require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "ThingsController", "with all the resourceful actions" do before :each do mock_resourceful do actions :all end @objects = stub_list(5, 'Thing') do |t| [:destroy, :save, :update_attributes].each { |m| t.stubs(m).returns(true) } t.stubs(:to_param).returns('12') end @object = @objects.first Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) end ## Default responses (Resourceful::ACTIONS - Resourceful::MODIFYING_ACTIONS).each(&method(:should_render_html)) Resourceful::ACTIONS.each(&method(:should_render_js)) Resourceful::ACTIONS.each(&method(:shouldnt_render_xml)) ## Specs for #index it "should find all records on GET /things" do Thing.expects(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index end it "should return a list of objects for #current_objects after GET /things" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@objects) get :index current_objects.should == @objects end it "should assign @things to a list of objects for GET /things" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@objects) get :index assigns(:things).should == @objects end ## Specs for #show it "should find the record with id 12 on GET /things/12" do Thing.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) get :show, :id => 12 end it "should return an object for #current_object after GET /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) get :show, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to an object for GET /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) get :show, :id => 12 assigns(:thing).should == @object end ## Specs for #edit it "should find the record with id 12 on GET /things/12/edit" do Thing.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) get :edit, :id => 12 end it "should return an object for #current_object after GET /things/12/edit" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) get :edit, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to an object for GET /things/12/edit" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) get :edit, :id => 12 assigns(:thing).should == @object end ## Specs for #new it "should create a new object from params[:thing] for GET /things/new" do Thing.expects(:new).with('name' => "Herbert the thing").returns(@object) get :new, :thing => {:name => "Herbert the thing"} end it "should create a new object even if there aren't any params for GET /things/new" do Thing.expects(:new).with(nil).returns(@object) get :new end it "should return the new object for #current_object after GET /things/new" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) get :new current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to the new object for GET /things/new" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) get :new assigns(:thing).should == @object end ## Specs for #create it "should create a new object from params[:thing] for POST /things" do Thing.expects(:new).with('name' => "Herbert the thing").returns(@object) post :create, :thing => {:name => "Herbert the thing"} end it "should create a new object even if there aren't any params for POST /things" do Thing.expects(:new).with(nil).returns(@object) post :create end it "should return the new object for #current_object after POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) post :create current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to the new object for POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) post :create assigns(:thing).should == @object end it "should save the new object for POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) @object.expects(:save) post :create end it "should set an appropriate flash notice for a successful POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) post :create flash[:notice].should == "Create successful!" end it "should redirect to the new object for a successful POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) post :create response.should redirect_to('/things/12') end it "should set an appropriate flash error for an unsuccessful POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:save).returns(false) post :create flash[:error].should == "There was a problem!" end it "should give a failing response for an unsuccessful POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:save).returns(false) post :create response.should_not be_success response.code.should == '422' end it "should render the #new template for an unsuccessful POST /things" do Thing.stubs(:new).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:save).returns(false) post :create response.should render_template('new') end ## Specs for #update it "should find the record with id 12 on PUT /things/12" do Thing.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) put :update, :id => 12 end it "should return an object for #current_object after PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) put :update, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to an object for PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) put :update, :id => 12 assigns(:thing).should == @object end it "should update the new object for PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.expects(:update_attributes).with('name' => "Jorje") put :update, :id => 12, :thing => {:name => "Jorje"} end it "should set an appropriate flash notice for a successful PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) put :update, :id => 12 flash[:notice].should == "Save successful!" end it "should redirect to the updated object for a successful PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) put :update, :id => 12 response.should redirect_to('/things/12') end it "should set an appropriate flash error for an unsuccessful PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:update_attributes).returns(false) put :update, :id => 12 flash[:error].should == "There was a problem saving!" end it "should give a failing response for an unsuccessful PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:update_attributes).returns(false) put :update, :id => 12 response.should_not be_success response.code.should == '422' end it "should render the #edit template for an unsuccessful PUT /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:update_attributes).returns(false) put :update, :id => 12 response.should render_template('edit') end ## Specs for #destroy it "should find the record with id 12 on DELETE /things/12" do Thing.