$LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__) %w(git fileutils yaml format symbol).each {|f| require f} module Yac include Format extend self VERSION = '1.4.2' @color = { 'head1' => "1;31", 'head2' => "1;36", 'head3' => "1;33", 'head4' => "1;32", 'head5' => "1;34", 'head6' => "1;35", 'head7' => "1;37", 'shell' => "01;35", 'warn' => "31", 'notice' => "33", 'empha' => "31", 'filename' => "34", 'line_number' => "32", } YACRC = File.join("#{ENV['HOME']}",".yacrc") CONFIG = YAML.load_file( File.exist?(YACRC) ? YACRC : File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..","resources","yacrc")) CONFIG["root"] ||= File.join(ENV['HOME'],".yac") @main_path = File.join(CONFIG["root"],"/main/") @pri_path = File.join(CONFIG["root"],"/private/") def new(args) operate, target = args.shift.to_s , args.join(' ').to_s case operate when "-i" then init when "-S" then search target when "-u" then update target when "-p" then push target when "-l" then log target when "-a" then add target when "-e" then edit target when "-s" then shell target when "-r" then rm target when "-m" then mv args when /^(help|-h|yac|--help)$/ then help when "-v" then colorful("Yac Version: #{Yac::VERSION}",'notice') else show operate + ' ' + target end end def init {"main" => @main_path,"private" => @pri_path}.each do |name,path| if File.exist?(path) colorful("#{name} repository has already initialized.","notice") elsif CONFIG["#{name}"] && CONFIG["#{name}"]['clone-from'] colorful("Initialize #{name} repository from #{CONFIG[name]['clone-from']}","notice") Git.clone(CONFIG["#{name}"]['clone-from'],path) end end end def show(args) loop do file = search_name(args,"Show") file ? handle_file(file) : break end end def search(args) search_content(args) end def add(args) file = add_file(args,'.yac') if file && confirm("You Are Adding #{file}") edit_text(file) Git.add(file) end end def edit(args) file = search_name(args,"Edit") if file handle_file(file,'edit') Git.edit(file) end end def rm(args) file = search_name(args,"Remove") if file && confirm("You Are Removing #{file}.") Git.rm(file) end end def help puts <<-DOC.gsub(/^(\s*)/,'').gsub(/^\|(\s*)/,'\1') Usage: | yac -i init | yac -S search | yac -u update | yac -p push | yac -l log | yac -a add | yac -e edit | yac -s shell | yac -r delete | yac -m rename | yac -h Show this help | yac -v Show Version | yac Show DOC end def shell(args) if args.to_s =~ /main/ colorful(" Welcome To The Main Yac Repository","notice") system("cd '#{@main_path}'; sh") else colorful(" Welcome To The Private Yac Repository","notice") system("cd '#{@pri_path}'; sh") end end def mv(args) (colorful("Usage:\nyac mv [orign_name] [new_name]","warn");exit) unless args.size == 2 file = search_name(args[0],"Rename") # You can use $ yac mv linux linux/ to rename linux to linux/linux new_filename = args[1] =~ /\/$/ ? args[1] : args[1] + file.match(/[^\/]$/).to_s new_filename = '@' + new_filename if file =~ /^#{@main_path}/ new_name = add_file(new_filename) if new_name && confirm("You Are Renaming #{file} To #{new_name}") Git.mv(file,new_name) end end protected def add_file(args,suffix='') if args.include?('/') && args =~ /(@?)(?:(.*)\/)(.+)/ #choose directory prefix,path_name,file_name = $1,$2,$3 path = prefix.empty? ? @pri_path : @main_path #choose git path # Use 'l/e' to choose 'linux/gentoo' all_path = %x{ find -L #{path} -type d -iwholename '#{path}*#{path_name.gsub(/\//,'*/*')}*' -not -iwholename '*\/.git\/*' | sed 's/^.*\\/\\(private\\|main\\)\\//#{prefix}/' }.split("\n").map(&:strip).concat([prefix+path_name]).uniq colorful("Which directory do you want to use:","notice") choosed_path = choose_one(all_path) return choosed_path ? full_path(choosed_path + "/" + file_name + suffix) : false else return full_path(args + suffix) end end # # Git # def update(args) git_command(args,'pull') end def push(args) git_command(args,'push') end def log(args) git_command(args,'log --color') end def git_command(env,command) case env.to_s when /main/ then git_path = [@main_path] when /all/ then git_path = [@main_path,@pri_path] else git_path = [@pri_path] end git_path.each do |x| colorful(x,'filename') system("cd #{x} && git #{command}") end end # # Search # def search_name(args,msg) path = (args =~ /^(@)/) ? [@pri_path] : [@main_path , @pri_path] result = [] path.each do |x| result.concat( %x{ find -L "#{x}" -type f -iwholename '#{x}*#{args.gsub(/\//,'*/*').sub(/^@/,'').strip}*' -not -iwholename '*\/.git\/*'| sed 's/^.*\\/\\(private\\|main\\)\\//#{x=~/main/ ? '@':'' }/' }.split("\n") ) end if result.empty? colorful("Nothing Found About < #{args} >","warn") return false else colorful("The Results About < #{args} > To #{msg} :","notice") return full_path(choose_one(result)) end end def search_content(args) # If use @ as prefix , only search private repository result = args.sub!(/^@/,'') ? [] : %x( find "#{@main_path}" -not -iwholename '*\/.git\/*' | xargs grep -HniP '#{args}' --binary-files=without-match | sed 's/^/@/g' ).split("\n") result.concat %x( find "#{@pri_path}" -not -iwholename '*\/.git\/*' | xargs grep -HniP '#{args}' --binary-files=without-match ).split("\n") all_result = [] result.each do |x| stuff = x.split(':',3) colorful(File.basename(stuff[0]).sub(/\..*/,''),"filename",false) colorful(stuff[1],"line_number",false) format_text(stuff[2],/((#{args}))/i) all_result << stuff[0].sub(/(@?).*\/(?:main|private)\/(.*)/,'\1'+'\2') end all_result.uniq! loop do colorful("All files Contain #{args.strip}","notice") file = full_path(choose_one(all_result)) file ? handle_file(file) : break end end def full_path(filename) return false unless filename filename.sub!(/^@/,'') ? Dir.chdir(@main_path) : Dir.chdir(@pri_path) return filename.strip end def confirm(msg='') colorful("#{msg}\nAre You Sure (Y/N) (q:quit):","notice",false) return (STDIN.gets || exit) =~ /n|q/i ? false : true end def choose_one(args) return false unless args.size > 0 args.each_index do |x| printf "\e[%dm%3s\e[0m" % [args[x] =~ /^@/ ? 36:34,x+1] printf " %-22s" % [trancate_filename(args[x].strip)] print "\n" if (x+1)%3 == 0 end puts "\n" if args.size%3 != 0 num = choose_range(args.size) return num ? args[num-1].to_s.strip : false #return the filename end def trancate_filename(name) name = name.sub(/\..*$/,'').sub(/^@/,'') content = name.size > 22 ? '..' + name.reverse[0,20].reverse : name end def choose_range(size) colorful("Please Input A Valid Number (1..#{size}) (q:quit): ","notice",false) num = STDIN.gets || exit return false if num =~ /q/i choosed_num = num.strip.empty? ? 1 : num.to_i (1..size).member?(choosed_num) ? (return choosed_num) : choose_range(size) end end