s) IO.popen(tar_cf_cmd) do |cf| IO.popen(tar_xf_cmd, 'w') do |xf| xf.write end unless $?.success? raise StandardError, "Error running #{tar_xf_cmd.join(' ')}" end end unless $?.success? raise StandardError, "Error running #{tar_cf_cmd.join(' ')}" end end end def save_release_hashref display 'Saving release hashref...' release_hashref save_to: work_path.join('release_hashref') release_hashref save_to: final_release_hashref end def extract_bundle_cache run %W(tar xfj #{bundle_cache} -C #{work_path}) if bundle_cache.exist? end def install_vendor_bundle extract_bundle_cache Bundler.with_clean_env do Dir.chdir(work_path) do run %w(bundle install --jobs=4 --deployment --clean --without) + without_groups end end create_bundle_cache end def restore_modified_files %x(git status -s).split($/).map(&:split).map(&:last).each { |file| restore_modified_file file } end def fetch_bundler Dir.chdir(work_path) do run %w(gem fetch bundler) end end def build_final_tarball run %W(tar cfj #{final_tarball} -C #{tmp_path} #{name}) end def work_path @work_path ||= tmp_path.join(name) end def clean [ work_path ] + final end def final [ final_tarball, final_release_hashref ] end def parent @parent ||= root_path.parent end def restore_modified_file(filename) command = [ 'git', 'show', "#{release_hashref}:#{filename}" ] IO.popen(command) do |show| work_path.join(filename).open('w') { |f| f.write } end end def tmp_path @tmp_path ||= root_path.join('tmp') end def final_name @final_name ||= tmp_path.join("#{name}-#{timestamp}") end class << self private def lazy_accessor(sym, default: nil, setter: nil, &block) ivar = :"@#{sym}" wsym = :"#{sym}=" dsym = :"default_#{sym}" if default.nil? && block.nil? raise ArgumentError, "No default provided." end if setter && !setter.respond_to?(:call) raise ArgumentError, "setter must be callable" end setter ||= ->(v) { v } dblk = if default.respond_to?(:call) default elsif default.nil? block else -> { default } end define_method(sym) do instance_variable_get(ivar) || send(dsym) end define_method(wsym) do |value| instance_variable_set(ivar, || send(dsym))) end define_method(dsym, &dblk) end end lazy_accessor :name, default: -> { File.basename(repo_url, '.git') } lazy_accessor :root_path, setter: ->(v) { Pathname(v).expand_path }, default: -> { Pathname(%x(git rev-parse --show-cdup).chomp).expand_path } lazy_accessor :target, setter: ->(v) { Pathname(v) }, default: -> { Pathname('tmp') } lazy_accessor :timestamp, default: -> {"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") } lazy_accessor :without_groups, setter: ->(v) { Array(v) }, default: -> { %w(development test) } lazy_accessor :base_config, default: -> { } end class << Cartage # Run the Cartage command-line program. def run(args) #:nodoc: require_relative 'cartage/plugin' Cartage::Plugin.load Cartage::Plugin.decorate(Cartage) cartage = cli = true) cli.main_options.program_name = 'cartage' cli.main_options.version = Cartage::VERSION.split(/\./) cli.main_options.banner = 'Manage releaseable packages.' cli.global_options do |opts| # opts.on('--[no-]quiet', 'Silence normal command output.') { |q| # cartage.quiet = !!q # } opts.on('--[no-]verbose', 'Show verbose output.') { |v| cartage.verbose = !!v } opts.on( '-E', '--environment [ENVIRONMENT]', <<-desc Set the environment to be used when necessary. If an environment name is not provided, it will check the values of $RAILS_ENV and RACK_ENV. If neither is set, this option is ignored. desc ) { |e| cartage.environment = e || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] } opts.on( '-C', '--[no-]config-file load_config', <<-desc Configure Cartage from a default configuration file or a specified configuration file. desc ) { |c| cartage.load_config = c } end cli.add_command( cli.add_command( cli.add_command( Cartage::Plugin.registered.each do |plugin| if plugin.respond_to?(:commands) Array(plugin.commands).flatten.each do |command| registered_commands << command end end end registered_commands.uniq.each { |cmd| cli.add_command( } cli.parse 0 rescue Cartage::QuietError => qe qe.exitstatus rescue StandardError => e $stderr.puts "Error:\n " + e.message $stderr.puts e.backtrace.join("\n") if cartage.verbose 2 end # Set options common to anything that builds a package (that is, it calls # Cartage#pack). def common_build_options(opts, cartage) opts.on( '-t', '--target PATH', 'The build package will be placed in PATH, which defaults to \'tmp\'.' ) { |t| = t } opts.on( '-n', '--name NAME', "Set the package name. Defaults to '#{cartage.default_name}'." ) { |n| = n } opts.on( '-r', '--root-path PATH', 'Set the root path. Defaults to the repository root.' ) { |r| cartage.root_path = r } opts.on( '--timestamp TIMESTAMP', 'The timestamp used for the final package.' ) { |t| cartage.timestamp = t } opts.on( '--bundle-cache PATH', 'Set the bundle cache path.' ) { |b| cartage.bundle_cache(b) } opts.on( '--without GROUP1,GROUP2', Array, 'Set the groups to be excluded from bundle installation.', ) { |w| cartage.without_environments = w } end private def registered_commands @registered_commands ||= [] end end require_relative 'cartage/config'