/** * Copyright 2005-2007 Xue Yong Zhi, Ye Zheng * Distributed under the BSD License */ package com.xruby.runtime.lang; //import j2me.io.BufferedReader; //import java.io.IOException; //import java.io.InputStreamReader; import j2me.util.Iterator; import j2me.lang.AssertMe; import com.rho.RhoEmptyLogger; import com.rho.RhoLogger; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.ObjectFactory; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyArray; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyMethodValue; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyProc; import com.xruby.runtime.builtin.RubyString; //import com.xruby.runtime.javasupport.JavaClass; public class RubyAPI { private static final RhoLogger LOG = RhoLogger.RHO_STRIP_LOG ? new RhoEmptyLogger() : new RhoLogger("RubyAPI"); public static RubyClass defineClass(String name, RubyClass superclass) { return ClassFactory.defineClass(name, superclass); } /* For compiler */ public static RubyClass defineClass(String name, RubyValue superclass) { if (null != superclass && !(superclass instanceof RubyClass)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "superclass must be a Class (" + superclass.getRubyClass().getName() + " given)"); } RubyValue value = RubyRuntime.ObjectClass.getConstant(name); if (value != null) { if (!(value instanceof RubyClass)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, name + " is not a class"); } RubyClass klass = (RubyClass)value; if (superclass != null) { if (superclass != klass.getSuperClass().getRealClass()) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "superclass mismatch for class " + name); } } klass.setAccessPublic(); return klass; } return defineClass(name, null == superclass ? null : (RubyClass)superclass); } public static RubyModule defineModule(String name) { return ClassFactory.defineModule(name); } public static boolean testCaseEqual(RubyValue value1, RubyValue value2) { return RubyAPI.callPublicOneArgMethod(value1, value2, null, RubyID.longEqualID).isTrue(); } public static boolean testCaseEqual(RubyArray values, RubyValue value2) { // for (RubyValue value1 : values) { for (Iterator iter = values.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue value1 = (RubyValue)iter.next(); if (RubyAPI.callPublicOneArgMethod(value1, value2, null, RubyID.longEqualID).isTrue()) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean testEqual(RubyValue value1, RubyValue value2) { return RubyAPI.callPublicOneArgMethod(value1, value2, null, RubyID.equalID).isTrue(); } public static boolean testExceptionType(RubyArray classes_to_compare, RubyException e) { RubyValue value = e.getRubyValue(); // for (RubyValue class_to_compare : classes_to_compare) { for (Iterator iter = classes_to_compare.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { RubyValue class_to_compare = (RubyValue)iter.next(); if (RubyAPI.isKindOf(class_to_compare, value)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isKindOf(RubyValue class_to_compare, RubyValue value) { if (class_to_compare == value) { return true; } else if (!(class_to_compare instanceof RubyModule)) { //TODO should test include relationship with Module return false; } else { return value.getRubyClass().isKindOf((RubyModule) class_to_compare); } } //e.g. defined? super public static RubyValue isDefinedSuperMethod(RubyValue receiver, String method_name, RubyMethod current_method) { RubyClass c = (RubyClass) current_method.getScope(); RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); RubyMethod m = c.findSuperMethod(mid); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } return ObjectFactory.createString("super"); } //e.g. defined? a.f //TODO bad name, should be isDefinedMethodWithReceiver public static RubyValue isDefinedPublicMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyModule owner, String method_name) { if (receiver.getRubyClass() == owner) { //TODO do not have to be equal return isDefinedMethod(receiver, method_name); } RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); RubyMethod m = receiver.findPublicMethod(mid); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } return ObjectFactory.createString("method"); } //e.g. defined? f public static RubyValue isDefinedMethod(RubyValue receiver, String method_name) { RubyID mid = RubyID.intern(method_name); RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } return ObjectFactory.createString("method"); } public static RubyValue isDefinedYield(RubyBlock block) { if (null == block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } else { return ObjectFactory.createString("yield"); } } private static RubyValue callMethodMissing(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(RubyID.methodMissingId); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { if (null == args) { args = new RubyArray(ObjectFactory.createSymbol(mid)); } else { args.insert(0, ObjectFactory.createSymbol(mid)); } return m.invoke(receiver, args, block); } RubyClass klass = receiver.getRubyClass(); klass = (klass != null) ? klass.getRealClass() : null; throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "undefined method '" + mid.toString() + "' for " + klass.getName()); } private static RubyValue processException( Throwable e, RubyValue receiver, RubyID mid )throws RubyException { String className = receiver.getRubyClass() != null ? receiver.getRubyClass().getName() : "Unknown"; String strErrMsg = "Call of " + className + "." + mid.toString() + " failed."; LOG.ERROR( strErrMsg, e); throw (e instanceof RubyException ? (RubyException)e : new RubyException( strErrMsg + e.getMessage())); } //receiver is implicit self public static RubyValue callMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null == args || args.size() > 1);//use callOneArgMethod if has only one arg RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, args, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, args, block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } public static RubyValue callNoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, null, block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } //method call with *one* argument and no block (use the other one if no arg (arg == null)!) //This make code (especially reverse engineered ones) more readable. public static RubyValue callOneArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg); RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, arg, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, new RubyArray(arg), block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } public static RubyValue callTwoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg0 && null != arg1); RubyMethod m = receiver.findMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, arg0, arg1, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, new RubyArray(arg0, arg1), block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } public static RubyValue callPublicNoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ RubyValue res = receiver.rhom_processProperty(mid); if ( res != null ) return res; RubyMethod m = receiver.findPublicMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, null, block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } //method call with *one* argument and no block (use the other one if no arg (arg == null)!) //This make code (especially reverse engineered ones) more readable. public static RubyValue callPublicOneArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg); RubyMethod m = receiver.findPublicMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, arg, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, new RubyArray(arg), block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } public static RubyValue callPublicTwoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg0 && null != arg1); RubyMethod m = receiver.findPublicMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, arg0, arg1, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, new RubyArray(arg0, arg1), block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } //TODO should pass owner to work with protected method public static RubyValue callPublicMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block, RubyID mid) { //RHO //AssertMe.rho_assert(null == args || args.size() > 1);//use callPublicOneArgMethod if has only one arg //RHO try{ RubyMethod m = receiver.findPublicMethod(mid); if (null != m && !UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { return m.invoke(receiver, args, block); } return callMethodMissing(receiver, args, block, mid); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mid); } } public static RubyValue callSuperNoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyBlock block, MethodBlockBase mbb) { try{ RubyClass c = (RubyClass) mbb.getScope(); RubyMethod m = c.findSuperMethod(mbb.getID()); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "super method '" + mbb.getID() + "' can not be found in '" + c.getName() + "'"); } return m.invoke(receiver, block); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mbb.getID()); } } public static RubyValue callSuperOneArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg, RubyBlock block, MethodBlockBase mbb) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg); RubyClass c = (RubyClass) mbb.getScope(); RubyMethod m = c.findSuperMethod(mbb.getID()); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "super method '" + mbb.getID() + "' can not be found in '" + c.getName() + "'"); } return m.invoke(receiver, arg, block); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mbb.getID()); } } public static RubyValue callSuperTwoArgMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyValue arg0, RubyValue arg1, RubyBlock block, MethodBlockBase mbb) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null != arg0 && null != arg1); RubyClass c = (RubyClass) mbb.getScope(); RubyMethod m = c.findSuperMethod(mbb.getID()); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "super method '" + mbb.getID() + "' can not be found in '" + c.getName() + "'"); } return m.invoke(receiver, arg0, arg1, block); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mbb.getID()); } } public static RubyValue callSuperMethod(RubyValue receiver, RubyArray args, RubyBlock block, MethodBlockBase mbb) { try{ AssertMe.rho_assert(null == args || args.size() > 1);//use callSuperOneArgMethod if has only one arg RubyClass c = (RubyClass) mbb.getScope(); RubyMethod m = c.findSuperMethod(mbb.getID()); if (null == m || UndefMethod.isUndef(m)) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NoMethodErrorClass, "super method '" + mbb.getID() + "' can not be found in '" + c.getName() + "'"); } return m.invoke(receiver, args, block); }catch(Throwable e) { return processException(e,receiver,mbb.getID()); } } public static RubyValue operatorNot(RubyValue value) { return value.isTrue() ? RubyConstant.QFALSE : RubyConstant.QTRUE; } public static boolean