cat << EOP > <%= recipe_path %> # Set Variables chef_version = '<%= chef_version %>' prerelease = <%= prerelease %> platform = node[:platform] platform_version = node[:platform_version] machine = node[:kernel][:machine] nightlies = false # Compose Chef download URL url = '' url_args = [ "p=#{platform}", "pv=#{platform_version}", "m=#{machine}", "v=#{chef_version}", "prerelease=#{prerelease}", "nightlies=#{nightlies}" ] composed_url = "#{url}?#{url_args.join('&')}" # Download the Chef file <% if direct_url.nil? -%> full_url = composed_url <% else -%> full_url = <%= direct_url %> <% end -%> request =, URI.parse(full_url), nil) result = if result.kind_of?(Net::HTTPRedirection) full_url = result['location'] end file_name = ::File.basename(full_url) file_download_path = ::File.join("<%= update_dir %>", file_name) remote_file file_download_path do source full_url backup false action :create_if_missing end # Install the Chef file file_extension = ::File.extname(file_name) execute "Install the Omnibus package: #{file_download_path}" do case file_extension when '.rpm' command "rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs #{file_download_path}" when '.deb' command "dpkg -i #{file_download_path}" else raise 'Unknown package type encountered!' end end EOP # Install the Chef package using the resources above and chef-solo / chef-apply installed_major_chef_version=`chef-client -v | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F \. '{print $1}'` if [ $installed_major_chef_version -lt 11 ]; then mkdir -p <%= File.join(tmp_cookbook_path, "upgrade_omnibus/recipes/") %> cp <%= recipe_path %> <%= File.join(tmp_cookbook, "recipes") %> echo 'cookbook_path "/tmp/cookbooks"' > <%= upgrade_solo_rb_path %> <%= chef_solo_command %> else <%= chef_apply_command %> fi # Cleanup rm -f <%= upgrade_solo_rb_path %> rm -rf <%= tmp_cookbook_path %> rm -f <%= recipe_path %> rm -rf <%= update_dir %>/*.rpm