require 'digest/sha1' # = Domain # # This is actually nothing more than a User class generated by the # standard Rails login generator. # # Its data structure is very basic, as a result: # name:: The domain's name. # password:: A SHA1 hash of the domain's password. # # Its use as a login service is mainly for the purposes of the # Mailservice web service--the middle layer (the SOAP client) logs into # the domain, and then the users can log into _that_. class Domain < ActiveRecord::Base #---------------------------------------- # First of all, email address stuff #---------------------------------------- has_many :users has_many :mailinglists, :through => :users # Please change the salt to something else, # Every application should use a different one @@salt = 'thuchpog10.?guf' cattr_accessor :salt # Authenticate a user. # # Example: # @user = User.authenticate('bob', 'bobpass') # def self.authenticate(name, pass) find_first(["name = ? AND password = ?", name, sha1(pass)]) end protected # Apply SHA1 encryption to the supplied password. # We will additionally surround the password with a salt # for additional security. def self.sha1(pass) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{salt}--#{pass}--") end before_create :crypt_password # Before saving the record to database we will crypt the password # using SHA1. # We never store the actual password in the DB. def crypt_password write_attribute "password", self.class.sha1(password) end before_update :crypt_unless_empty # If the record is updated we will check if the password is empty. # If its empty we assume that the user didn't want to change his # password and just reset it to the old value. def crypt_unless_empty if password.empty? user = self.class.find( self.password = user.password else write_attribute "password", self.class.sha1(password) end end validates_uniqueness_of :name, :on => :create validates_confirmation_of :password validates_length_of :name, :within => 3..40 validates_length_of :password, :within => 5..40 validates_presence_of :name, :password, :password_confirmation, :on => :create end