# Copyright (c) 2022 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/trigger/reflected_xss'
require 'contrast/agent/assess/policy/trigger/xpath'
require 'contrast/api/decorators/trace_taint_range_tags'

module Contrast
  module Agent
    module Assess
      module Policy
        # This class functions to translate our policy.json into an actionable
        # Ruby object, allowing for dynamic patching over hardcoded patching,
        # specifically for those methods which result in the trigger of a
        # vulnerability (indicate points in the application where uncontrolled
        # user input can do damage).
        class TriggerNode < PolicyNode # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
          JSON_BAD_VALUE = 'bad_value'
          JSON_GOOD_VALUE = 'good_value'
          JSON_DISALLOWED_TAGS = 'disallowed_tags'
          JSON_REQUIRED_TAGS = 'required_tags'
          JSON_RULE_NAME = 'name'
          JSON_CUSTOM_PATCH = 'custom_patch'

          # Our list with rules to be collected and reported back when we have response
          # from the application. Some rules rely on Content-Type validation.
          COLLECTABLE_RULES = %w[reflected-xss].cs__freeze

          attr_reader :rule_id, :required_tags, :disallowed_tags, :good_value, :bad_value

          def initialize trigger_hash = {}, rule_hash = {}
            good_value = trigger_hash[JSON_GOOD_VALUE]
            bad_value = trigger_hash[JSON_BAD_VALUE]
            @good_value = Regexp.new(good_value, true) if good_value
            @bad_value = Regexp.new(bad_value, true) if bad_value
            @regexp = !@dataflow && (@good_value || @bad_value)
            @custom_patch = trigger_hash.fetch(JSON_CUSTOM_PATCH, false)
            @rule_id = rule_hash.fetch(JSON_RULE_NAME) # raises KeyError exception if not found
            @dataflow = rule_hash.fetch(JSON_DATAFLOW, true)
            @required_tags = populate_tags(rule_hash[JSON_REQUIRED_TAGS])
            @disallowed_tags = populate_disallowed(rule_hash[JSON_DISALLOWED_TAGS])
            @trigger_class = trigger_hash['trigger_class']
            @trigger_method = trigger_hash['trigger_method']
            @trigger_method = @trigger_method.to_sym if @trigger_method

          TRIGGER = 'Trigger'
          def node_class

          def apply_custom_trigger trigger_node, source, object, ret, *args
            custom_trigger_class.send(@trigger_method, trigger_node, source, object, ret, *args)

          def custom_trigger_class
            @_custom_trigger_class ||= Object.cs__const_get(@trigger_class)

          def custom_trigger?
            @trigger_class && @trigger_method

          def custom_patch?

          def node_type

          def collectable?

          def rule_disabled?

          # Indicate if this is a dataflow based trigger, meaning it has a proper
          # synch that requires a tainted source to reach it. If this returns
          # false, this rule is for method validation, ensuring that an insecure
          # method, such as a non-cryptographically secure random, is not invoked
          def dataflow?

          # Indicate if this is a regexp based trigger, meaning it has a proper
          # synch that requires a source to reach it. While this type of rule
          # does not require the source to be tainted, it does validate it with
          # a regular expression to determine if the method is being invoked
          # safely.
          def regexp_rule?

          # the name of the rule, in capital & underscore format
          # used to make it match enum things in TeamServer
          def loud_name
            @_loud_name ||= rule_id.upcase.gsub(Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::DASH,

          # Determine if a dataflow rule violation has occurred
          def violated? source
            # if the source isn't tracked, there can't be a violation
            # this condition may not hold true forever, but for now it's
            # a nice optimization
            return false unless Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.tracked?(source)

            properties = Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tracker.properties(source)
            # find the ranges that violate the rule (untrusted, etc)
            vulnerable_ranges = ranges_with_all_tags(properties, required_tags)
            # if there aren't any vulnerable ranges, nope out
            return false if vulnerable_ranges.empty?

            # find the ranges that are exempt from the rule
            # (validated, sanitized, etc)
            secure_ranges = ranges_with_any_tag(properties, disallowed_tags)
            # if there are vulnerable ranges and no secure, report
            return true if secure_ranges.empty?

            # figure out if there are any vulnerable ranges that aren't
            # covered by a secure one. if there are, the rule was violated
            !Contrast::Utils::TagUtil.covered?(vulnerable_ranges, secure_ranges)

          # Standard validation + TS trace version two rules:
          # Must have source
          def validate
            # If this isn't a dataflow rule, it can't have a source
            return unless dataflow?
            raise(ArgumentError, "Trigger #{ id } did not have a proper source. Unable to create.") unless sources&.any?


          # By default, any rule will be triggered if the source
          # of the rule event has an untrusted tag range that is
          # not covered by one of its disallowed tags.
          def populate_tags required_tags
            return unless dataflow?

