# doing

**A command line tool for remembering what you were doing and tracking what you've done.**

_If you're one of the rare people like me who find this useful, feel free to [buy me some coffee](http://brettterpstra.com/donate/)._


The current version of `doing` is <!--VER-->2.1.11<!--END VER-->.

Find all of the documentation in the [doing wiki](https://github.com/ttscoff/doing/wiki).

See [what's new in Doing 2.0](https://brettterpstra.com/2021/11/20/doing-2-dot-0/).

Check out some craziness with Doing in the [iTerm status bar](https://brettterpstra.com/2021/10/15/see-what-youre-doing-in-the-iterm-status-bar/) and the [Mac Touch Bar/menu bar](https://brettterpstra.com/2021/07/21/crazy-bettertouchtool-touch-bar-simulator/).

## What and why

`doing` is a basic CLI for adding and listing "what was I doing" reminders in a [TaskPaper-formatted](https://www.taskpaper.com) text file. It allows for multiple sections/categories and flexible output formatting.

While I'm working, I have hourly reminders to record what I'm working on, and I try to remember to punch in quick notes if I'm unexpectedly called away from a project. I can do this just by typing `doing now tracking down the CG bug`. 

If there's something I want to look at later but doesn't need to be added to a task list or tracker, I can type `doing later check out the pinboard bookmarks from macdrifter`. When I get back to my computer --- or just need a refresher after a distraction --- I can type `doing last` to see what the last thing on my plate was. I can also type `doing recent` (or just `doing`) to get a list of the last few entries. `doing today` gives me everything since midnight for the current day, making it easy to see what I've accomplished over a sleepless night. 

Doing has over 30 commands for tracking your status, recording your time, and analyzing the results.

See [the wiki](https://github.com/ttscoff/doing/wiki) for installation and usage instructions.

## Launchbar/Alfred

The LaunchBar action requires that `doing` be available in `/usr/local/bin/doing`. If it's not (because you're using RVM or similar), you'll need to symlink it there. Running the action with Return will show the latest 9 items from Currently, along with any time intervals recorded, and includes a submenu of Timers for each tag.

Pressing Spacebar and typing allows you to add a new entry to currently. You an also trigger a custom show command by typing "show [section/tag]" and hitting return. Include any command line flags at the end of the string, and if you add text in parenthesis, it will be processed as a note on the entry.

Point of interest, the LaunchBar Action makes use of the `-o json` flag for outputting JSON to the action's script for parsing.


See the [doing project on BrettTerpstra.com](https://brettterpstra.com/projects/doing/) for the download.

{% download 117 %} 

Evan Lovely has [created an Alfred workflow as well](http://www.evanlovely.com/blog/technology/alfred-for-terpstras-doing/).

## Contributing

If you [create a plugin](https://github.com/ttscoff/doing/wiki/Creating-Plugins), custom command, or hook you can share, please [let me know](https://brettterpstra.com/contact/). If I get a few plugin contributions, I'll set up a second repository for them.

Feel free to fork [the repository](https://github.com/ttscoff/doing/) on GitHub and make pull requests with changes. Please target the `develop` branch with pull requests.



PayPal link: [paypal.me/ttscoff](https://paypal.me/ttscoff)

## Changelog

See [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/ttscoff/doing/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)