require 'asciidoctor/html5s' require 'date' unless RUBY_PLATFORM == 'opal' # Add custom functions to this module that you want to use in your Slim # templates. Within the template you can invoke them as top-level functions # just like in Haml. module Slim::Helpers # URIs of external assets. CDN_BASE_URI = '' # for highlighters in Asciidoctor >=2.0.0 FONT_AWESOME_URI = '' HIGHLIGHTJS_BASE_URI = '' KATEX_CSS_URI = '' KATEX_JS_URI = '' # Defaults DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHTJS_THEME = 'github' DEFAULT_LANG = 'en' DEFAULT_SECTNUMLEVELS = 3 DEFAULT_TOCLEVELS = 2 CURLY_QUOTES = [ [%w[af en eo ga hi ia id ko mt th tr zh], ['‘', '’', '“', '”']], # ‘…’ “…” [%w[bs fi sv], ['’', '’', '”', '”']], # ’…’ ”…” [%w[cs da de is lt sl sk sr], ['‚', '‘', '„', '“']], # ‚…‘ „…“ [%w[nl], ['‚', '’', '„', '”']], # ‚…’ „…” [%w[hu pl ro], ['«', '»', '„', '”']], # «…» „…” ].reduce({}) do |hsh, (langs, codes)| langs.each { |lang| hsh[lang] = codes } hsh end CURLY_QUOTES.default = CURLY_QUOTES[DEFAULT_LANG] KATEX_RENDER_CODE = <<-JS.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("math"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (el.getAttribute("data-lang") !== "tex") { continue; } katex.render(el.textContent.slice(2, -2), el, { "displayMode": el.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "SPAN", "throwOnError": false, }); } }); JS VOID_ELEMENTS = %w(area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr) # @return [Logger] def log ::Asciidoctor::LoggerManager.logger end ## # Captures the given block for later yield. # # @example Basic capture usage. # - capture # img src=image_uri # - if title? # figure.image # - yield_capture # figcaption =captioned_title # - else # - yield_capture # # @example Capture with passing parameters. # - capture do |id| # img src=image_uri # - if title? # figure id=@id # - yield_capture # figcaption =caption # - else # - yield_capture @id # # @see yield_capture def capture(&block) @_html5s_capture = block nil end ## # Yields the captured block (see {#capture}). # # @param *params parameters to pass to the block. # @return A content of the captured block. # @see capture def yield_capture(*params)*params) if @_html5s_capture end ## # Creates an HTML tag with the given name and optionally attributes. Can take # a block that will run between the opening and closing tags. # # @param name [#to_s] the name of the tag. # @param attributes [Hash] (default: {}) # @param content [#to_s] the content; +nil+ to call the block. (default: nil). # @yield The block of Slim/HTML code within the tag (optional). # @return [String] a rendered HTML element. # def html_tag(name, attributes = {}, content = nil) attrs = attributes.inject([]) do |attrs, (k, v)| next attrs if !v || v.nil_or_empty? v = v.compact.join(' ') if v.is_a? Array attrs << (v == true ? k : %(#{k}="#{v}")) end attrs_str = attrs.empty? ? '' : ' ' + attrs.join(' ') if VOID_ELEMENTS.include? name.to_s %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>) else content ||= yield if block_given? %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>#{content}) end end ## # Conditionally wraps a block in an element. If condition is +true+ then it # renders the specified tag with optional attributes and the given # block inside, otherwise it just renders the block. # # For example: # # = html_tag_if link?, 'a', {class: 'image', href: (attr :link)} # img src='./img/tux.png' # # will produce: # # # # # # if +link?+ is truthy, and just # # # # otherwise. # # @param condition [Boolean] the condition to test to determine whether to # render the enclosing tag. # @param name (see #html_tag) # @param attributes (see #html_tag) # @param content (see #html_tag) # @yield (see #html_tag) # @return [String] a rendered HTML fragment. # def html_tag_if(condition, name, attributes = {}, content = nil, &block) if condition html_tag name, attributes, content, &block else content || yield end end ## # Wraps a block in a div element with the specified class and optionally # the node's +id+ and +role+(s). If the node's +title+ is not empty, then a # nested div with the class "title" and the title's content is added as well. # # @example When @id, @role and @title attributes are set. # = block_with_title :class=>['quote-block', 'center'] # blockquote =content # #
Block Title
Lorem ipsum
# # @example When @id, @role and @title attributes are empty. # = block_with_title :class=>'quote-block center', :style=>style_value(float: 'left') # blockquote =content # #
Lorem ipsum
# # @example When shorthand style for class attribute is used. # = block_with_title 'quote-block center' # blockquote =content # #
Lorem ipsum
