module Zuul module ActiveRecord module Subject def self.included(base) base.send :include, RoleMethods base.send(:include, PermissionMethods) if base.auth_scope.config.with_permissions end module RoleMethods def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods base.send :include, InstanceMethods end module ClassMethods def self.extended(base) base.send :has_many, base.auth_scope.role_subjects_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym.to_s.split("/").last.to_sym, :class_name => base.auth_scope.role_subjects_class_name, :dependent => :destroy base.send :has_many, base.auth_scope.roles_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym.to_s.split("/").last.to_sym, :class_name => base.auth_scope.role_class_name, :through => base.auth_scope.role_subjects_class_name.underscore.to_sym.to_s.split("/").last.to_sym end end module InstanceMethods # Assigns a role to a subject within the provided context. # # If a Role object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a role slug # is provided, the role is looked up in the context chain by target_role. def assign_role(role, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_role(role, context, force_context) return false unless verify_target_context(target, context, force_context) && role_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return role_subject_class.create(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => end end # Removes a role from a subject within the provided context. # # If a Role object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a role slug # is provided, the role is looked up in the context chain by target_role. def unassign_role(role, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_role(role, context, force_context) return false if target.nil? assigned_role = role_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return false if assigned_role.nil? return assigned_role.destroy end end alias_method :remove_role, :unassign_role # Checks whether a subject has a role within the provided context. # # If a Role object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a role slug # is provided, the role is looked up in the context chain by target_role. # # The assigned context behaves the same way, in that if the role is not found # to belong to the subject with the specified context, we look up the context chain. def has_role?(role, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do force_context ||= config.force_context context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_role(role, context, force_context) return false if target.nil? return true unless ( && !force_context) || role_subject_class.joins(role_class_name.underscore.to_sym).where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return false if force_context return true unless context.class_name.nil? || role_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => nil).first.nil? return !role_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, role_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).first.nil? end end alias_method :role?, :has_role? # Checks whether a subject has the specified role or a role with a level greather than # that of the specified role, within the provided context. # # If a Role object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a role slug # is provided, the role is looked up in the context chain by target_role. # # The assigned context behaves the same way, in that if a matching role is not found # to belong to the subject with the specified context, we look up the context chain. def has_role_or_higher?(role, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_role(role, context, force_context) return false if target.nil? return true if has_role?(target, context, force_context) return true unless || role_subject_class.joins(role_class_name.underscore.to_sym).where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id =>"#{roles_table_name}.level >= ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_type)} ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_id)} ?", target.level, target.context_type, target.context_id).first.nil? return true unless context.class_name.nil? || role_subject_class.joins(role_class_name.underscore.to_sym).where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => nil).where("#{roles_table_name}.level >= ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_type)} ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_id)} ?", target.level, target.context_type, target.context_id).first.nil? return !role_subject_class.joins(role_class_name.underscore.to_sym).where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, :context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).where("#{roles_table_name}.level >= ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_type)} ? AND #{roles_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(target.context_id)} ?", target.level, target.context_type, target.context_id).first.nil? end end alias_method :role_or_higher?, :has_role_or_higher? alias_method :at_least_role?, :has_role_or_higher? # Returns the highest level role a subject possesses within the provided context. # # This includes any roles found by looking up the context chain. def highest_role(context=nil, force_context=nil) return nil unless roles_for?(context, force_context) roles_for(context, force_context).order(:level).reverse_order.limit(1).first end # Returns all roles possessed by the subject within the provided context. # # This includes all roles found by looking up the context chain. def roles_for(context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do force_context ||= config.force_context context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) if force_context return role_class.joins(role_subject_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym).where("#{role_subjects_table_name}.#{subject_foreign_key} = ? AND #{role_subjects_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? AND #{role_subjects_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ?", id, context.class_name, else return role_class.joins(role_subject_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym).where("#{role_subjects_table_name}.#{subject_foreign_key} = ? AND ((#{role_subjects_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? OR #{role_subjects_table_name}.context_type IS NULL) AND (#{role_subjects_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ? OR #{role_subjects_table_name}.context_id IS NULL))", id, context.class_name, end end end # Check whether the subject possesses any roles within the specified context. # # This includes any roles found by looking up the context chain. def roles_for?