            @required_tags = Set.new(required_tags)
            @required_tags << UNTRUSTED

          # If a level 1 rule comes from TeamServer, it will have the
          # tag 'custom-encoder-#{ name }' or 'custom-validator-#{ name }'.
          # All rules should take this into account.
          # Additionally, if something is marked 'limited-chars' it means
          # it has been properly vetted to not contain dangerous input.
          def populate_disallowed disallowed_tags
            return unless dataflow?

            @disallowed_tags = Set.new(disallowed_tags)
            @disallowed_tags << LIMITED_CHARS
            @disallowed_tags << CUSTOM_ENCODED
            @disallowed_tags << CUSTOM_VALIDATED
            @disallowed_tags << (ENCODER_START + loud_name)
            @disallowed_tags << (VALIDATOR_START + loud_name)

          def validate_rule_tags tags
            return unless tags

            tags.each do |tag|
              raise(ArgumentError, "Rule #{ rule_id } had an invalid tag. #{ tag } is not a known value.") unless
                Contrast::Api::Decorators::TraceTaintRangeTags::VALID_TAGS.include?(tag) ||

          # Find the ranges that satisfy all of the given tags.
          # @param properties [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Properties] the
          #   properties to check for the tags
          # @param required_tags [Set<String>] the list of tags on which to match
          # @return [Array<Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tag>] the ranges satisfied
          #   by the given conditions
          def ranges_with_all_tags properties, required_tags
            return Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::EMPTY_ARRAY unless matches_tags?(properties, required_tags)

            chunking = false
            ranges = []
            # find the start and end range of required tags:
            search_ranges = find_required_ranges properties, required_tags
            start_range = search_ranges.first
            end_range = search_ranges.last + 1

            # find all the indicies on the source that have all the given tags
            while start_range < end_range

              tags_at = properties.tags_at(start_range).to_a
              # only those that have all the required tags in the tags_at
              # satisfy the requirement
              satisfied = tags_at.any? && required_tags.all? { |tag| tags_at.any? { |found| found.label == tag } }
              # if this range matches all the required tags and we're already
              # chunking, meaning the previous range matched, do nothing

              # if we are satisfied and we were not chunking, this represents
              # the start of the next range, so create a new entry.
              if satisfied
                if chunking
                  start_range += 1
                ranges << Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tag.new('required', 0, start_range)
                chunking = true
                # if we are chunking and not satisfied, this represents the end
                # of the range, meaning the last index is what satisfied the
                # range. Because the range is exclusive end, we can just use this
                # index.
              elsif chunking
                chunking = false
              start_range += 1

          # Find the ranges that satisfy any of the given tags.
          # @param properties [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Properties] the
          #   properties to check for the tags
          # @param tags [Set<String>] the list of tags on which to match
          # @return [Array<Contrast::Agent::Assess::Tag>] the ranges satisfied
          #   by the given conditions
          def ranges_with_any_tag properties, tags
            # if there aren't any all_tags or tags, break early
            return Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::EMPTY_ARRAY unless search_tags?(properties, tags)

            ranges = []
            tags.each do |desired|
              found = properties.fetch_tag(desired)
              next unless found

              # we need to dup here so that we don't change the tags if target is
              # used in another trace
              ranges = Contrast::Utils::TagUtil.ordered_merge(ranges, found.dup)

          # We should only try to match tags on properties if those properties have any tags (are tracked) and there
          # are tags to try and match on. Some rules, like regexp rules, have no tags. Some rules, like trigger, have
          # no properties.
          # @param properties [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Properties] the properties to check for the tags
          # @param tags [Set<String>] the list of tags on which to match
          # @return [Boolean] if the given properties has instances of every tag in tags
          def search_tags? properties, tags
            return false unless properties.tracked?
            return false unless tags&.any?


          # Determine if the given properties have instances of all the given tags or not.
          # @param properties [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Properties] the properties to check for the tags
          # @param tags [Set<String>] the list of tags on which to match
          # @return [Boolean] if the given properties has instances of every tag in tags
          def matches_tags? properties, tags
            return false unless search_tags?(properties, tags)
            return false unless tags.all? { |tag| properties.tag_keys.include?(tag) }


          # Range finder helper for #ranges_with_all_tags
          # @param properties [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Properties] the properties to check for the tags
          # @param required_tags [Set<String>] the list of tags on which to match
          # @return [Array] of required tags ranges to search
          def find_required_ranges properties, required_tags
            start_range = 0
            end_range = 0
            required_tags_arr = required_tags.to_a
            idx = 0

            while idx < required_tags_arr.length
              # find the start and end range of required tags:
              start_temp = properties.fetch_tag(required_tags_arr[idx])[0].start_idx
              end_temp = properties.fetch_tag(required_tags_arr[idx])[0].end_idx
              # first iteration only
              start_range = start_temp if idx.zero?
              end_range = end_temp if idx.zero?

              # find the tag with smallest ranges
              start_range = start_temp if start_range < start_temp
              end_range = end_temp if end_range > end_temp
              idx += 1
            [start_range, end_range]