require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') class TaskTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include SproutTestCase context "A FlashPlayerTask" do setup do # Force reload of the Specification on each # test method b/c SproutTestCase calls # Executable.clear_entities! but 'require' # only runs once per VM run... load 'flashplayer/specification.rb' @swf = File.join(fixtures, 'AsUnit4.swf') @missing_home = File.join(fixtures, 'missing_folder') @config_path = File.join(@missing_home, 'fp_config', 'mm.cfg') end teardown do remove_file @missing_home end =begin should "wait for SWF even if clean system" do # No creation of expected FlashPlayer folders... FlashPlayer.stubs(:home).returns @missing_home FlashPlayer::MMConfig.any_instance.stubs(:system_home).returns @missing_home FlashPlayer::MMConfig.any_instance.stubs(:config_path).returns @config_path FlashPlayer::MMConfig.any_instance.stubs(:user_confirmation?).returns false as_a_mac_system do t = flashplayer @swf t.invoke end end =end should "work with swf as task name" do t = flashplayer @swf configure_task t t.invoke end should "work with swf in block" do t = flashplayer :run do |t| t.input = @swf end file @swf configure_task t t.invoke assert_equal @swf, t.input end should "work with swf as prerequisite" do t = flashplayer :run => @swf file @swf configure_task t t.invoke assert_equal @swf, t.input end should "fire when declared as a dependency" do t = flashplayer :run => @swf file @swf configure_task t other = task :parent => :run other.invoke end end private def configure_task t t.logger = # Comment following lines to really launch the player: sys = t.stubs(:current_system).returns sys sys.expects(:open_flashplayer_with).returns{} end end class FakeSystem def clean_path path path end def open_flashplayer_with player, swf end end