(context=nil, force_context=nil) roles_for(context, force_context).count > 0 end end end module PermissionMethods def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods base.send :include, InstanceMethods end module ClassMethods def self.extended(base) base.send :has_many, base.auth_scope.permission_subject_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym.to_s.split("/").last.to_sym, :class_name => base.auth_scope.permission_subject_class_name, :dependent => :destroy base.send :has_many, base.auth_scope.permission_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym.to_s.split("/").last.to_sym, :class_name => base.auth_scope.permission_class_name, :through => base.auth_scope.permission_subject_class_name.pluralize.underscore.to_sym end end module InstanceMethods # Assigns a permission to a subject within the provided context. # # If a Permission object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a # permission slug is provided, the permission is looked up in the context # chain by target_permission. def assign_permission(permission, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_permission(permission, context, force_context) return false unless verify_target_context(target, context, force_context) && permission_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return permission_subject_class.create(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => end end # Removes a permission from a subject within the provided context. # # If a Permission object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a # permission slug is provided, the permission is looked up in the context # chain by target_permission. def unassign_permission(permission, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_permission(permission, context, force_context) return false if target.nil? assigned_permission = permission_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return false if assigned_permission.nil? return assigned_permission.destroy end end alias_method :remove_permission, :unassign_permission # Checks whether a subject has a permission within the provided context. # # If a Permission object is provided it's used directly, otherwise if a # permission slug is provided, the permission is looked up in the context # chain by target_permission. # # The assigned context behaves the same way, in that if the permission is not found # to belong to the subject with the specified context, we look up the context chain. # # Permissions belonging to roles possessed by the subject are also included. def has_permission?(permission, context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do force_context ||= config.force_context context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) target = target_permission(permission, context, force_context) return false if target.nil? return true unless ( && !force_context) || permission_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => unless force_context return true unless context.class_name.nil? || permission_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => nil).first.nil? return true unless permission_subject_class.where(subject_foreign_key.to_sym => id, permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).first.nil? end return true unless ( && !force_context) || permission_role_class.where(role_foreign_key.to_sym => roles_for(context).map(&:id), permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => return false if force_context return true unless context.class_name.nil? || permission_role_class.where(role_foreign_key.to_sym => roles_for(context).map(&:id), permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => context.class_name, :context_id => nil).first.nil? return !permission_role_class.where(role_foreign_key.to_sym => roles_for(context).map(&:id), permission_foreign_key.to_sym =>, :context_type => nil, :context_id => nil).first.nil? end end alias_method :permission?, :has_permission? alias_method :can?, :has_permission? alias_method :allowed_to?, :has_permission? # Returns all permissions possessed by the subject within the provided context. # # This includes permissions assigned directly to the subject or any roles possessed by # the subject, as well as all permissions found by looking up the context chain. def permissions_for(context=nil, force_context=nil) auth_scope do force_context ||= config.force_context context = Zuul::Context.parse(context) if force_context return permission_class.joins("LEFT JOIN #{permission_roles_table_name} ON #{permission_roles_table_name}.#{permission_foreign_key} = #{permissions_table_name}.id LEFT JOIN #{permission_subjects_table_name} ON #{permission_subjects_table_name}.#{permission_foreign_key} = #{permissions_table_name}.id").where("(#{permission_subjects_table_name}.#{subject_foreign_key} = ? AND #{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? AND #{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ?) OR (#{permission_roles_table_name}.#{role_foreign_key} IN (?) AND #{permission_roles_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? AND #{permission_roles_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ?)", id, context.class_name,, roles_for(context).map(&:id), context.class_name, else return permission_class.joins("LEFT JOIN #{permission_roles_table_name} ON #{permission_roles_table_name}.#{permission_foreign_key} = #{permissions_table_name}.id LEFT JOIN #{permission_subjects_table_name} ON #{permission_subjects_table_name}.#{permission_foreign_key} = #{permissions_table_name}.id").where("(#{permission_subjects_table_name}.#{subject_foreign_key} = ? AND (#{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? OR #{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_type IS NULL) AND (#{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ? OR #{permission_subjects_table_name}.context_id IS NULL)) OR (#{permission_roles_table_name}.#{role_foreign_key} IN (?) AND (#{permission_roles_table_name}.context_type #{sql_is_or_equal(context.class_name)} ? OR #{permission_roles_table_name}.context_type IS NULL) AND (#{permission_roles_table_name}.context_id #{sql_is_or_equal(} ? OR #{permission_roles_table_name}.context_id IS NULL))", id, context.class_name,, roles_for(context).map(&:id), context.class_name, end end end # Check whether the subject possesses any permissions within the specified context. # # This includes permissions assigned directly to the subject or any roles possessed by # the subject, as well as all permissions found by looking up the context chain. def permissions_for?(context=nil, force_context=nil) permissions_for(context, force_context).count > 0 end end end end end end