# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'td/command/common' require 'td/command/job' require 'td/command/list' require 'tempfile' module TreasureData::Command describe 'job commands' do let :command do Class.new { include TreasureData::Command }.new end describe 'write_result' do let(:file) { Tempfile.new("job_spec").tap {|s| s.close } } let :job do job = TreasureData::Job.new(nil, 12345, 'hive', 'select * from employee') job.instance_eval do @result = [[["1", 2.0, {key:3}], 1], [["4", 5.0, {key:6}], 2], [["7", 8.0, {key:9}], 3]] @result_size = 3 @status = 'success' end job end describe "using tempfile" do let(:tempfile) { "#{file.path}.tmp" } subject { command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, format) } context "format: json" do let(:format) { "json" } it do FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(tempfile, file.path) subject end it do command.should_receive(:open_file).with(tempfile, "w") subject end end context "format: csv" do let(:format) { "csv" } it do FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(tempfile, file.path) subject end it do command.should_receive(:open_file).with(tempfile, "w") subject end end context "format: tsv" do let(:format) { "tsv" } it do FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(tempfile, file.path) subject end it do command.should_receive(:open_file).with(tempfile, "w") subject end end context "format: msgpack" do let(:format) { "msgpack" } before do job.stub(:result_format) # for msgpack end it do FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(tempfile, file.path) subject end it do command.should_receive(:open_file).with(tempfile, "wb") subject end end context "format: msgpack.gz" do let(:format) { "msgpack.gz" } before do job.stub(:result_raw) # for msgpack.gz end it do FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(tempfile, file.path) subject end it do command.should_receive(:open_file).with(tempfile, "wb") subject end end end context 'result without nil' do it 'supports json output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json') File.read(file.path).should == %Q([["1",2.0,{"key":3}],\n["4",5.0,{"key":6}],\n["7",8.0,{"key":9}]]) end it 'supports csv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(1,2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n4,5.0,"{""key"":6}"\n7,8.0,"{""key"":9}"\n) end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(1\t2.0\t{"key":3}\n4\t5.0\t{"key":6}\n7\t8.0\t{"key":9}\n) end end context 'result with nil' do let :job_id do 12345 end let :job do job = TreasureData::Job.new(nil, job_id, 'hive', 'select * from employee') job.instance_eval do @result = [[[nil, 2.0, {key:3}], 1]] @result_size = 3 @status = 'success' end job end context 'with --column-header option' do before do job.stub(:hive_result_schema).and_return([['c0', 'time'], ['c1', 'double'], ['v', nil], ['c3', 'long']]) client = Object.new client.stub(:job).with(job_id).and_return(job) command.stub(:get_client).and_return(client) end it 'supports json output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json', { header: true }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q([[null,2.0,{"key":3}]]) end it 'supports csv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv', { header: true }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q(c0,c1,v,c3\nnull,2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n) end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv', { header: true }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q(c0\tc1\tv\tc3\nnull\t2.0\t{"key":3}\n) end end context 'without --null option' do it 'supports json output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json') File.read(file.path).should == %Q([[null,2.0,{"key":3}]]) end it 'supports csv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(null,2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n) end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(null\t2.0\t{"key":3}\n) end end context 'with --null option' do it 'dose not effect json output (nil will be shown as null)' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json', { null_expr: "NULL" }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q([[null,2.0,{"key":3}]]) end context 'csv format' do context 'specified string is NULL' do let!(:null_expr) { "NULL" } it 'shows nill as specified string' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv', { null_expr: null_expr }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q(NULL,2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n) end end context 'specified string is empty string' do let!