# # @param attrs [Hash, String] the tag's attributes as Hash), # or the tag's class if it's not a Hash. # @param title [String, nil] the title. # @yield The block of Slim/HTML code within the tag (optional). # @return [String] a rendered HTML fragment. # def block_with_title(attrs = {}, title = @title, &block) if (klass = attrs[:class]).is_a? String klass = klass.split(' ') end attrs[:class] = [klass, role].flatten.uniq attrs[:id] = id if title.nil_or_empty? # XXX quick hack nested = is_a?(::Asciidoctor::List) && (parent.is_a?(::Asciidoctor::ListItem) || parent.is_a?(::Asciidoctor::List)) html_tag_if !nested, :div, attrs, yield else html_tag :section, attrs do [html_tag(:h6, {class: 'block-title'}, title), yield].join("\n") end end end def block_with_caption(position = :bottom, attrs = {}, &block) if (klass = attrs[:class]).is_a? String klass = klass.split(' ') end attrs[:class] = [klass, role].flatten.uniq attrs[:id] = id if title.nil_or_empty? html_tag :div, attrs, yield else html_tag :figure, attrs do ary = [yield, html_tag(:figcaption) { captioned_title }] ary.reverse! if position == :top ary.compact.join("\n") end end end ## # Delimite the given equation as a STEM of the specified type. # # Note: This is not needed nor used for KaTeX, but keep this for the case # user wants to use a different method. # # @param equation [String] the equation to delimite. # @param type [#to_sym] the type of the STEM renderer (latexmath, or asciimath). # @return [String] the delimited equation. # def delimit_stem(equation, type) if (@_html5s_stem_type ||= document.attr('html5s-force-stem-type')) type = @_html5s_stem_type end if is_a? ::Asciidoctor::Block open, close = ::Asciidoctor::BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS[type.to_sym] else open, close = ::Asciidoctor::INLINE_MATH_DELIMITERS[type.to_sym] end if !equation.start_with?(open) || !equation.end_with?(close) equation = [open, equation, close].join end equation end ## # Formats the given hash as CSS declarations for an inline style. # # @example # style_value(text_align: 'right', float: 'left') # => "text-align: right; float: left;" # # style_value(text_align: nil, float: 'left') # => "float: left;" # # style_value(width: [90, '%'], height: '50px') # => "width: 90%; height: 50px;" # # style_value(width: ['120px', 'px']) # => "width: 90px;" # # style_value(width: [nil, 'px']) # => nil # # @param declarations [Hash] # @return [String, nil] # def style_value(declarations) decls = [] declarations.each do |prop, value| next if value.nil? if value.is_a? Array value, unit = value next if value.nil? value = value.to_s + unit unless value.end_with? unit end prop = prop.to_s.gsub('_', '-') decls << "#{prop}: #{value}" end decls.empty? ? nil : decls.join('; ') + ';' end def urlize(*segments) path = segments * '/' if path.start_with? '//' @_html5s_uri_scheme ||= document.attr('asset-uri-scheme', 'https') path = "#{@_html5s_uri_scheme}:#{path}" unless @_html5s_uri_scheme.empty? end normalize_web_path path end ## # Gets the value of the specified attribute in this node. # # This is just an alias for +attr+ method with disabled _inherit_ to make it # more clear. # # @param name [String, Symbol] the name of the attribute to lookup. # @param default_val the value to return if the attribute is not found. # @return value of the attribute or +default_val+ if not found. # def local_attr(name, default_val = nil) attr(name, default_val, false) end ## # Checks if the attribute is defined on this node, optionally performing # a comparison of its value if +expect_val+ is not nil. # # This is just an alias for +attr?+ method with disabled _inherit_ to make it # more clear. # # @param name [String, Symbol] the name of the attribute to lookup. # @param default_val the expected value of the attribute. # @return [Boolean] whether the attribute exists and, if +expect_val+ is # specified, whether the value of the attribute matches the +expect_val+. # def local_attr?(name, expect_val = nil) attr?(name, expect_val, false) end ## # @param index [Integer] the footnote's index. # @return [String] footnote id to be used in a link. def footnote_id(index = local_attr(:index)) "_footnote_#{index}" end ## # @param index (see #footnote_id) # @return [String] footnoteref id to be used in a link. def footnoteref_id(index = local_attr(:index)) "_footnoteref_#{index}" end def nowrap? 'nowrap' if !document.attr?(:prewrap) || option?('nowrap') end def print_item_content(item) wrap = item.blocks? && !item.blocks.all? { |b| b.is_a? ::Asciidoctor::List } [ (html_tag_if(wrap, :p) { item.text } if item.text?), item.content ].join end ## # Returns corrected section level. # # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self). # @return [Integer] # def section_level(sec = self) (sec.level == 0 && sec.special) ? 