require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe "ClassMethods" do before(:all) do @c1 ||= City.create!(:data => "CityClass", :geom => Polygon.from_coordinates([[[12,45],[45,41],[4,1],[12,45]],[[2,5],[5,1],[14,1],[2,5]]],4326)) @s1 ||= Street.create!(:data => "StreetClass", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[1,1],[99,88]],4326)) @s2 ||= Street.create!(:data => "StreetClassTiny", :geom => LineString.from_coordinates([[1,1],[1.1,1.1]],4326)) @p1 ||= Position.create!(:data => "PointClass", :geom => Point.from_x_y(99,99,4326)) @p2 ||= Position.create!(:data => "PointClassClose", :geom => Point.from_x_y(99.9,99.9,4326)) end it "should find the closest other point" do Position.close_to(Point.from_x_y(99,99,4326), :srid => 4326)[0].data.should == end it "should find the closest other point and limit" do Position.close_to(Point.from_x_y(99,99,4326), :limit => 2).should have(2).positions end it "should find the closest other point" do Position.closest_to(Point.from_x_y(99,99,4326)).data.should == end it "should sort by size" do == "StreetClassTiny" == "StreetClass" end it "largest" do == "StreetClass" end it "should sort by linestring length" do Street.by_length.should be_instance_of(Array) end it "should sort by linestring length" do Street.by_length(:limit => 2).should have(2).streets end it "should find the longest" do Street.longest.should == @s1 end it "should find all dwithin one" do Position.all_within(@s1.geom).should be_instance_of(Array) end it "should find all dwithin one" do City.by_perimeter.should be_instance_of(Array) end it "should sort by polygon area" do City.by_area.should be_instance_of(Array) end it "should sort by all within" do City.all_within(@s1.geom).should be_instance_of(Array) end it "should sort by all within" do City.by_boundaries.should be_instance_of(Array) end end