#!/usr/bin/env ruby # =XMPP4R - XMPP Library for Ruby # License:: Ruby's license (see the LICENSE file) or GNU GPL, at your option. # Website::http://home.gna.org/xmpp4r/ # This is PING for Jabber # # Please customize your ~/.xmppingrc require 'xmpp4r' require 'xmpp4r/httpbinding' require 'xmpp4r/version/iq/version' require 'xmpp4r/discovery/iq/discoinfo' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' require 'thread' ## # Options ## interval = 5 jid = nil conf_filename = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.xmppingrc" accountname = 'default' OptionParser.new { |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: xmpping.rb [-d] [-a ACCOUNT] [-c FILENAME] [-i SECONDS] -t <JID>' opts.separator 'Ping a destination JID with various <iq/> stanzas' opts.on('-t', '--to JID', 'Destionation Jabber-ID') { |j| jid = Jabber::JID.new(j) } opts.on('-a', '--account ACCOUNT', 'Account tag to use (default: default)') { |a| accountname = a } opts.on('-c', '--config FILENAME', 'Configuration file (default: ~/.xmppingrc)') { |c| conf_filename = c } opts.on('-i', '--interval SECONDS', 'Wait SECONDS between each stanza (default: 5)') { |sec| interval = sec.to_i } opts.on('-d', '--debug', 'Enable XMPP4R debugging (print stanzas)') { Jabber::debug = true } opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show help') { puts opts exit } opts.parse!(ARGV) unless jid puts opts exit end } ## # Configuration ## begin conf_file = File.new(conf_filename) rescue Exception => e puts "Unable to open config file: #{e.to_s}" exit end conf = YAML::load(conf_file) unless conf puts "#{conf_filename} is no valid YAML document" exit end account = conf[accountname] unless account puts "Account #{accountname} not found in #{conf_filename}" exit end ## # Connection ## if account['http bind'] cl = Jabber::HTTPBinding::Client.new(Jabber::JID.new(account['jid'])) cl.connect(account['http bind']) else cl = Jabber::Client.new(Jabber::JID.new(account['jid'])) cl.connect(account['host'], (account['port'] ? account['port'].to_i : 5222)) end cl.auth(account['password']) ## # Reply printer ## def print_reply(iq, roundtrip) roundtrip_s = ((roundtrip * 100).round / 100.0).to_s + " sec" output = "Received a #{iq.query.namespace} #{iq.type} (id: #{iq.id}) from #{iq.from} (#{roundtrip_s}): " if iq.query.kind_of?(Jabber::Version::IqQueryVersion) output += "#{iq.query.iname}-#{iq.query.version} #{iq.query.os}" elsif iq.query.namespace == 'jabber:iq:time' output += "#{iq.query.first_element_text('display')} (#{iq.query.first_element_text('tz')})" elsif iq.query.kind_of?(Jabber::Discovery::IqQueryDiscoInfo) identity = iq.query.identity if identity output += "#{identity.iname} (#{identity.category} #{identity.type})" else output += "<identity/> missing" end else output += iq.query.to_s end puts output end ## # Main loop ## require 'mprofiler' MemoryProfiler.start(:string_debug=>true) puts "XMPPING #{cl.jid} -> #{jid}" query_methods = ['jabber:iq:version', 'jabber:iq:time', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'] query_method = 0 loop { Thread.new { iq = Jabber::Iq.new_query(:get, jid) iq.query.add_namespace(query_methods[query_method]) time1 = Time.new begin cl.send_with_id(iq) { |reply| print_reply(reply, Time.new - time1) true } rescue Jabber::ServerError => e puts "Error for #{iq.query.namespace} to #{iq.to}: #{e.error.to_s.inspect}" end } query_method += 1 if query_method >= query_methods.size query_method = 0 end sleep(interval) }