require 'date' class String def latex_escape self.gsub(/(? def <=>(other) oldres = oldcompare(other) oldres *= -1 if @sortsign==-1 and other.sortsign == -1 oldres end end require 'date' class CodeRunner class Budget < Run @code_long = "Budget Calculator" @uses_mpi = false @naming_pars = [] @run_info = [] @variables = [:data_file, :account] @excluded_sub_folders = [] @modlet_required = false @defaults_file_name = "budget_defaults.rb" @code_module_folder = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # i.e. the directory this file is in @component_results = [:date, :type, :sc, :ac, :description, :deposit, :withdrawal, :balance] @results = [:date_i, :data, :data_line, :dataset, :description2, :given_withdrawal, :given_deposit] + @component_results @signature_fields = [:date,:description,:deposit,:withdrawal,:account] def generate_input_file FileUtils.cp @data_file.sub(/~/, ENV['HOME']), @directory + '/data.cvs' end def debit case @account_type when :Asset, :Expense deposit else withdrawal end end def credit case @account_type when :Asset, :Expense withdrawal else deposit end end DOUBLE_STRING=/"(?:\\\\|\\"|[^"\\]|\\[^"\\])*"/ def process_directory_code_specific @status=:Complete data ='data.cvs') #p ['encoding', data.encoding] #data.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) tries = 1 begin data = data.split(/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r/) rescue #require 'ensure/encoding.rb' if tries > 0 if tries==1 #data.force_encoding('iso-8859-1') data ='data.cvs', encoding: "ISO-8859-1") data = data.encode('utf-8') end tries-=1 retry end end if data[0] =~ /^\d{2} \w{3} \d\d,/ # BarclayCard format data.unshift 'date,description,type,user,expensetype,withdrawal,withdrawal' end @first_line_string = data[0].dup data = do |line| matches = line.scan("((?:#{DOUBLE_STRING}|[^,])*)(?:,|$)")) pp matches matches.flatten end #pp data @data = data @first_line = @data.shift.join(',') generate_component_runs end #def reversed? #case account_type(@account) #when :Asset #@first_line =~ /Debit.*Credit/ #end #end def print_out_line if @is_component sprintf("%4d. %10s %10s %3s %-40s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s", id, account, *rcp.component_results.find_all{|r| r!=:ac and r!=:sc}.map{|res| send(res).to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}, external_account, sub_account) else #pr = component_runs.sort_by{|r|} "#{sprintf("%3d", @id)}. #{sprintf("%-20s", @account)} Start: #{start_date} End: #{end_date} Final Balance: #{final_balance} " end end def date_sorted_component @date_sorted_component ||= component_runs.sort_by{|r|} end def end_date date_sorted_component[-1].date rescue nil end def start_date date_sorted_component[0].date rescue nil end def final_balance date_sorted_component[-1].balance rescue nil end def parameter_transition(run) end def parameter_string "" end #def external_account #name = super #if ACCOUNT_INFO[name] and ACCOUNT_INFO[name][:currencies].size > 2 #end #def sub_account #end def sub_account cache[:sub_account] ||= super end def external_account cache[:external_account] ||= super end #def external_account #(budget.to_s + '_' + sub_account.to_s).to_sym #end def csv_data_fields case @first_line_string when /Date,Type,Sort Code,Account Number,Description,In,Out,Balance/ # Old Lloyds Bank Format [:date, :type, :sc, :ac, :description, :deposit, :withdrawal, :balance] when /Transaction Date,Transaction Type,Sort Code,Account Number,Transaction Description,Debit Amount,Credit Amount,Balance/ # 2013 Lloyds Bank Format, NB they are using debit and credit as if the account is an equity account (when of course a bank account is really an asset) [:date, :type, :sc, :ac, :description, :withdrawal, :deposit, :balance] when /Date,Date entered,Reference,Description,Amount/ # Lloyds Credit Card statement [:date, :dummy, :dummy, :description, :withdrawal] when /date,description,type,user,expensetype,withdrawal,withdrawal/ [:date,:description,:type,:dummy,:dummy, :withdrawal, :withdrawal] when /Datum,Transaktion,Kategori,Belopp,Saldo/ # privat, Belopp is positive when the asset increases [:date,:description,:dummy,:deposit,:balance] when /Bokföringsdatum,Transaktionsreferens,Mottagare,Belopp,Valuta/ # privat, Belopp is positive when the asset increases [:date,:description,:dummy,:deposit,:dummy] when /Datum,Text,Belopp/ #Ecster Credit Card [:date,:description,:deposit] when /Effective Date,Entered Date,Transaction Description,Amount,Balance/ #QudosBank new format the first field is blank [:dummy,:date,:description,:deposit,:balance] when /Effective Date,Entered Date,Transaction Description,Amount/ #QudosBank, the first field is blank [:dummy,:date,:description,:deposit] when /Date,Amount,Currency,Description,"Payment Reference","Running Balance","Exchange Rate","Payer Name","Payee Name","Payee Account Number",Merchant/ #TransferWise [:date,:deposit,:dummy,:description,:dummy,:balance,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy] when /"TransferWise ID",Date,Amount,Currency,Description,"Payment Reference","Running Balance","Exchange From","Exchange To","Exchange Rate","Payer Name","Payee Name","Payee Account Number",Merchant,"Total fees"/ #TransferWise New [:dummy,:date,:deposit,:dummy,:description,:description2,:balance,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy,:dummy] end end #def withdrawn #@withdrawn||0.0 #end def has_balance? @has_balance ||= csv_data_fields.include? :balance end attr_accessor :dummy def set_zeroes @withdrawal||=0.0 @deposit||=0.0 end def generate_component_runs #puts Kernel.caller #p ['generate_component_runs', @component_runs.class, (@component_runs.size rescue nil), @runner.component_run_list.size, @directory] return if @component_runs and @component_runs.size > 0 @runner.cache[:data] ||= [] #reslts = rcp.component_results #if reversed? #reslts[5] = :withdrawal #reslts[6] = :deposit #end @data.each do |dataset| #next if @runner.cache[:data].include? dataset and Date.parse(dataset[0]) > Date.parse("1/1/2013") #next if{|k,v| v.instance_variable_get(:@dataset)}.include? dataset # and Date.parse(dataset[0]) > Date.parse("1/1/2013") next if @first_line_string =~ /^Datum/ and dataset[1] =~ /Reservation/ h = {} h[:withdrawal] = 0.0 h[:deposit] = 0.0 h[:account] = @account reslts = csv_data_fields reslts.each_with_index do |res,index| value = dataset[index] #ep value value = Date.parse value if res == :date if [:deposit, :withdrawal, :balance].include? res case @first_line_string when /^Datum/i # we are dealing with European numbers value = value.gsub(/[." ]/, '') value = value.sub(/[,]/, '.') else value = value.gsub(/[",]/, '') end next unless value =~ /\d/ value = value.to_f end #component.set(res, value) h[res] = value end h[:data_line] ={|r| h[r].to_s}.join(',') if h[:description2] and h[:description] h[:description] += ":" + h[:description2] end h[:given_withdrawal] = h[:withdrawal] h[:given_deposit] = h[:deposit] if h[:deposit] < 0.0 and h[:withdrawal] == 0.0 h[:withdrawal] = -h[:deposit] h[:deposit] = 0.0 end if h[:withdrawal] < 0.0 and h[:deposit] == 0.0 h[:deposit] = -h[:withdrawal] h[:withdrawal] = 0.0 end next if @runner.component_run_list.find{|k,v| v.signature =={|res| h[res]} } # and Date.parse(dataset[0]) > Date.parse("1/1/2013") component = create_component #component.set_zeroes h.each{|k,v| component.set(k,v)} ep 'Generating Component', @component_runs.size component.set(:dataset, dataset) component.date_i = #if component.description2 and component.description #component.description += ":" + component.description2 #end #if component.deposit < 0.0 and component.withdrawal == 0.0 #component.withdrawal = -component.deposit #component.deposit = 0.0 #end #@runner.cache[:data].push dataset component.external_account; component.sub_account # Triggers interactive account choices #component.account = @account end end def days_ago(today = - ((date.to_datetime.to_time.to_i - today.to_datetime.to_time.to_i) / 24 / 3600).to_i end def idate date.to_datetime.to_time.to_i end def ds description end def signature #[date,description,deposit,withdrawal,account]{|res| send(res)} end def old_data_line # For backwards compatibility issues when csv formats change case @first_line_string when /Effective Date,Entered Date,Transaction Description,Amount,Balance/ #QudosBank new format the first field is blank data_line.sub(/,[^,]*?$/, '') else nil end end def self.predictable_component_ids(runner) end def self.kit_time_format_x(kit) = %["%s"]{|dk| = "1:2"} = "time" = %[x "%d %B %Y"] = [%[x "%b %Y"]] = "30" = "rotate by 340 offset 0,-0.5 #{24*3600*14}" = "rotate by 340 offset 0,-0.5 2629746" end require 'budgetcrmod/account_choices.rb' end # class Budget end #class CodeRunner p Dir.pwd #require Dir.pwd + '/local_customisations.rb'