1 : sec.level end ## # Returns the captioned section's title, optionally numbered. # # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self). # @param drop_anchors [Boolean] Remove ++ tags from the title? # @return [String] # def section_title(sec = self, drop_anchors: false) title = if sec.caption sec.captioned_title elsif sec.numbered && sec.level <= document.attr(:sectnumlevels, DEFAULT_SECTNUMLEVELS).to_i if sec.level < 2 && document.doctype == 'book' && %w[chapter part].include?(sec.sectname) signifier = document.attr("#{sec.sectname}-signifier") sectnum = sec.sectname == 'part' ? sec.sectnum(nil, ':') : sec.sectnum "#{signifier&.+ ' '}#{sectnum} #{sec.title}" else "#{sec.sectnum} #{sec.title}" end else sec.title end if drop_anchors && title.include?('+]+|\/a)>/, '') else title end end ## # @return [String] language of STEM block or inline node (tex or asciimath). def stem_lang value = (inline? ? type : style).to_s value == 'latexmath' ? 'tex' : value end def link_rel rel = [ ('nofollow' if option?('nofollow')), ('noopener' if option?('noopener') || local_attr(:window) == '_blank') ].compact rel.empty? ? nil : rel.join(' ') end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_admonition # ## # @return [Boolean] should be this admonition wrapped in aside element? def admonition_aside? %w[note tip].include? attr(:name) end ## # @return [String, nil] WAI-ARIA role of this admonition. def admonition_aria case attr(:name) when 'note' 'note' # when 'tip' 'doc-tip' # when 'caution', 'important', 'warning' 'doc-notice' # end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_image # ## # @return [String, nil] an URL for the image's link. def image_link @_html5s_image_link ||= case (link = attr(:link)) when 'none', 'false' return when 'self' image_uri(attr(:target)) when nil, '' image_uri(attr(:target)) if document.attr?('html5s-image-default-link', 'self') else link end end ## # @return [String, nil] a label/title of the image link. def image_link_label if image_uri(attr(:target)) == image_link document.attr('html5s-image-self-link-label', 'Open the image in full size') end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_listing # ## # See {Asciidoctor::SyntaxHighlighter#format}. # # @return [String, nil] a rendered HTML. def formatted_source hl = document.syntax_highlighter or return nil opts = { nowrap: nowrap? } if hl.highlight? opts[:css_mode] = document.attr("#{}-css", :class).to_sym opts[:style] = document.attr("#{}-style") end hl.format(self, source_lang, opts) end ## # Returns the callout list attached to this listing node, or +nil+ if none. # # Note: This variable is set by extension # {Asciidoctor::Html5s::AttachedColistTreeprocessor}. # # @return [Asciidoctor::List, nil] def callout_list @html5s_colist end def source_lang local_attr :language, false end # This is needed only for Asciidoctor <2.0.0. def source_code_class if document.attr? 'source-highlighter', 'highlightjs' "language-#{source_lang || 'none'} hljs" elsif source_lang "language-#{source_lang}" end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_open # ## # Returns +true+ if an abstract block is allowed in this document type, # otherwise prints warning and returns +false+. def abstract_allowed? if result = (parent == document && document.doctype == 'book') log.warn 'asciidoctor: WARNING: abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.' end !result end ## # Returns +true+ if a partintro block is allowed in this context, otherwise # prints warning and returns +false+. def partintro_allowed? if result = (level != 0 || parent.context != :section || document.doctype != 'book') log.warn "asciidoctor: ERROR: partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and must be a child of a book part. Excluding block content." end !result end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_table # def autowidth?(node = self) node.option? :autowidth end def stretch? if !autowidth? || local_attr?('width') 'stretch' if attr? :tablepcwidth, 100 end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # block_video # # @return [Boolean] +true+ if the video should be embedded in an iframe. def video_iframe? ['vimeo', 'youtube'].include? attr(:poster) end def video_uri case attr(:poster, '').to_sym when :vimeo params = { autoplay: (1 if option? 'autoplay'), loop: (1 if option? 'loop'), muted: (1 if option? 'muted') } start_anchor = "#at=#{attr :start}" if attr? :start "//{attr :target}#{start_anchor}#{url_query params}" when :youtube video_id, list_id = attr(:target).split('/', 2) params = { rel: 0, start: (attr :start), end: (attr :end), list: (attr :list, list_id), autoplay: (1 if option? 