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) delete :destroy, :id => 12 end it "should return an object for #current_object after DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) delete :destroy, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should assign @thing to an object for DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) delete :destroy, :id => 12 assigns(:thing).should == @object end it "should destroy the new object for DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.expects(:destroy) delete :destroy, :id => 12 end it "should set an appropriate flash notice for a successful DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) delete :destroy, :id => 12 flash[:notice].should == "Record deleted!" end it "should redirect to the object list for a successful DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) delete :destroy, :id => 12 response.should redirect_to('/things') end it "should set an appropriate flash error for an unsuccessful DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:destroy).returns(false) delete :destroy, :id => 12 flash[:error].should == "There was a problem deleting!" end it "should give a failing response for an unsuccessful DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:destroy).returns(false) delete :destroy, :id => 12 response.should_not be_success end it "should redirect to the previous page for an unsuccessful DELETE /things/12" do Thing.stubs(:find).returns(@object) @object.stubs(:destroy).returns(false) delete :destroy, :id => 12 response.should redirect_to(:back) end end describe "ThingsController", "with several parent objects", :type => :integration do before :each do mock_resourceful do actions :all belongs_to :person, :category end stub_const 'Person' stub_const 'Category' @objects = stub_list(5, 'Thing') do |t| t.stubs(:save).returns(true) end @object = @objects.first @person = stub('Person') @category = stub('Category') @fake_model = stub('parent_object.things') end ## No parent ids it "should find all things on GET /things" do Thing.expects(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index current_objects.should == @objects end it "should find the thing with id 12 regardless of scoping on GET /things/12" do Thing.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) get :show, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should create a new thing without a person on POST /things" do Thing.expects(:new).with('name' => "Lamp").returns(@object) post :create, :thing => {:name => "Lamp"} current_object.should == @object end ## Person ids it "should assign the proper parent variables and accessors to the person with id 4 for GET /people/4/things" do Person.stubs(:find).returns(@person) @person.stubs(:things).returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.stubs(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index, :person_id => 4 controller.instance_eval("parent_object").should == @person assigns(:person).should == @person end it "should find all the things belonging to the person with id 4 on GET /people/4/things" do Person.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@person) @person.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index, :person_id => 4 current_objects.should == @objects end it "should find the thing with id 12 if it belongs to the person with id 4 on GET /person/4/things/12" do Person.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@person) @person.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) get :show, :person_id => 4, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should create a new thing belonging to the person with id 4 on POST /person/4/things" do Person.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@person) @person.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:build).with('name' => 'Lamp').returns(@object) post :create, :person_id => 4, :thing => {:name => "Lamp"} current_object.should == @object end ## Category ids it "should assign the proper parent variables and accessors to the category with id 4 for GET /people/4/things" do Category.stubs(:find).returns(@category) @category.stubs(:things).returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.stubs(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index, :category_id => 4 controller.instance_eval("parent_object").should == @category assigns(:category).should == @category end it "should find all the things belonging to the category with id 4 on GET /people/4/things" do Category.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@category) @category.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:find).with(:all).returns(@objects) get :index, :category_id => 4 current_objects.should == @objects end it "should find the thing with id 12 if it belongs to the category with id 4 on GET /category/4/things/12" do Category.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@category) @category.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:find).with('12').returns(@object) get :show, :category_id => 4, :id => 12 current_object.should == @object end it "should create a new thing belonging to the category with id 4 on POST /category/4/things" do Category.expects(:find).with('4').returns(@category) @category.expects(:things).at_least_once.returns(@fake_model) @fake_model.expects(:build).with('name' => 'Lamp').returns(@object) post :create, :category_id => 4, :thing => {:name => "Lamp"} current_object.should == @object end end