module SimpleNavigation module Renderer # Renders an ItemContainer as a <ul> element and its containing items as <li> elements. # It adds the 'selected' class to li element AND the link inside the li element that is currently active. # # If the sub navigation should be included (based on the level and expand_all options), it renders another <ul> containing the sub navigation inside the active <li> element. # # By default, the renderer sets the item's key as dom_id for the rendered <li> element unless the config option <tt>autogenerate_item_ids</tt> is set to false. # The id can also be explicitely specified by setting the id in the html-options of the 'item' method in the config/navigation.rb file. class List < SimpleNavigation::Renderer::Base def render(item_container) list_content = item_container.items.inject([]) do |list, item| li_options = item.html_options.reject {|k, v| k == :link} li_content = link_to(, item.url, link_options_for(item)) if include_sub_navigation?(item) li_content << render_sub_navigation_for(item) end list << content_tag(:li, li_content, li_options) end.join if skip_if_empty? && item_container.empty? '' else content_tag(:ul, list_content, {:id => item_container.dom_id, :class => item_container.dom_class}) end end protected # Extracts the options relevant for the generated link # def link_options_for(item) special_options = {:method => item.method, :class => item.selected_class}.reject {|k, v| v.nil? } link_options = item.html_options[:link] return special_options unless link_options opts = special_options.merge(link_options) opts[:class] = [link_options[:class], item.selected_class].flatten.compact.join(' ') opts.delete(:class) if opts[:class].nil? || opts[:class] == '' opts end end end end