module ExpandSync # ====================================================== # CliManager Module # Singleton to manage common CLI interfacing # ====================================================== module CLIMessage # ==================================================== # Methods # ==================================================== # ---------------------------------------------------- # error method # # Outputs a formatted-red error message. # @param m The message to output # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.error(m, log = true) Methadone::CLILogging.error(m) if log puts "---> ERROR: #{ m }".red end # ---------------------------------------------------- # info method # # Outputs a formatted-blue informational message. # @param m The message to output # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def, log = true) if log puts "---> INFO: #{ m }".blue end # ---------------------------------------------------- # info_block method # # Wraps a block in an opening and closing info message. # @param m1 The opening message to output # @param m2 The closing message to output # @param multiline Whether the message should be multiline # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.info_block(m1, m2 = 'Done.', multiline = false, log = true) if block_given? if multiline info(m1, log) else print "---> INFO: #{ m1 }".blue end yield if multiline info(m2, log) else puts end else error = 'Did not specify a valid block' Methadone::CLILogging.error(error) if log fail ArgumentError, error end end # ---------------------------------------------------- # prompt method # # Outputs a prompt, collects the user's response, and # returns it. # @param prompt The prompt to output # @param default The default option # @return String # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.prompt(prompt, default = nil, log = true) print "#{ prompt } #{ default.nil? ? '' : "[default: #{ default }]:" } ".blue choice = $stdin.gets.chomp if choice.empty? r = default else r = choice end"Answer to '#{ prompt }': #{r}") if log r end # ---------------------------------------------------- # section method # # Outputs a formatted-orange section message. # @param m The message to output # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.section(m, log = true) if log puts "#### #{ m }".purple end # ---------------------------------------------------- # section_block method # # Wraps a block in an opening and closing section # message. # @param m1 The opening message to output # @param m2 The closing message to output # @param multiline A multiline message or not # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.section_block(m, multiline = true, log = true) if block_given? if multiline section(m, log) else print "#### #{ m }".purple end yield else error = 'Did not specify a valid block' Methadone::CLILogging.error(error) if log fail ArgumentError, error end end # ---------------------------------------------------- # success method # # Outputs a formatted-green success message. # @param m The message to output # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.success(m, log = true) if log puts "---> SUCCESS: #{ m }".green end # ---------------------------------------------------- # warning method # # Outputs a formatted-yellow warning message. # @param m The message to output # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def self.warning(m, log = true) Methadone::CLILogging.warn(m) if log puts "---> WARNING: #{ m }".yellow end end end # ====================================================== # String Class # ====================================================== class String # ---------------------------------------------------- # colorize method # # Outputs a string in a formatted color. # @param color_code The code to use # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def colorize(color_code) "\e[#{ color_code }m#{ self }\e[0m" end # ---------------------------------------------------- # blue method # # Convenience method to output a blue string # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def blue colorize(34) end # ---------------------------------------------------- # green method # # Convenience method to output a green string # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def green colorize(32) end # ---------------------------------------------------- # purple method # # Convenience method to output a purple string # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def purple colorize(35) end # ---------------------------------------------------- # red method # # Convenience method to output a red string # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def red colorize(31) end # ---------------------------------------------------- # yellow method # # Convenience method to output a yellow string # @return Void # ---------------------------------------------------- def yellow colorize(33) end end