module OldSql class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :model_name, :type => :string, :default => 'user' desc "Old SQL Install" def check_for_devise puts "Old SQL works with devise, cancan and sanitize. Checking for a current installation of devise! " if defined?(Devise) check_for_devise_models else puts "Please put gem 'devise', gem 'cancan', and gem 'sanitize' into your Gemfile" end puts "Please put gem 'cancan' into your Gemfile" unless defined?(Cancan) puts "Please put gem 'sanitize' into your Gemfile" unless defined?(Sanitize) copy_locales_files create_old_sql_dirs copy_old_sql_files puts "Also you need a new migration. We'll generate it for you now." invoke 'old_sql:install_migrations' end private def check_for_devise_models # File.exists? devise_path = "#{FileUtils.pwd}/config/initializers/devise.rb" if File.exists?(devise_path) parse_route_files else puts "Looks like you don't have devise install! We'll install it for you!" invoke 'devise:install' if !devise_table_exists? puts 'User Model Does Not Exist' set_devise elsif !model_has_devise? puts 'User Model Does Not Have Devise Support' invoke 'old_sql:install_devise_migrations' create_model_class unless model_exists? add_devise_to_routes end end end def devise_table_exists? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") schema_path = "#{app_path}/db/schema.rb" puts "Checking #{schema_path} for pattern #{model_name}" if File.exists?(schema_path) && open(schema_path).grep(/#{model_name.pluralize}/).count>0 return true else return false end end def model_has_devise? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") schema_path = app_path+'/db/schema.rb' puts "Checking #{schema_path} for pattern /database_authenticatable/" if File.exists?(schema_path) && open(schema_path).grep(/database_authenticatable/).count>0 return true else return false end end def model_exists? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") File.exists?("#{app_path}/app/models/#{model_name}.rb") end def create_model_class model_path = "#{app_path}/app/models/#{model_name}.rb" gem_path = __FILE__ gem_path = gem_path.split("/") gem_path = gem_path[0..-5] gem_path = gem_path.join("/") devise_template_path = "#{gem_path}/lib/generators/old_sql/templates/devise/devise_model.rb.template" copy_file devise_template_path, model_path gsub_file model_path, /DeviseModel/, "#{model_name.capitalize}" end def add_devise_to_routes routes_path = "#{app_path}/config/routes.rb" if open(routes_path).grep(/devise_for :#{model_name}/).count<=0 puts "Adding devise_for :#{model_name} to #{routes_path}" insert_into_file routes_path, "devise_for :#{model_name}\n", :after => "ReportDemo::Application.routes.draw do\n" end end def parse_route_files # check if migrations exist routes_path = "#{app_path}/config/routes.rb" content = "" File.readlines(routes_path).each{|line| content += line } unless content.index("devise_for").nil? # there is a devise_for in routes => Do nothing puts "Great! You have devise installed and setup!" else puts "Great you have devise installed, but not set up!" set_devise end end def set_devise puts "Setting up devise for you! ======================================================" invoke 'devise', [model_name] end def copy_locales_files print "Now copying locales files! " ### locales_path = "#{gem_path}/config/locales/*.yml" locales_app_path = "#{app_path}/config/locales" unless FileUtils.mkdir locales_app_path end Dir.glob(locales_path).each do |file| file_path = file.split("/") file_path = file_path[-1] FileUtils.copy_file(file, "#{locales_app_path}/#{file_path}") print "." end print "\n" end def create_old_sql_dirs empty_directory "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/" empty_directory "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql" empty_directory "#{app_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor" end def copy_old_sql_files copy_file "#{gem_path}/config/old_sql/reports.yml.example", "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/reports.yml" copy_file "#{gem_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql/user.erb.example", "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql/user.erb" copy_file "#{gem_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor/user_processor.rb.example", "#{app_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor/user_processor.rb" end def app_path app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") app_path end def gem_path gem_path = __FILE__ gem_path = gem_path.split("/") gem_path = gem_path[0..-5] gem_path = gem_path.join("/") gem_path end end end