module Ratchetio module Rails module ControllerMethods def ratchetio_request_data { :params => ratchetio_filter_params(params), :url => ratchetio_request_url, :user_ip => ratchetio_user_ip, :headers => ratchetio_request_headers, :GET => request.GET.to_hash, # leaving out POST for now :session => ratchetio_session_data, :method => request.method, } end def ratchetio_person_data user = send(Ratchetio.configuration.person_method) # include id, username, email if non-empty if user { :id => begin user.send(Ratchetio.configuration.person_id_method) rescue nil end, :username => begin user.send(Ratchetio.configuration.person_username_method) rescue nil end, :email => begin user.send(Ratchetio.configuration.person_email_method) rescue nil end } else {} end rescue NoMethodError, NameError {} end private def ratchetio_filter_params(params) filtered = {} params.to_hash.each_pair do |k,v| if v.is_a? ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile # only save content_type, original_filename, and length begin filtered[k] = { :content_type => v.content_type, :original_filename => v.original_filename, :size => v.tempfile.size } rescue filtered[k] = 'Uploaded file' end elsif v.is_a? Hash filtered[k] = ratchetio_filter_params v elsif Ratchetio.configuration.scrub_fields.include? k filtered[k] = "*" * v.length else filtered[k] = v end end filtered end def ratchetio_request_url url = "#{request.protocol}#{}" unless [80, 443].include?(request.port) url << ":#{request.port}" end url << request.fullpath url end def ratchetio_user_ip # priority: X-Real-Ip, then X-Forwarded-For, then request.remote_ip real_ip = request.env['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] if real_ip return real_ip end forwarded_for = request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] if forwarded_for return forwarded_for end request.remote_ip end def ratchetio_request_headers headers = {} request.env.each_pair do |k,v| if k.match(/^HTTP_/) # convert HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE to Content-Type, etc. name = k.split("_", 2)[1].sub("_", "-").split(/(\W)/).map(&:capitalize).join headers[name] = v end end headers end def ratchetio_session_data if session.respond_to?(:to_hash) session.to_hash else end end end end end