package main // This is a basic example to illustrate how to access the Fidor API // using Go. // // To run this example type: // // $ go run example.go // // And point your browser to: // // $ http://localhost:8080 import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" ) // The following sections define the settings you require for the // app to be able to connect to and authorize itself against the api. type Config struct { AppUrl string // where to reach this application ClientId string // OAuth Client_id parameter ClientSecret string // OAuth Client_secret parameter FidorApiUrl string // API endpoint e.g Sandbox: / Live: FidorOauthUrl string // OAuth endpoint e.g Sandbox: / Live: } var fidorConfig = Config{ AppUrl: "", ClientId: "", ClientSecret: "", FidorApiUrl: "", FidorOauthUrl: "", } func main() { // register a handler function (see next function) to service // requests ... http.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler) fmt.Printf("Now open %s\n", fidorConfig.AppUrl) // ... and start listening. if u, err := url.Parse(fidorConfig.AppUrl); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Can't make sense of configured url: %s\nBye.\n", fidorConfig.AppUrl) } else { var hostPort = strings.Split(u.Host, ":") var port = ":8080" if len(hostPort) == 2 { port = ":" + hostPort[1] } http.ListenAndServe(port, nil) } } func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "GET" { w.WriteHeader(403) return } switch r.URL.Path { case "/": renderWelcome(w) case "/transactions": render("/transactions", w, r) case "/accounts": render("/accounts", w, r) case "/oauth": handleOAuthCallback(w, r) case "/logout": handleLogout(w, r, "/") default: w.WriteHeader(404) } } const COOKIE_NAME = "GO_SESSION" // session database, available access_tokens are mapped to their cookie-session keys var sessions = make(map[string]string) // stores a retrieved access_token both on the server and the reference in a client-side cookie. func createSession(w http.ResponseWriter, accessToken string) { println(accessToken) rnd := make([]byte, 20, 20) rand.Read(rnd) session := hex.EncodeToString(rnd) sessions[session] = accessToken cookie := http.Cookie{ Name: COOKIE_NAME, Value: session, } http.SetCookie(w, &cookie) } // proxies an API endpoint. In case the client is not logged in (i.e. no // session cookie is set), the OAuth procedure is initiated. Once the // client is logged, a call the the `endpoint` API endpoint is made and // the results (including errors) are piped to the client. func render(endpoint string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // check if request has cookie set if cookie, err := r.Cookie(COOKIE_NAME); err != nil { // else redirect to OAuth Authorization EP redirectToOAuth(w, r, endpoint) } else { session := cookie.Value accessToken := sessions[session] // pipe api endpoint ep := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", fidorConfig.FidorApiUrl, endpoint) if api_req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ep, nil); err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) } else { api_req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", accessToken)) api_req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/; version=1,text/json") client := &http.Client{} if api_resp, err := client.Do(api_req); err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) } else { if api_resp.StatusCode == 401 { // token probably expired handleLogout(w, r, endpoint) return } contentType := http.CanonicalHeaderKey("content-type") w.Header().Set(contentType, api_resp.Header.Get(contentType)) w.WriteHeader(api_resp.StatusCode) io.Copy(w, api_resp.Body) } } } } // client browser is redirected to `authorize` oauth endpoints. The // `target_endpoint` parameter indicates which application endpoint to // redirect the client to once the access_token has been retrieved. func redirectToOAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, target_endpoint string) { _redirectURI := fmt.Sprintf("%s/oauth?ep=%s", fidorConfig.AppUrl, target_endpoint) redirectURI := url.QueryEscape(_redirectURI) oauthRedirectURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/authorize?client_id=%s&state=321&response_type=code&redirect_uri=%s", fidorConfig.FidorOauthUrl, fidorConfig.ClientId, redirectURI) http.Redirect(w, r, oauthRedirectURL, 307) } // handles the oauth callback (i.e. the redirect that the oauth // authorize call "returns" to the client) func handleOAuthCallback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { code := r.FormValue("code") target := r.FormValue("ep") if code == "" || target == "" { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte("missing code or target ep")) return } if token, err := retrieveTokenFromCode(code, target); err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } else { createSession(w, token) http.Redirect(w, r, target, 307) } } // clear our application's session, forces user to call the oauth // authorize endpoint again. This may or may not force the user to have // to reenter credentials, depending on whether the user's Fidor session // has expired. func handleLogout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, endpoint string) { if cookie, err := r.Cookie(COOKIE_NAME); err == nil { // we have a cookie // remove it from our stored sessions session := cookie.Value delete(sessions, session) // kill the cookie on the client cookie := http.Cookie{ Name: COOKIE_NAME, Value: "", MaxAge: -1, } http.SetCookie(w, &cookie) } http.Redirect(w, r, endpoint, 307) } // Our TokenResponse representation used to pick it out from the JSON // returned by the OAuth server. type TokenResponse struct { Token string `json:"access_token"` } // Use the OAuth code that the user's browser picked up from the OAuth // server to request an OAuth access_token to use in API requests. The // `target_endpoint` parameter indicates which of this app's endpoints // to redirect the client to once we have the access_token and stored a // reference in the client's cookie. func retrieveTokenFromCode(code string, target_endpoint string) (token string, err error) { // assemble the API endpoint URL and request payload redirect_uri := fmt.Sprintf("%s/oauth?ep=%s", fidorConfig.AppUrl, target_endpoint) tokenPayload := url.Values{ "client_id": {fidorConfig.ClientId}, "code": {code}, "redirect_uri": {url.QueryEscape(redirect_uri)}, "grant_type": {"authorization_code"}, } // Call the Oauth `token` endpoint tokenUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/token", fidorConfig.FidorOauthUrl) req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", tokenUrl, strings.NewReader(tokenPayload.Encode())) req.SetBasicAuth(fidorConfig.ClientId, fidorConfig.ClientSecret) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") if resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req); err != nil { println(err) return "", err } else { if resp.StatusCode != 200 { return "", errors.New(resp.Status) } // if successful, pick the access_token out of the reply. var tokenResponse TokenResponse decoder := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body) if err = decoder.Decode(&tokenResponse); err != nil { return "", err } else { return tokenResponse.Token, nil } } } func renderWelcome(w http.ResponseWriter) { w.Write([]byte(indexTemplate)) } var indexTemplate = `




Log Out