isWindows() { return false; /* String strOS = System.getProperty("os.name"); if ( strOS == null ) return false; return (strOS.toUpperCase().indexOf("WINDOWS") >= 0);*/ } public static RubyValue runCommandAndCaptureOutput(String value) { //RHO_COMMENT: runCommandAndCaptureOutput return ObjectFactory.createString(new StringBuffer()); //some commands are builtin within the shell. e,g. echo, copy... /* String[] cmdarray = new String[3]; cmdarray[2] = value; if (isWindows()) { cmdarray[0] = "cmd"; cmdarray[1] = "/c"; } else { cmdarray[0] = "/bin/sh"; cmdarray[1] = "-c"; } try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdarray); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader stderr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream())); int c; while ((c = stderr.read()) != -1) { if (c != '\r') { output.append((char) c); } } stderr.close(); BufferedReader stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); while ((c = stdout.read()) != -1) { if (c != '\r') { output.append((char) c); } } stdout.close(); return ObjectFactory.createString(output); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.ExceptionClass, e.toString()); }*/ } public static RubyValue expandArrayIfThereIsZeroOrOneValue(RubyArray a) { if (a.size() <= 1) { return a.get(0); } return a; } public static RubyValue expandArrayIfThereIsZeroOrOneValue(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyArray) { RubyArray a = (RubyArray) v; if (a.isSingleAsterisk()) { return expandArrayIfThereIsZeroOrOneValue(a); } } return v; } public static RubyArray expandArrayIfThereIsOnlyOneRubyArray(RubyArray a) { if (a.size() == 1 && a.isSingleRhs() && a.get(0) instanceof RubyArray) { return (RubyArray) a.get(0); } return a; } public static RubyArray convertToArrayIfNotYet(RubyValue v) { if (v instanceof RubyArray) { return (RubyArray) v; } return new RubyArray(v); } public static RubyBlock convertRubyValue2RubyBlock(RubyValue v) { if (RubyConstant.QNIL == v) { return null; } else if (v instanceof RubyMethodValue) { return ((RubyMethodValue) v).convertToRubyProc().getBlock(); } else if (v instanceof RubyProc) { return ((RubyProc) v).getBlock(); } else { throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, "wrong argument type " + v.getRubyClass().getName() + " (expected Proc) "); } } public static RubyValue convertRubyException2RubyValue(RubyException e) { return e.getRubyValue(); } public static RubyValue setTopLevelConstant(RubyValue value, String name) { return RubyRuntime.ObjectClass.setConstant(name, value); } public static RubyValue getCurrentNamespaceConstant(RubyModule receiver, String name) { RubyValue v = receiver.getConstant(name); if (null != v) { return v; } v = RubyRuntime.ObjectClass.getConstant(name); if (null == v) { //RHO_COMMENT: RubyRuntime.javaIsSupported() /* if(RubyRuntime.javaIsSupported()){ // for(String pkgName :JavaClass.getPackeageList()){ for(int i = 0; i < JavaClass.getPackeageList().length;i++){ String pkgName = JavaClass.getPackeageList()[i]; try { Class clazz = Class.forName(pkgName+"."+name); return JavaClass.createJavaClass(clazz); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //do nothing } } }*/ throwUninitializedConstant(receiver, name); } return v; } public static RubyValue isDefinedCurrentNamespaceConstant(RubyValue receiver, String name) { RubyValue v = ((RubyModule) receiver).getConstant(name); if (null == v) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } return ObjectFactory.createString("constant"); } public static RubyValue getConstant(RubyValue receiver, String name) { throwTypeErrorIfNotClassModule(receiver); RubyModule m = (RubyModule) receiver; RubyValue v = m.getConstant(name); if (null == v) { throwUninitializedConstant(m, name); } return v; } //RHO_COMMENT: isConstantDefined public static RubyValue isConstantDefined(RubyValue receiver, String name) { throwTypeErrorIfNotClassModule(receiver); RubyModule m = (RubyModule) receiver; RubyValue v = m.getConstant(name); if (null == v) return RubyConstant.QFALSE; return RubyConstant.QTRUE; } private static void throwUninitializedConstant(RubyModule m, String name) { RubyString str = ObjectFactory.createString(); if (m != RubyRuntime.ObjectClass) { m.to_s(str); if (str.length() > 0) { str.appendString("::"); } } str.appendString(name); throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.NameErrorClass, "uninitialized constant " + str.toString()); } public static RubyValue setConstant(RubyValue value, RubyValue receiver, String name) { throwTypeErrorIfNotClassModule(receiver); return ((RubyModule) receiver).setConstant(name, value); } private static void throwTypeErrorIfNotClassModule(RubyValue receiver) { if (!(receiver instanceof RubyClass) && !(receiver instanceof RubyModule)) { RubyValue v = RubyAPI.callPublicNoArgMethod(receiver, null, RubyID.toSID); String s = v.toString(); throw new RubyException(RubyRuntime.TypeErrorClass, s + " is not a class/module"); } } private static final RubyID ASERT = RubyID.intern("[]="); public static void callArraySet(RubyValue value, RubyValue index, RubyValue receiver) { callPublicTwoArgMethod(receiver, index, value, null, ASERT); } public static RubyValue initializeAsteriskParameter(RubyArray args, int argc) { if (null == args) { return new RubyArray(); } else { return args.collect(argc); } } public static RubyValue initializeBlockParameter(RubyBlock block) { if (null == block) { return RubyConstant.QNIL; } else { return ObjectFactory.createProc(block); } } }