'autoplay'), loop: (1 if option? 'loop'), muted: (1 if option? 'muted'), controls: (0 if option? 'nocontrols') } "//{video_id}#{url_query params}" else anchor = [attr(:start), attr(:end)].join(',').chomp(',') anchor = '' if anchor == ',' # XXX: anchor = '#t=' + anchor unless anchor.empty? media_uri "#{attr :target}#{anchor}" end end # Formats URL query parameters. def url_query(params) str = { |k, v| next if v.nil? || v.to_s.empty? [k, v] * '=' }.compact.join('&') '?' + str unless str.empty? end #-------------------------------------------------------- # document # ## # @return [String, nil] the revision date in ISO 8601, or nil if not # available or in invalid format. def revdate_iso ::Date.parse(revdate).iso8601 if defined? ::Date rescue ArgumentError nil end ## # Returns HTML meta tag if the given +content+ is not +nil+. # # @param name [#to_s] the name for the metadata. # @param content [#to_s, nil] the value of the metadata, or +nil+. # @return [String, nil] the meta tag, or +nil+ if the +content+ is +nil+. # def html_meta_if(name, content) %() if content end # Returns formatted style/link and script tags for header. def styles_and_scripts scripts = [] styles = [] tags = [] stylesheet = attr :stylesheet stylesdir = attr :stylesdir, '' default_style = ::Asciidoctor::DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS.include? stylesheet ss = ::Asciidoctor::Stylesheets.instance if attr?(:linkcss) path = default_style ? ::Asciidoctor::DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME : stylesheet styles << { href: [stylesdir, path] } elsif default_style styles << { text: ss.primary_stylesheet_data } else styles << { text: read_asset(normalize_system_path(stylesheet, stylesdir), true) } end if attr? :icons, 'font' if attr? 'iconfont-remote' styles << { href: attr('iconfont-cdn', FONT_AWESOME_URI) } else styles << { href: [stylesdir, "#{attr 'iconfont-name', 'font-awesome'}.css"] } end end if attr? 'stem' styles << { href: KATEX_CSS_URI } scripts << { src: KATEX_JS_URI } scripts << { text: KATEX_RENDER_CODE } end if !defined?(::Asciidoctor::SyntaxHighlighter) # Asciidoctor <2.0.0 if attr? 'source-highlighter', 'highlightjs' hjs_base = attr :highlightjsdir, HIGHLIGHTJS_BASE_URI hjs_theme = attr 'highlightjs-theme', DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHTJS_THEME scripts << { src: [hjs_base, 'highlight.min.js'] } scripts << { text: 'hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()' } styles << { href: [hjs_base, "styles/#{hjs_theme}.min.css"] } end end styles.each do |item| if item.key?(:text) tags << html_tag(:style) { item[:text] } else tags << html_tag(:link, rel: 'stylesheet', href: urlize(*item[:href])) end end scripts.each do |item| if item.key? :text tags << html_tag(:script, type: item[:type]) { item[:text] } else tags << html_tag(:script, type: item[:type], src: urlize(*item[:src])) end end if defined?(::Asciidoctor::SyntaxHighlighter) && (hl = syntax_highlighter) # Asciidoctor >=2.0.0 # XXX: We don't care about the declared location and put all to head. [:head, :footer].each do |location| if hl.docinfo?(location) tags << hl.docinfo(location, self, cdn_base_url: CDN_BASE_URI, linkcss: attr?(:linkcss)) end end end tags.join("\n") end #-------------------------------------------------------- # inline_anchor # # @return [String] text of the xref anchor. def xref_text str = if text text elsif (path = local_attr :path) path else ref = document.catalog[:refs][attr :refid] if ref.kind_of? Asciidoctor::AbstractNode ref.xreftext(attr(:xrefstyle, nil, true)) end end (str || "[#{attr :refid}]").tr_s("\n", ' ') end # @return [String, nil] text of the bibref anchor, or +nil+ if not found. def bibref_text if ::Asciidoctor::VERSION[0] == '1' text else # Asciidoctor >= 2.0.0 "[#{reftext || id}]" end end #-------------------------------------------------------- # inline_image # # @return [Array] style classes for a Font Awesome icon. def icon_fa_classes [ "fa fa-#{target}", ("fa-#{attr :size}" if attr? :size), ("fa-rotate-#{attr :rotate}" if attr? :rotate), ("fa-flip-#{attr :flip}" if attr? :flip) ].compact end #-------------------------------------------------------- # inline_quoted # # @param text [String] the text to wrap in double quotes. # @return [String] quoted *text*. def double_quoted(text) quotes = CURLY_QUOTES[attr(:lang, DEFAULT_LANG, true)] "#{quotes[2]}#{text}#{quotes[3]}" end # @param text [String] the text to wrap in single quotes. # @return [String] quoted *text*. def single_quoted(text) quotes = CURLY_QUOTES[attr(:lang, DEFAULT_LANG, true)] "#{quotes[0]}#{text}#{quotes[1]}" end end