type online_user
flush_interval 10s
#redis configuration
#host localhost
#port 6379
#db_index 0
#redis_try 3
#inactive timeout, default 30 minutes
#session_timeout 1800
# prefix of the keys stored into Redis
#redis_key_prefix counter:online_user:
# how do you define unique user ?
# the default is to find 'uid' field in record
# for support both members and non-members, try:
#user_identify uid|ip
#emit online user count event periodically or not
#silent false
#the tag prefix for emitted event
#tag online_user
#besides counting the overall online users
#also wanna count online users for each segment ?
#if so, use the segment directive
#segmented by tag
#segment tag
#segmented by a specified field
#segment service
#segmented by regexp-captured string
#the format is: capture __FIELD__ __REGEXP__
#segment capture name /^\w+:(\w+):/
type stdout