require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear! # Previous content of test helper now starts here # Minitest require 'minitest/autorun' # require 'minitest/pride' # for colored output # require 'test_notifier/runner/minitest' # for a notifier # TestUnit -> MiniTest (TestUnit is only compatibility Layer) # require 'test/unit' # Load Rack::Blogengine gem require 'rack/blogengine' # class Hash # method for usage with assert_boolean # -> for failing it needs nil instead of false (which #has_key? returns in failing case) # NOT Needed use assert_true instead... # def hash_key?(key) # if self.has_key?(key) # return true # else # return nil # end # end # end # # Opening Kernel for testpath method # # @author [benny] # module Kernel def testpath "#{Rack::Blogengine.root}/testfolder" end end def capture_stdout(&block) original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake = begin yield ensure $stdout = original_stdout end fake.string end