(:null_expr) { '' } it 'shows nill as empty string' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv', { null_expr: null_expr }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q("",2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n) end end end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv', { null_expr: "\"\"" }) File.read(file.path).should == %Q(""\t2.0\t{"key":3}\n) end end end context 'without NaN/Infinity' do it 'supports json output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json') File.read(file.path).should == %Q([["1",2.0,{"key":3}],\n["4",5.0,{"key":6}],\n["7",8.0,{"key":9}]]) end it 'supports csv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(1,2.0,"{""key"":3}"\n4,5.0,"{""key"":6}"\n7,8.0,"{""key"":9}"\n) end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q(1\t2.0\t{"key":3}\n4\t5.0\t{"key":6}\n7\t8.0\t{"key":9}\n) end end context 'with NaN/Infinity' do let :job do job = TreasureData::Job.new(nil, 12345, 'hive', 'select * from employee') job.instance_eval do @result = [[[0.0/0.0, 1.0/0.0, 1.0/-0.0], 1], [["4", 5.0, {key:6}], 2], [["7", 8.0, {key:9}], 3]] @result_size = 3 @status = 'success' end job end it 'does not support json output' do expect { command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json') }.to raise_error Yajl::EncodeError end it 'supports csv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q("""NaN""","""Infinity""","""-Infinity"""\n4,5.0,"{""key"":6}"\n7,8.0,"{""key"":9}"\n) end it 'supports tsv output' do command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv') File.read(file.path).should == %Q("NaN"\t"Infinity"\t"-Infinity"\n4\t5.0\t{"key":6}\n7\t8.0\t{"key":9}\n) end end end describe '#job_show' do let(:job_id) { "12345" } let :job_classs do Struct.new(:job_id, :status, :type, :db_name, :priority, :retry_limit, :result_url, :query, :cpu_time, :result_size ) end let :job do job_classs.new(job_id, nil, :hive, "db_name", 1, 1, "test_url", "test_qury", 1, 3 ) end before do job.stub(:finished?).and_return(true) client = Object.new client.stub(:job).with(job_id).and_return(job) command.stub(:get_client).and_return(client) end context 'without --null option' do it 'calls #show_result without null_expr option' do command.stub(:show_result).with(job, nil, nil, nil, {:header=>false}) op = List::CommandParser.new("job:show", %w[job_id], %w[], nil, ["12345"], true) command.job_show(op) end end context 'with --null option' do it 'calls #show_result with null_expr option' do command.stub(:show_result).with(job, nil, nil, nil, {:header=>false, :null_expr=>"NULL"} ) op = List::CommandParser.new("job:show", %w[job_id], %w[], nil, ["12345", "--null", "NULL"], true) command.job_show(op) end it 'calls #show_result with null_expr option' do command.stub(:show_result).with(job, nil, nil, nil, {:header=>false, :null_expr=>'""'} ) op = List::CommandParser.new("job:show", %w[job_id], %w[], nil, ["12345", "--null", '""'], true) command.job_show(op) end end end describe '#job_list' do subject do backup = $stdout.dup buf = StringIO.new op = List::CommandParser.new("job:list", [], [:max], nil, [], true) begin $stdout = buf command.job_list(op) buf.string ensure $stdout = backup end end let(:job_id) { "12345" } let :job_class do Struct.new(:job_id, :status, :type, :db_name, :priority, :retry_limit, :result_url, :query, :start_at, :end_at, :cpu_time, :result_size, :duration ) end let :start_at do Time.now end let :jobs do [job_class.new(job_id, nil, :hive, "db_name", 1, 1, "test_url", "test_qury", start_at, start_at + 10, 1, 3, 100 )] * 3 end before do client = Object.new client.stub(:jobs).and_return(jobs) command.stub(:get_client).and_return(client) end it 'should display all job list' do expect(subject).to eq < multibyte_string}] end let(:line_separator) { if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|mingw32/ "\r\n" else "\n" end } let :job do row = multibyte_row job = TreasureData::Job.new(nil, 12345, 'hive', 'select * from employee') job.instance_eval do @result = [[row, 1], [row, 2]] @result_size = 2 @status = 'success' end job end it 'assumes test setting is correct' do # the String is actually in Windows-31J but encoding is UTF-8 msgpack-ruby reports multibyte_string.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 multibyte_string.force_encoding('Windows-31J').encode('UTF-8').should == 'メール' end it 'supports json output' do row = multibyte_row file = Tempfile.new("job_spec").tap {|s| s.close } command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'json') File.read(file.path, encoding: 'UTF-8').should == '[' + [row, row].map { |e| Yajl.dump(e) }.join(",\n") + ']' end it 'supports csv output' do row = multibyte_row.map { |e| dump_column(e) } file = Tempfile.new("job_spec").tap {|s| s.close } command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'csv') File.binread(file.path).should == [row, row].map { |e| CSV.generate_line(e, :row_sep => line_separator) }.join File.open(file.path, 'r:Windows-31J').read.encode('UTF-8').split.first.should == 'メール,2.0,"{""メール"":""メール""}"' end it 'supports tsv output' do row = multibyte_row.map { |e| dump_column(e) } file = Tempfile.new("job_spec").tap {|s| s.close } command.send(:show_result, job, file, nil, 'tsv') File.binread(file.path).should == [row, row].map { |e| e.join("\t") + line_separator }.join File.open(file.path, 'r:Windows-31J').read.encode('UTF-8').split("\n").first.should == "メール\t2.0\t{\"メール\":\"メール\"}" end end def dump_column(v) s = v.is_a?(String) ? v.to_s : Yajl.dump(v) s = s.force_encoding('BINARY') s end end end