require 'spec_helper' describe Socialcast::CommandLine::LDAPConnector do let(:filter) { "(mail=*)" } let(:connection) do { "username" => "cn=Directory Manager", "password" => "a password", "host" => "a host", "port" => "a port", "basedn" => "dc=example,dc=com", "filter" => filter } end let(:connections) { { "connection_1" => connection } } let(:mappings) do { "first_name" => "givenName", "last_name" => "sn", "email" => "mail" } end let(:permission_mappings) do { "attribute_name" => "isMemberOf", "account_types" => { "external" => "cn=External,dc=example,dc=com" }, "roles" => { "tenant_admin" => "cn=Admins,dc=example,dc=com", "sbi_admin" => "cn=SbiAdmins,dc=example,dc=com", "reach_admin" => "cn=ReachAdmins,dc=example,dc=com", "town_hall_admin" => "cn=TownHallAdmins,dc=example,dc=com" }, "group_memberships" => group_membership_mappings } end let(:group_membership_mappings) { nil } let(:ldap_config) do { "connections" => connections, "mappings" => mappings, "permission_mappings" => permission_mappings, } end def create_entry(entry_attributes)"dc=example,dc=com").tap do |e| entry_attributes.each_pair do |attr, value| e[attr] = value end end end describe "#each_user_hash" do context "without ldap group memberships" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry(:mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name') } before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'member', 'roles' => [] })) end end context "with attribute mappings at the connection level" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } before do connection.merge!({ "mappings" => { "email" => "mailConnection" } }) entry = create_entry :mailConnection => '' Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['mailConnection', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'member', 'roles' => [] })) end end context "with permission mappings at the connection level" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:ldap_groups) { ["cn=External,dc=example,dc=com", "cn=BizAdmins,dc=example,dc=com", "cn=TownHallAdmins,dc=example,dc=com"] } before do connection.merge!({ "permission_mappings" => { "attribute_name" => "memberOf", "account_types" => { "external" => "cn=Contractors,dc=example,dc=com" }, "roles" => { "tenant_admin" => "cn=Admins,dc=example,dc=com", "sbi_admin" => "cn=BizAdmins,dc=example,dc=com", "reach_admin" => "cn=BugzillaAdmins,dc=example,dc=com" } } }) entry = create_entry :mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name', :memberOf => ldap_groups Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'memberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'member', 'roles' => ['sbi_admin'] })) end end context "with external ldap group memberships" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) do create_entry(:mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name', :isMemberOf => ["cn=External,dc=example,dc=com", "cn=TownHallAdmins,dc=example,dc=com"]) end before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it "sets the account_type to 'external' and does not include roles" do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'external' })) end end context "with role ldap group memberships" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) do create_entry(:mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name', :isMemberOf => ["cn=TownHallAdmins,dc=example,dc=com", "cn=SbiAdmins,dc=example,dc=com"]) end before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it "sets the account_type to 'member' and includes roles" do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'member', 'roles' => ['sbi_admin', 'town_hall_admin'] })) end end context "with socialcast group ldap group memberships" do let(:group_membership_mappings) do { "filter" => "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)", "unique_identifier" => "gid" } end let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:group_entry1) do create_entry(:dn => "cn=Sales,dc=example,dc=com", :gid => "sales_group_id") end let(:group_entry2) do create_entry(:dn => "cn=IT,dc=example,dc=com", :gid => "it_group_id") end let(:group_entry3) do create_entry(:dn => "cn=SFOffice,dc=example,dc=com", :gid => "sf_office_group_id") end let(:user_entry) do create_entry(:mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name', :isMemberOf => ["cn=SFOffice,dc=example,dc=com", "cn=Sales,dc=example,dc=com"]) end before do ldap_instance = double(Net::LDAP, :auth => nil) Net::LDAP.should_receive(:new).once.and_return(ldap_instance) ldap_instance.should_receive(:search).once.ordered.with( :return_result => false, :filter => "(mail=*)", :base => "dc=example,dc=com", :attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf']).and_yield(user_entry) ldap_instance.should_receive(:search).once.ordered.with( :return_result => false, :filter => "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)", :base => "dc=example,dc=com", :attributes => ["gid"]).and_yield(group_entry1).and_yield(group_entry2).and_yield(group_entry3) end it "includes group memberships" do expect do |blk| connector.each_user_hash(&blk) yield_with_args({ 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '', }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'account_type' => 'member', 'roles' => [], 'groups' => ['sales_group_id', 'sf_office_group_id'] })) end end end describe "#each_ldap_entry" do context("when the entry has an email") do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry(:mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name') } before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it do expect do |blk| connector.each_ldap_entry(&blk) yield_with_args(entry) end end context("when the entry has a unique_identifier") do let(:mappings) do { "first_name" => "givenName", "last_name" => "sn", "unique_identifier" => "uid" } end let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry(:uid => 'unique identifier', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name') } before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'uid', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it do expect do |blk| connector.each_ldap_entry(&blk) yield_with_args(entry) end end context("when the entry does not have a unique_identifier or email") do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry(:mail => nil, :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name') } before do Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once.with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'])).and_yield(entry) end it 'does not yield the entry' do expect do |blk| connector.each_ldap_entry(&blk) end.not_to yield_control end end end describe "#fetch_user_hash" do context "without specifying an identifying field" do let(:mappings) do { "first_name" => "givenName", "last_name" => "sn", "unique_identifier" => "uid" } end let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry :uid => 'unique identifier', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name' } before do filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct('(&(mail=*)(uid=unique identifier))') Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once .with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'uid', 'isMemberOf'], :filter => filter)) .and_yield(entry) end it do connector.fetch_user_hash('unique identifier', {}).should == { 'account_type' => 'member', 'contact_info' => {}, 'custom_fields' => [], 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'roles' => [], 'unique_identifier' => 'unique identifier' } end end context "specifying an identifying field" do let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry :mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name' } before do filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct('(&(mail=*)(') Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once .with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'], :filter => filter)) .and_yield(entry) end it do connector.fetch_user_hash('', :identifying_field => 'email').should == { 'account_type' => 'member', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '' }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'roles' => [] } end end context "without a filter specified" do let(:filter) { "" } let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) { create_entry :mail => '', :givenName => 'first name', :sn => 'last name' } before do filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct('(&(objectclass=*)(') Net::LDAP.any_instance.should_receive(:search).once .with(hash_including(:attributes => ['givenName', 'sn', 'mail', 'isMemberOf'], :filter => filter)) .and_yield(entry) end it do connector.fetch_user_hash('', :identifying_field => 'email').should == { 'account_type' => 'member', 'contact_info' => { 'email' => '' }, 'custom_fields' => [], 'first_name' => 'first name', 'last_name' => 'last name', 'roles' => [] } end end end describe '#dereference_mail' do context "called on directreport entry" do let(:entry) do"cn=directreport,dc=example,dc=com").tap do |e| e[:mail] = '' e[:manager] = 'cn=bossman,dc=example,dc=com' end end let(:ldap) { double(Net::LDAP, :encryption => nil, :auth => nil) } before do Net::LDAP.should_receive(:new).and_return(ldap) manager_entry ="cn=bossman,dc=example,dc=com") manager_entry[:mail] = '' ldap.should_receive(:search).with(:base => "cn=bossman,dc=example,dc=com", :scope => 0).and_yield(manager_entry) end it "will return bossman email" do'connection_1', ldap_config).send(:dereference_mail, entry, 'manager', 'mail').should == "" end end end describe "#grab" do let(:mappings) do { "first_name" => "socialcast/command_line/fake_attribute_map", "last_name" => "sn", "email" => "mail" } end let(:connector) {'connection_1', ldap_config) } let(:entry) do"cn=sean,dc=example,dc=com").tap do |e| e[:mail] = '' end end let(:ldap_instance) { double(Net::LDAP, :encryption => nil, :auth => nil) } context "passed hash for attribute" do it "returns a string that used defined string template" do connector.grab(entry, { "value" => "123%{mail}", "mail" => "mail" }).should == "" end end context "passed string for attribute" do it "returns exact string stored in entry" do connector.grab(entry, "mail").should == "" end end context "passed string that can be constantized and the resulting Class responds to run" do it "returns result of run method" do module Socialcast::CommandLine class FakeAttributeMap def return "#{entry[:mail].first.gsub(/a/,'b')}" end end end connector.grab(entry, "Socialcast::CommandLine::FakeAttributeMap").should == "" end end context "passed string that must be classified and the resulting Class responds to run" do it "returns result of run method" do module Socialcast::CommandLine class FakeAttributeMap def return "#{entry[:mail].first.gsub(/a/,'b')}" end end end connector.grab(entry, "socialcast/command_line/fake_attribute_map").should == "" end end context "attribute passed has a collision between string and Class" do before do class Mail def return "#{entry[:mail].first.gsub(/a/,'b')}" end end end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Mail) end it "returns the result of the Class run method" do connector.grab(entry, "mail").should == "" end end context "attribute passed constantizes to a module instead of a class" do it "returns the result of the Module run method" do module FakeAttributeMap def return "#{entry[:mail].first.gsub(/a/,'b')}" end end connector.grab(entry, "FakeAttributeMap").should == "" end end end end