require 'cli/ui' module CLI module UI class Glyph class InvalidGlyphHandle < ArgumentError def initialize(handle) @handle = handle end def message keys = Glyph.available.join(',') "invalid glyph handle: #{@handle} " \ "-- must be one of CLI::UI::Glyph.available (#{keys})" end end attr_reader :handle, :codepoint, :color, :char, :to_s, :fmt # Creates a new glyph # # ==== Attributes # # * +handle+ - The handle in the +MAP+ constant # * +codepoint+ - The codepoint used to create the glyph (e.g. +0x2717+ for a ballot X) # * +color+ - What color to output the glyph. Check +CLI::UI::Color+ for options. # def initialize(handle, codepoint, color) @handle = handle @codepoint = codepoint @color = color @char = [codepoint].pack('U') @to_s = color.code + char + Color::RESET.code @fmt = "{{#{}:#{char}}}" MAP[handle] = self end # Mapping of glyphs to terminal output MAP = {} # YELLOw SMALL STAR (โญ‘) STAR = new('*', 0x2b51, Color::YELLOW) # BLUE MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL i (๐’พ) INFO = new('i', 0x1d4be, Color::BLUE) # BLUE QUESTION MARK (?) QUESTION = new('?', 0x003f, Color::BLUE) # GREEN CHECK MARK (โœ“) CHECK = new('v', 0x2713, Color::GREEN) # RED BALLOT X (โœ—) X = new('x', 0x2717, Color::RED) # Bug emoji (๐Ÿ›) BUG = new('b', 0x1f41b, Color::WHITE) # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (ยป) CHEVRON = new('>', 0xbb, Color::YELLOW) # Looks up a glyph by name # # ==== Raises # Raises a InvalidGlyphHandle if the glyph is not available # You likely need to create it with or you made a typo # # ==== Returns # Returns a terminal output-capable string # def self.lookup(name) MAP.fetch(name.to_s) rescue KeyError raise InvalidGlyphHandle, name end # All available glyphs by name # def self.available MAP.keys end end end end